Log: Victor and Nico

May 16, 2006 15:36

Summary: Takes place a couple of days before Chase and Gert's radio broadcast. Victor and Nico talk in the Hufflepuff common room and Nico slowly starts to open up but then ends up clamping up before she gets into any specifics.

Nico: Okay, so that talk with Gert? Did not go over well at all. She knew that it was going to be rough but she didn’t expect to leave nearly in tears. Gert’s words had felt like razor blades more so than actual words. They were sharp and they cut deep. Did all of her friends think she was a whore? Sure she had kissed several people but that was about it. It wasn’t like she was sleeping around or anything. Ugh, teenaged angst sucks. Some times she wished she could hit the fast forward button and be done with her teenage years but then she’d be an adult and that wouldn’t be much better. What she needed to do was find a rewind button and go back to when she was a kid, back when life was simple. A soft sigh was heard and Nico shifted around on one of the Hufflepuff Common room couches, trying to get comfortable.

Victor: Victor, for once, was actually in the Hufflepuff dorms. Which was probably a good thing, since he usually spent his time around Gert's room. He had decided to take a nap in his actual bed, where Gert couldn't stick paperclips to his face, and, having woken up, was heading into the Common Room to get some reading done. Nose stuck in a book, the boy barely registered that Nico was sitting on the couch when he sat beside her.

Nico: The position Nico had finally become comfortable in was the fetal position. Yep, she was curled up and clinging onto a pillow. Maybe she was trying to revert herself back to childhood or something. She wasn’t aware that anyone else was there until she felt the couch shift under a heavy weight. Her eyes fluttered open and she noticed Victor sitting beside her, reading a book. Oh yeah, she needed to ask him to go to the library with her some time. Slowly Nico sat up and rubbed at her eyes, trying to dry off the few tears that had formed in her eyes. “Hey Victor, what are you reading?”

Victor: "Huh?" Victor's head jerked up, and it took him a moment to focus on Nico. "Oh, hi. Uhm, I'm reading about the history of magic in the US. It's actually fascinating, and I'm surprised none of the larger Metas organizations picked up on their existance." Victor was a bit of a nerd, really.

Nico: “I need to check out the library soon and see if they have anything on the Staff of One. If any place is going to have information on it, it’s this place. I want to be able to repeat spells” Being able to teleport multiple times would be very useful. Or you know, not have it misfire when she accidentally repeated a spell and summon a flock of seagulls. “And I want to try and find out more about Karolina’s home world. Xavin never let her visit it, can you believe that?”

Victor: "Well, I don't know if they'd have anything on extra-terrestrials, but it couldn't hurt to check," Victor shrugged, shutting his book and setting it aside. "I'm sorry I've been a little flakey lately," he apologized, a bit of a wry smile curling at the edge of his lips. This place was more concentrated weird than he had ever thought possible, really.

The smiles faded, though, and Victor leaned in. "Are you okay? You look upset about something."

Nico: “It’s okay, you’re not the only one who has been a little flakey” Nico had been a whole lot of flakey lately for not telling Gert what happened. When Victor asked her how she was doing she shook her head and found herself sighing again. “Not really, I did something stupid back in New York. I should have come clean earlier but I was afraid of what would happen when I did. Whoever said the truth sets you free clearly forgot what it’s like to be a teenager” Grumble,grumble. In a couple of days she’d feel better for telling the truth but right now she was feeling miserable.

Victor: "Something stupid?" Victor prompted, mulling it over. If Nico wanted to tell him, that was fine-- it was obviously, well, probably something between her and Chase, considering the way they split up. But he knew it was probably none of his business. "Do you want to talk about it?" Just call Vic the 'sensetive New Age guy.'

Nico: “Not really but you’re going to find out about it one way or another” And better that she tell her side of the story before Gert does. Other wise she’ll end up sounding like the Wicked Bitch Witch who steals her friends’ boyfriends and lies all the time. “Back in New York, Chase and I went through an intense situation and he pretty much saved our lives. I was so relieved that we escaped and grateful that I ended up kissing Chase” Saying that caused her to cringe and raise a hand to her face. “Doing that was a whole new level of stupid and Chase and I just told Gert.”

Victor: Vic winced at the confession. Gert was not the sort of person who took lightly to anyone moving in on her boyfriend. And there already had seemed to be some vague sort of animosity on Gert's part even before New York. "Great. How did she take it?" Not well, he was assuming, and felt a sudden, uncomfortable swell of giddiness, which he ruthlessly supressed, not even bothering to analyze where it had come from.

Nico: “If I had stuck around for any longer, I probably could have sold the copyrights to the OC.” Nico was quiet for a long time, obviously mulling over all of the thoughts that were in her head. “I have a question for you Victor. Does kissing three guys make me a whore? I mean yeah, all three of them turned out to not be a good guy, but I only kissed them” It wasn’t like she was all ‘love you long time’ or anything. But the girl’s self confidence was still feeling shaken.

Victor: "A... what?" Victor was confused and a little flustered by the question. Despite the cool exterior, the boy was a true geek at heart, and thoughts of girls and sex made him go pink around the edges. "Of course not. I mean, you only kissed them and--" It dawned on him why she was asking.

"Gert called you a whore, huh?" That shouldn't have been much of a surprise. Gert had the capacity to say a lot of hurtful things when she was upset. And had a lot of pent-up vitriol that needed a target.

Nico: “An Emo whore among other things.” Poor Victor, she felt bad making him get all flustered but she did feel better knowing that he didn’t think that she was a whore. “I can’t say I didn’t deserve some of the things she said to me. Ugh, I really need to learn how to keep my emotions in check” Whenever she had a huge emotional outburst she either blasted them with the Staff of One or she ended up kissing someone. Not a good habit to get into. Neither was cutting herself to summon the Staff of One.

Victor: "Maybe it's a reaction to the magic you don't know how to control," Victor offered, tilting his head back in thought. "Did you react this way to strong emotion before you were exposed to the Staff of One?" It was just an alternate theory, never mind that it exculpated Nico from much of her personal responsibility. Victor hadn't thought through that part of the ramifications.

Nico: “Yeah, maybe” When she first kissed Alex, she didn’t even know why she kissed him. She even told him as much. When Topher kissed her she resisted him at first and even when she kissed him back, she quickly broke the kiss. Even to her blaming the staff felt like a cop out but there was a chance that it was at least influencing her emotions. “I think I know what partially influenced a couple of my kisses..or at least I think I do. But it doesn’t make any sense..” Curse being a teenager and having all of these confusing and conflicting emotions.

Victor: "What doesn't make sense?" Vic leaned in a bit, lips pursed. He might have been the new guy on the team, but he worried about the mental health of the other Runaways more than anyone might have expected. More than Vic himself expected, honestly. "Nico, you're not a whore. Gert has a right to be upset, but that doesn't mean you're a horrible person."

Nico: “Thanks Vic” She meant it. Vic was such a nice guy, it was hard to believe that he could turn into the ultimate being of evil he was older. And yet a small part of her still believed that it was a possibility. “Have you ever..have you felt or believed in something that goes against everything you’ve been told and believed all your life? Like you shouldn’t even give it a second thought and yet it’s the only thing that you can think of at times” Because it sure didn’t make any sense to her but her feelings decided to defy logic and pull a mutiny.

Victor: "Maybe." Well, there was one thing, but Victor shrugged away his own angst and watched Nico. "What do you mean?" Nico worried him more than everyone else, sometimes. She tried to take on the role of leader, and sometimes acted like she was tearing herself apart. Even when she pulled stupid stunts like kissing Chase.

Nico: “It doesn’t matter. Even if these feelings are real, there’s not much I can do about it” Unless she wanted to cause an intergalactic war. Nico was trying her best to hide her feelings but it was obvious that she was conflicted. She’d find a way to deal with them. If she could survive her boyfriend and her parents trying to kill her, take out some B grade baddies, and survive a trip to New York, then she could survive this. “I’ll find a way to deal with it, I always do”

Victor: "Yeah," Victor acknowledged, "but it would be pretty bad if you didn't manage to figure it out until you'd alienated some of your good friends." Well, the Runaways couldn't really always be considered friends. Family, maybe. But his point stood.

Nico: “If I get to the point where I feel like I’m never going to figure it out, I’ll be sure to talk to my friends about it” This was said with a reassuring smile and she meant it. They might fight and not always agree with one and other, but they were family and they were always there for each other. Which was probably the big reason Gert was so upset. They were suppose to be able to trust each other with everything because they were so close and Chase and her waited so long to say anything. “I think I’m going to turn in for the evening, thanks for listening Vic”

Victor: "I... uhm. Sure." Victor, well, maybe wasn't sure that she was including him under that 'friends' banner. He'd thought so, because she'd started opening up, but Nico had clamped right back down, and confused the hell out of him. He hid the befuddlement, and nodded seriously. "If you need to talk, you know where I sleep."

victor mancha, rp, nico minoru

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