moonlight on Hogwarts (Remus and Sirius - closed RP)

May 13, 2006 22:38

There was about an hour left till moonrise. Finally arriving back at his office, Remus walked through it and into his private quarters, which were accessible by an unobtrusive doorway in the back corner of the room. Looking over his shoulder at Sirius, he said, "As you see, being an authority figure, I have my own quarters and don't have to room with you plebian students."

He locked the door behind them, sat down on the bed and sighed. The pains in his joints had gotten worse, and there was hair sprouting on the backs of his arms, presaging the coming transformation. He didn't need to look in the mirror to see that his ears had taken on a distinctly pointy quality and that his eyes had a yellowish tinge to them. His sunburn still hurt too, but he hardly noticed that now. "Well, here we are again," he said. "I'm about to turn into a wolf and you're drunk - just like old times."

remus lupin, sirius black, rp

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