(no subject)

Apr 25, 2006 22:08

Methos. Kira.

They drink, and then they smex.

This is rated NC-17. Don't say you weren't warned :D

Methos sat at the bar in Ravenclaw, nursing a pint. He'd done the little homework he'd decided it was necessary to do, and was now people watching. Since Ravenclaws on the whole did tend to do their homework, it was rather a dull sport and Methos quickly grew bored of it.

Kira was watching Methos watch over people while putting away a good deal of liquor. He was in the mood to get good and drunk. Not out of depression or even boredom; he just felt like being drunk. Of course, it sucked not having anyone to get drunk with. Maybe he should motion Methos over for a shot or two? "Yo," Kira said, with a slight nod of his head, beckoning with one hand to see if Methos -- or anyone else, for that matter -- would respond.

Methos saw Kira wave at him and got up, grabbed his drink and went to join Kira. It wasn't as if he had anything better to do, and besides, Kira intrigued him.

Kira grinned when Methos came over. "So. What's a nice kid like you doin' in a place like this?

Methos grinned back. "Same thing you are. Pretending to give a damn about schoolwork, but really just mooching the free alcohol."

"You pretend to give a damn about schoolwork?" Kira joked in response, taking a shot of whiskey. He reached into his pocket to pull out a package of cigarettes. "Care for a smoke?"

Methos smirked. "Well, of course I do! If I flunk out, then I can't harass the professors, now can I?" Methos shook his head. "No thanks. One vice I never got addicted to at some point or another."

"Point," Kira said, with a smirk. He shrugged as if it to say, 'Suit yourself.' as he lit up his own cigarette and took a long drag. "What vices are you addicted, too, then?" That was always a good topic of conversation.

Methos shrugs. "Always been a fan of alcohol, although I suppose that's a necessity when the local drinking water is hazardous to your health. I did opium for a couple of centuries, but only Holy Ground. I've experimented with most drugs out there, aside from today's modern ones. I'm not that crazy. And sex is always a good thing. What about you?" Methos gets up and jumps over the bar, rummaging around for something harder, but he's not sure what yet.

"Alcohol, opium, modern drugs, you name it," Kira says. He takes another drag of the cigarette. "And nicotine, of course. Let me tell you, I think LSD is the only thing that could really prepare a person for this place. Or at least, the only thing that could properly prepare me, anyway." He laughs and runs the hand that isn't currently holding a cigarette through his long brown hair. "And there's the more venial vices... I'm not a nail-biter, nor am I lazy, but I am a sweet tooth of the highest order." In an intentionally offhanded manner, Kira adds, "Oh, and a sex fiend, of course."

Methos laughs. "I've seen a few things crazier than this place. It's been a few hundred years, but still. And I will agree with you on sweets. Kids today have no idea how much of an impact the discovery of processed chocolate had on the western world. I remember the first time I got to try it. It was heaven. Almost as good as sex." Methos grabs some vodka and a shot glass. "Care for some? Great perk of Immortality. No diseases, and you can try any kink you like and not suffer for it."

"Chocolate or sex?" Kira asks. He's had several shots by now.

Methos laughs. "Sex. Although there is always chocolate *during* sex."

"Chocolate during sex..." Kira purrs. "Sounds good so far." He leaned over, continuing to make soft purring noises in Methos' ear. He hasn't been offered sex in such a straightforward manner in a while, and he isn't about to let the opportunity pass him by.

Methos whimpered. Those noises Kira was making were going to drive him insane. "The House elves have this wicked dark chocolate sauce...not good for lube, but just the right consistency to paint with..."

Kira grinned as Methos' whimpering and offered a few gentle nips to the other man's ear. "Painting, huh? And you could lick it off after you paint it on.... mmm...." Nip, purrrr, nudge.

Methos' eyes narrowed, focused solely on Kira "Only if you promise to return the favor. What you did to that ice mice that day in class...I've got to know if you are that talented."

Kira pulled back, putting the cigarette to his lips and practically sucking on it for a long time before putting it out in a nearby ashtray. He looked away and released the smoke before he turned back to Methos, offering only one word: "Yes."

Methos threw back his last shot and set the glass down. "Where? The dorm is hardly ideal."

Kira looked thoughtful. "Mmmmm," he said again. "I don't suppose public sex is your kink..."

Methos considered. "If we're going to play with chocolate, we might want something to lie on..."

"Something like a bed? Are you sure the dorms aren't ideal? I haven't got a roommate, you know..." Kira had taken, now, to gently fooling with Methos' clothing.

"No roommate? Perfect. I'm not nearly so lucky. That'll do fine. Let's get us some chocolate and get up there post haste. As much as I'd love to strip you here and there, I don't want to get in trouble giving the younglings a heart attack."

Kira grinned and shrugged his shoulders. 'Younglings' wasn't a funny word, but he shrugged it off and didn't ask questions for the time being. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt and said, "Were you serious about the chocolate or should we just go straight to my room?"

It'd been a while since he'd seriously drank that much hard liquor in such a short time and was feeling a pleasant buzz. "Your choice," Methos replied as he slid a hand up Kira's chest.

Kira closed his eyes. The sensation was pleasurable. "Lube," he mumbled. It hadn't occurred to him at first with the alcohol going to his head, but they couldn't exactly make due without it.

Methos gently pinched one of Kira's nipples. "You don't have any in your room? I think I've got some inert oils in my potions kit..."

Kira started, almost with a kind of jolt, brown eyes opening again. "That's good..." he said, nodding. He glanced around the room, compulsively, trying to figure out if they were being watched before deciding he didn't care.

"Then let's head up stairs, shall we? My kit is out on my desk, I'll just pop into my room and grab it and then meet you in yours?"

A half-smile. "Sounds good."

Methos leans forward and nips on Kira's ear. "Excellent. Meet you up there."

Kira undressed as he waited. He figured that, since Methos had made his intentions clear, there was no point in being shy about all this. In his tipsy state, he'd had some difficult with the buttons, but he had it figured out now.

Methos quickly made his way to Kira's room. Not only had he picked up the oil, but he'd ditched his bulky sweater as well as his shoes--hey, it was the dorms and it was less clothing to worry about. He went to knock on the door, but as it was still partly open he let himself in instead.

Kira was standing there half-dressed. His shirt, socks and shoes were scattered on the floor, and he was currently working on wriggling out of his unzipped jeans. "Hullo," he said cheerfully. "Make yourself comfy."

Methos locked the door, and then stood there for a moment taking in the rather pleasant sight of watching Kira strip, before starting to shed his clothes as well. "Don't mind if I do."

Kira grinned, falling back on the bed as he finally managed to kick his pants off. His left his boxer shorts (blue and black plaid) on, however, at least for the time being. "Good. You shouldn't." It took Kira's slightly inebriated mind about a minute to realize that didn't necessarily make sense.

Methos stripped down to his blue boxer-briefs and blinked as he tried to make sense of Kira's statement. He tilted his head. "I think I'll just take your word for that," he replied as he climbed onto the bed.

Kira pounced almost immediately, kissing and nibbling Methos' neck while his hands found their place on the other's chest. He'd work his way down, from the top to the bottom... Kira grinned.

Methos moaned softly and reached up to wrap his hands in Kira's hair, yet didn't otherwise move. If Kira wanted to play, he was not going to do anything to stop him.

Kira's kisses went lower and lower; he was working on Methos' stomach now as his hands, too, went lower and started to tug at the edges of the other man's underthings.

Methos purred deeply in his throat, his hands dropping from Kira's head to first shed himself of his own underwear, before trying to divest Kira of his.

Kira grinned and held Methos get his underwear off, before gently taking hold of Methos' cock with a hand, looking at the other's face for a response.

Methos bucked up against Kira's hand. "Don't just sit there, do something!"

Kira grinned. He was tempted to continue to tormenting Methos like this... but that was too cruel. "As you wish."

The tip of Methos' penis was inserted with agonizing slowness into Kira's mouth... and then steadily more of the other's member disappeared behind Kira's lips. His tongue, meanwhile, was doing a dandy impression of its performance on the treat.

Methos made incoherent whimpers and fisted the sheets. He was babbling something to Kira but he'd no idea what. He just didn't want any of this to stop.

Kira would have smirked if his mouth hadn't been otherwise occupied. As it was, he on one of the two things he did best: ignoring his gag reflex. (The other, incidentally, was swordplay. Nothing Freudian there.)

"Gods, *yes*" Methos had to stop himself from completely choking Kira. He was rather torn between coming right now and holding off as long as he could, because who knows the next time he'd be get so lucky to be in this position

Kira closed his eyes, letting his tongue swirl around the base of the other man's penis... bringing it a little further down, and then up, all the while trying to apply just the right degree of suction. He pulled back, just slightly...

Methos whimpered. "Damn it, Kira, you're teasing me, aren't you?" Methos was so close that it hurt and then Kira had to slow down! Life was truly unfair sometimes.

Kira said nothing, but opened his eyes long enough to look at Methos with a suggestive glint that conveyed 'yes' well enough. And then he closed them again as he redoubled his efforts.

Teasing him or not, Methos' couldn't take it anymore and suddenly came hard, crying out Kira's name.

Kira swallowed a sizable amount of cum; what he couldn't swallow dribbled down his chin as he coughed slightly, pulling away and wiping his face as he looked at Methos with a cocky smirk.

Methos looks up at Kira and smiles lazily back. "Normally, I'd try and wipe that smirk off your face, but I think you've earned that."

"Damn right I've earned it," Kira responded, still smirking. "But you haven't seen anything yet."

"Is that so?" Methos said challengingly as he stretched out, putting his hands under his head. "I'm here, your captive audience. Dazzle me."

Kira liked the idea of having a captive audience. He looked over his shoulder. "Where'd you put the stuff?"

Methos turned his head and nodded at the night-table. "Right there. Where else would I put it?"

"You'd be surprised," Kira said with a shrug as he reached for it. "People do weird things during sex. ...Spread your legs."

Methos laughs as he does what he's told. "You mean stupid things. One person's weird is another's kink."

"Touche," says Kira, looking mildly impressed by Methos' obedience. He applies lube with a surprisingly focused carefulness before inserting one finger into the other man's anus.

Methos hissed as the finger was inserted. It'd been a decade since he'd been the one on the bottom--when he and Kronos were on their voyage to pick up Caspian, he thinks, and it felt like it. He tried to think of why he didn't put up a fight, and then decided that the blow job had just made him amazingly compliant. That, or he was lazy. One of the two.

Kira, for his part, wasn't used to bottoming either, and he wasn't feeling particularly lazy today. He was erect by now, and he grinned as he watched Methos' reaction. He removed his finger, slowly, and took a deep breath, the demon straddling the other male before he -- somewhat slowly, intending to start gently to avoiding hurting either of them -- inserted his cock into Methos' asshole.

Methos moaned lowly "Kira." Methos hissed again and slowly let his breath out, willing himself to relax, to make his body accept Kira's cock. He felt it as each centimeter of Kira's cock claimed him, stretched him, filled him as much as he could take it.

Kira, too, suck in a deep breath, face flushing, as he started to rock back and forth and thrust. In... out... in... out... steadily, gently but not too gentle, now, whimpering slightly...

Methos' body grew to enjoy the sensations and was soon purring, turning into a full-fledged howl when Kira found that spot inside him. He growled, "Do that again."

Kira raised an eyebrow, obediently pushing in slightly but avoiding going as far as he imagined Methos would've liked. Smirking, he whispered, "Is that what does it for you?"

Methos groaned. "You know it's not far enough, you tease."

Kira thrust hard, deep, with a slight noise that was somewhere between a grunt and a moan. His face was glistening scarlet and beads of sweat trickled down his forehead.

Methos hissed in return, his neatly trimmed nails digging into Kira. "Gods that's good."

Kira yelped slightly and nodded his agreement, before giving another thrust.

Methos liked that yelp and dug his nails in harder as he purred in pleasure.

Kira wriggled slightly against the pain, taking sharp breaths. He enjoyed the sensation, enjoyed the digging, and he kept thrusting. He could feel himself starting to twitch and throb.

Methos bucked up against Kira, he looked even hotter all mussed up and waiting. "You know you want to come.."

Kira was determined to hold out just a little longer. "Don't you wanna to see how long I can go?"

Methos shook his head, "I want to see you lose control. I can't wait to see the look on your face as you come deep inside me, my body milking you for all its worth."

"I wanna show you how long I can go," Kira said, tired but defiantly, rocking for everything he was worth. He was eighteen in body, thousands in spirit... and three in mind.

Well, if Kira was determined to last, then he was determined to make Kira come. His hands came down off of Kira's back, and brought them down to play with Kira's nipples, alternately rubbing them softly and digging his nails into him. "Brat," Methos said almsot affectionately

Kira made a high-pitched noise and tossed his head back, groaning and thrusting for everything he was worth. He wasn't sure who'd come first, but he was intending to hold out as well as he could. Tingles ran up his spine.

Methos was determined that Kira would come first--thanks to his quick healing, he'd be able to walk in the morning so that wasn't an issue-- He pulled Kira closer to him and bit down on his shoulder, marking Kira as his own.

Kira whimpered, trying to pull away, before telling himself firmly that it didn't mean anything, that the mark would heal, that he was already someone else's anyway, and simply letting himself enjoy the sensation. He let his hands grip Methos' sides.

Methos had no illusions that this was anything but a one night stand, but it was still fun while it lasted, and it was his little way of doing his part to top from the bottom.

Kira made more yipping noises digging his nails deeper into Methos as he concentrated on not coming, not yet.

Methos groaned. He didn't want to give in, and didn't have enough stimulation to come on his own. They were going to be here all night at this rate.

Kira was taking in sharp, little breaths, nearly panting outright, trying to focus his hands, but too aroused to really concentrate on much but trusting and holding it in... He started to nip gently at Methos' stomach...

"Kira" Damn it. He wasn't going to let Kira win! He felt like his cock might break off soon if he didn't do something, but damn it, he was stronger!

Kira came, then, with a slight moan. It was the sound of Methos' voice that broke him, that pushed him over the edge... He orgasmed, squirting a white, sticky stream as he withdraw, taking a shuddery little breath, and grabbing Methos' cock with a hand without missing a beat.

That slightest touch was enough, and soon Methos had his second strong orgasm for the night. Utterly exhausted, he falls back onto the bed, pulling Kira down with him.

"I came first," are the first words out of Kira's mouth, and he sounds a mixture of tired, pleased and disappointed.

"You did come first," Methos says with a light laugh. "But you definitely get an A for stamina." He grins wryly. "We ought to win some kind of medal."

Kira nodded, grin and closed his eyes for a second, muttering something that was barely audible.

Methos couldn't understand what Kira had said. Drink and sexual satiety compelled him to close his eyes too...

kira, rp, methos

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