a flurry of owls

May 07, 2006 23:52

Crowley -

My mate Sirius recently has been making some rather pointed remarks about my fashion sense, or lack thereof. He suggested we go into Hogsmeade and pick up some new threads. Since he feels that I ought to show off my "shapely arse" (which hasn't been shapely since about 1983), I thought I might want to take along a more reliable advisor, and who more reliable than your own dapper self? (I thought about asking Mr. Colbert, but I don't think he's much of a conversationalist.) Let me know when you might be available to help free me from the prison of cardigans and baggy trousers.

Unfashionably yours,


P.S. I did shave my mustache, so that's a start, eh?

P.P.S. Sorry for exposing your secret identity at the fancy dress ball - I couldn't resist.

Tonks -

I was wondering if you might drop by my office some time today. I have a few things I need to talk about with you. (Nothing too horrible, I promise!)



Dear Stephen

Dear Professor Maturin

To Stephen Maturin:

I hope you've been finding The Origin of Species to be enlightening. I was recently browsing in the library's (woefully lacking) Muggle Studies section and discovered another book which you might find to be a useful adjunct to your studies, which I have enclosed. It describes the precise mechanism by which traits are passed on from one generation to the next. I'm a bit hazy on the whole subject myself, but the book explains it more than adequately.

Also, I was wondering whether you might be interested in another expedition to Hogwarts Lake. I suspect the grindylow we observed earlier will no longer be distinguishable from their fellows, but I would nevertheless would like to learn more about the local Muggle aquatic flora and fauna, another subject with which I am unacquainted. (I can, with difficulty, distinguish between a trout and a shark.) Now that the sun has been coming out on a regular basis, I may be able to take some better photographs - the last lot was a total loss. (Photographs are the images recorded by the camera. As the name would indicate, they need sufficient light in order to turn out well.) At any rate, let me know if this sounds like a good idea to you.

Finally, I should inform you that, walking into my office the other day, I noticed a strange extrusion on the wall. I thought perhaps the wallpaper had budded in some bizarre interior decorating version of parthenogenesis; then I realized it was your coat, which I hung up after our last expedition. It's too large for the owl to carry, and I wouldn't want to embarrass the owl at any rate, so I can bring the coat to our next expedition, or you can come pick it up any time.


Remus Lupin


(Enclosed is an introductory university textbook on genetics)

anthony crowley, owl, remus lupin, rp, stephen maturin, nymphadora tonks

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