Sora and Riku Hogsmeade visit/Open RP with Gryffs

Apr 22, 2006 18:48

Slash and lime warning!

Sora shifted as he waited near the door to the Great Hall. Riku said he'd meet him there at 1:00; actually he really didn't have a watch so he was just pretty sure he had the right time. He shifted his clothing a bit and grimaced. The weather here was a lot colder than in most places, and the clothes the Fairies had given him wasn't really any better than his last. He shivered a bit, looking around for his friend.

Riku arrived a few minutes after Sora. Hogwarts was a big castle, and inevitably, the clocks all kept different time. Hence why Riku was so late. The weather was definitely colder than what he was used to in the Destiny Islands.

Sora turned, looking at Riku appreciatively as his friend ran up. He still wasn't used to the new outfit that Riku was wearing, but he could admit it suited the other boy. He punched Riku's arm. "You're late."

Riku reached over to ruffle Sora's hair affectionately. "I can't help it; all the clocks here are different, you know." After looking him over for a moment, Riku noticed that Sora was shivering. He said in a concerned tone, "You really should be wearing something warmer. You're shivering."

Sora grinned a bit. "The clothes are supposed to "grow" with me, usually I don't notice the temperature but it's been different here." Sora shook his head. "I don't know why. I don't have anything else here, really. Do you think they'll take munny here?"

Riku shook his head. "No, they don't... But I exchanged some munny at Gringotts when I was in London. We'll have plenty." Riku paused, then continued. "And I bet the reason you're cold is that the magic here is interfering with the magic in your clothes."

Sora grinned up at the other boy. "I'm glad you thought to do that. I didn't even go yet, so maybe we can go sometime?" He looked hopeful. He started to pick at his clothes. "Yeah, it probably does, the magic here is pretty strange. Have you been to...uh Hogsmeade? Do they have a place I can get clothes, do you think?"

"Clothes? Probably, but they might only have wizarding robes..." Riku pulled a face at that. He then remembered something he'd heard earlier. "Hey, I heard they have an awesome sweet shop in Hogsmeade. We have to go there," he said with a conspiratorial nudge.

Sora nodded vigorously. "Really? That'd be fun, let' s go Riku!" Sora grabbed his friends hand and started to pull him towards the exit. Then he realized he had no idea how they were actually getting to Hogsmeade. " are we going there again?"

"Here, there's actually a secret passage behind where you were standing," Riku said as he reached behind Sora to tap one of the bricks. "See? Come on, let's go this way, it'll be warmer."

Sora looked at Riku, a bit awed. "How'd you learn all this already?" He looked down the dark passageway... it did seem a bit warmer so he entered the doorway. "Wooooww. How many of these do you think are around here Riku?"

"I made sure to ask how to get to Hogsmeade before we left," he replied sheepishly. "I really don't know how many, I was just told about this one..."

"That's cool. We could spend so much time just exploring for these passages... it'd be just like when we were kids."

Riku smiled broadly at this. "Yeah, we should!" Though, in the back of his mind, he was thinking more about the possibilities of secluded tunnels and hiding places.

Sora grinned back at his friend. "So... let's go?"

"Yeah, come on," he said as he took the other boy by the hand and began to pull him into the passageway.

Sora tightened his grip, and followed him down the passageway. "How far is it?" He asked, his voice hushed.

Looking around warily, Riku whispered, "I'm not sure, can't be too far... I think I see a light, do you?"

Sora looked up, squinting a bit. "I think...maybe." He shivered a bit, leaning into Riku. "It's getting maybe that says we're getting closer."

"Yeah, I feel a draft..." Feeling particularly bold, he draped his arm across Sora's shoulders. "Stay close, it'll only get chillier."

Sora leaned into Riku and sighed with the increased warmth.

Riku pointed forward. "Hey, I think we're almost there. Where do you wanna go first?"

Sora buzzed a little bit with excitement. "You said there was a sweet shop here?" He looked at Riku hopefully.

Riku grinned down at him. "Yeah, I think so. Wanna look for it?"

Sora jumped a bit. "Really? Let's go!"

When they finally reached the exit, Riku pointed out a building in the distance. "Look, that one sign says Honeydukes, d'you think that's it?"

Sora jumped up and down. "C'mon let's go." He started running, expecting Riku to catch up with him. He probably shouldn't be this excited, but he was just so happy to be doing something so...normal with Riku that he couldn't help it. Plus, he was cold and running kept him warm at least.

"Hey, wait up!" Riku shook his head and grinned before running to catch up with Sora.

Sora grinned back at his friend. "Think you can catch up?" He put on a burst of speed, heading towards the candy store off in the distance.

A race was it? Riku smiled and sped up, drawing even with Sora. "I think I just did!"

Sora smirked a bit, the competitive part of his personality, something he had thought to have been long dead, coming out. He sprinted forward a bit more, breath catching as his feet pounded against the ground. "Yeah, well... I'm going to beat you this time."

"Oh yeah?" Riku shot ahead of the other boy at the last minute and touched the side of Honeydukes first. "Heh, didn't beat me that time!"

Sora deflated a bit. "So what's the score now? 126 to 5?"

Riku grimaced slightly. As much as he enjoyed being competitive, he didn't like upsetting Sora either. "I'm sure it's not that high..."

Sora grinned a little, to himself making sure Riku didn't see the look. It wasn't quite that high, no, but then Riku didn't count all of those old practice games they used to have when they were really
little like he did. Riku probably also didn't know he got upset because he always wanted to make sure Riku knew why he was training - to be as good as Riku was someday. He looked at the snow piled up around the building mischievously. He pretended to be a bit more out of breath than he was, leaning against the building then jumped over at Riku, pinning him in the snow. "Gotcha"

Riku looked up at Sora with wide eyes. He was going to say something like, "I guess it's one hundred and twenty-six to six now," but his breath caught in his throat and he was unable to say anything coherent.

Sora looked down at his friend, mischievous grin in place. He smiled a bit more normally after a moment. "I win." He whispered, leaning closer to Riku's face.

Finding himself unable to breathe, Riku just stared up at Sora in wonder.

Sora grabbed the snowball that was in his hand and shoved it down Riku's shirt, giggling maniacally as he pushed himself away.

Completely surprised, Riku shot up from the snow pile and lunged for Sora. "I'll get you for that!" Riku jumped onto the other boy and attempted to wrestle him into the snow pile in return for the snowball down his shirt.

Sora wriggled around, throwing snow unilaterally at his friend and hoping he didn't hit the random people passing by. He giggled again, dodging a snowball as he went. "You'll never catch me!" He declared, ignoring the urge to finish with "I'm the muffin man!"

Riku gave chase and tossed a few more hastily made snowballs at Sora. "Hey, don't go too far, we've got to buy candy, right?"

Sora suddenly stopped, about faced and ran full tilt back to Honeydukes, tagging the door before Riku could catch up. "Hah. This means you have to buy me candy now."

Of course, once Riku caught up to Sora, he took advantage of his distraction and tackled him into a pile of snow. "I win this time... but I'll still buy you candy," Riku said with a grin.

Sora grabbed one more handful of snow, jumping up to throw one last bit of snow on the other boy's head. He opened the store, darting inside. "Ok!" He called back to Riku as he ran in, excited.

Riku shook the snow out of his hair and chuckled lightly before heading into the store.

Sora's eyes were huge as he looked around the brightly lit store. "Wooowwww." He whispered, hardly noticing as Riku followed him into the store. There were so many different things, candy, chocolate and everything just sitting on the shelves around them. Surprisingly, there wasn't many people in the store, so Sora just continued to look around unabashedly.

Riku sneaked up behind Sora quietly and then asked, "See anything you like?"

Sora jumped a bit, not realizing who was behind him for a second, then grinned. "This place is great. They have everything. I haven't ever seen this stuff before."

He paused, again admiring the surroundings. "Do you know what's good?"

"Well, uh, I've never seen the kind of candy they have here..." Riku pointed toward a box of chocolate frogs. "Those look... interesting, though."

Sora almost bounced over the shelves Riku pointed out. The packages seemed to be really realistic, and when Sora touched one of the foil covered 'frogs' he would have sworn that the package moved. His mouth made an "o" of surprised, and he grinned. "It's moving candy. And chocolate." He swung his arms around a bit. "Riku this place is great. I'm glad we
found each other here."

Riku smiled warmly at Sora. "I'm glad we found each other too." He grabbed a shopping bag from nearby and started tossing random boxes of candy in. "Come on, let's go nuts! We've never tried any of this stuff, so we might as well experiment, huh?"

Sora nodded. "Un." He responded, and threw a few things that looked interesting into the bag Riku held. The Chocolate Frogs were thrown in, with some of the Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. He wasn't sure if these would be safe, but they seemed to be the most of them there. He also grabbed some weirder stuff too.

Riku looked around again and asked, "See anything else that looks-," he paused momentarily when his eyes fell upon a mysterious shelf in the back, "...interesting." The shelf was marked "17+," which, of course, sparked Riku's interest.

The falter in the sentence brought his attention over to the other boy and Sora wandered towards Riku. "What're you..." Then he caught what he was looking at. "Riku...we can't -"

Riku covered Sora's mouth with hand and quickly hushed him. "I'm seventeen, I can too. Don't you at least wanna see what's back there?," he said with a smirk.

Sora's eyes went a bit big, but he nodded. He was curious, he just didn't want them to get into trouble.

"Er, well, you had better stay here. Since you aren't seventeen yet, eheh, you might get in trouble." Riku nodded reassuringly to Sora and slunk off towards the mysterious shelf.

Sora pouted a bit, but his attention was soon captured by something near the front till of the store. There were chocolate couples dancing around the till, some doing the waltz, some others doing what looked like a tango. The woman at the register looked at him, smiled, and continued to read "The Daily Prophet".

While Sora stared at the dancing chocolates, Riku investigated the shelves in the back. He looked up at the items in awe; quite a few made absolutely no sense to him. What would you ever need a pair of lips made of sugar that moved, of all things? And what in the world was in those little wax bottles labeled only "Potion #9"? ...Though, that bottle of Perfect-Melt chocolate looked interesting.

Sora made a motion to touch one of the dancing couples only to have the woman slam his hand down on the counter. He jumped back, startled, and she smiled at him again. "Just don't touch them, dearie."

Riku turned to look and make sure Sora was occupied before grabbing a box of the tiny wax bottles and the bottle of chocolate. He made his way back to the counter and discreetly placed the extra items in a separate bag before Sora could notice. "So, are you ready to go somewhere else now?"

Sora nodded. "Sure, where else is good here?"

He thought for a moment then replied, "I hear there's someplace around here that serves 'butterbeer'. I bet it's a lot like root beer. Wanna try it?" Riku tossed a few galleons onto the counter to pay for the candy and then motioned to the door.

Sora's eyes widened again. This place was great, not that Hogwarts wasn't really, but there were so many neat things here. "Yeah! Let's go!" He turned to race out the door again, but then realized he had no idea where the place they were going was. He sheepishly turned back to Riku, waiting for the other boy.

Riku followed right behind him and then out the door. "I think... its name has something to do with brooms..." His eyes lit upon the Three Broomsticks and he quickly pointed it out to Sora. "See it? Let's go there!"

Sora nodded, and headed towards the other building, again half dragging Riku behind him. Half way there he stopped abruptly, and impulsively hugged the other boy. "Thank you." He whispered. He smiled a bit wistfully then ran off towards the new building.

Riku stopped in the middle of the street for a moment and smiled softly at Sora before he ran after him. "Hey, wait up! I have all the money, remember?"

"Then hurry up! It's not that far!" Sora called back.

He quickly caught up with Sora at the door of the Three Broomsticks. Taking Sora's hand in his, he said with a smirk, "I'm not letting you run off again, okay?"

Sora blushed a bit, and nodded. "Un... Ok." He opened the door and looked into the slightly dimly lit interior of The Three Broomsticks. Here, there were some people, and Sora blushed a bit more when they all looked up at them.

Nose in the air, Riku pulled Sora into the pub, ignoring the stares of the other patrons. "Let's try some of that butterbeer, what do you say?"

"Uh...sure. It's like root beer?"

“I think so, otherwise they wouldn't let the kids drink it, right?" He motioned toward a table nearby and sat down at it.

Sora took a seat, and looked around curiously. It seemed like any old tavern, and he shook his head, trying to get rid of memories.

Riku called one of the waitresses over and ordered a pint for each of them. "Interesting place, huh?"

Sora snapped out of his reverie. "Yup. I like it though. Hogwarts too. It's been really nice to relax a bit."

"Yeah, we just have to find ways to spend out time. Kinda weird having nothing to do after being so busy for so long..."

"There's lots of classes here though. I haven't been in a school since we left the island..."

"Yeah, we should sign up for classes soon..." Riku trailed off when the waitress brought the pints to their table. He took a cautious sip and then nodded to Sora. "It's good, try it!"

Sora nodded, his agreement and grabbed the drink. It was warm, which was nice for his hands. He sipped it tentatively and grinned. "You're right. This is really good."

Before long, they had drunk both pints of Butterbeer. Riku was watching Sora intently the whole time and began to notice a few things that were off.

Sora, very carefully placed the glass he was holding down onto the air beside the table. He blinked when it shattered, and looked at Riku owlishly. He was now, thanks to only two glasses of whatever concoction they made here, deliciously warm. "Um...whoops..."

Riku nearly jumped out of his skin when the glass broke. He looked over Sora carefully, trying to figure out what had happened. "Why in the world did you just drop that glass onto thin air?"

Sora hiccupped a bit. "I cou..could've swore it was on th'table.."

Canting his head slightly to the left, Riku asked, "Sora... are you drunk?"

Sora blinked. He'd never been drunk, how was he supposed to compare? "No...I dun...think so. Neve' been drun'. Can' get drunk on this stuff?"

Riku had never really seen anyone drunk before... but this certainly seemed to fit the bill. "Yeah, well... Let's just get you back to the castle, ok?" He threw a few sickles on the table and walked over to help Sora out of his chair.

Sora blinked again, things seemed to be moving a little sluggishly around him, and he stood up grudgingly. He had been comfortable there, but Riku wanted to go for some reason so he nodded and stumbled a bit after his friend.

Noticing Sora stumbling, Riku quickly moved to support him. "Here, lean on me..." Sora did look rather adorable when he was drunk, thought Riku.

Sora glanced up gratefully. "Ok..." He unsteadily grabbed Riku's waist, putting most of his weight on the other boy as he was distracted by the zippers on Riku's shirts.

Riku looked around nervously; people were starting to stare. He started moving Sora toward the door as quickly as possible.

Sora noticed the movement and tried to help Riku as much as he could. The door was pretty quickly within reach and they made it without any of the patrons stopping them. A small voice in the back of Sora's head reminded him he should be grateful they weren't wearing school robes.

Riku shoved the door open, hoping the chilly air would wake Sora up a bit. He pulled him outside and let the door close behind them.

Sora shivered with the movement into the cold air and leeched onto Riku a bit more. "'m'cold" He muttered, shivering.

Riku pulled Sora in close and started back toward the passage slowly. "Just hang on a bit, we'll be back in the tunnel soon."

Sora stumbled a bit, leaning heavily onto his friend. "Was' this suppos' t'happen?"

Riku was pretty sure you weren't supposed to get drunk off butterbeer, especially considering he himself wasn't drunk. "Uh... I don't think so.."

"S'ok." He put booth his arms around Riku's waist. "'s'kinda fun."

Oh good grief, Sora had better not become a drunkard because of this, thought Riku. He looked up and noticed they were in front of the secret passage. "Come on, you can be warm in here."

Sora nodded sleepily, and followed him into the passageway, sighing with relief when the warmth of the tunnel hit him. "Mmm. Much better"

Sora just seemed to be getting heavier and heavier in Riku's arms. He wondered how far he could take the other boy like this. "Sora, you're going to have to stand up a little more."

Sora nodded muzzily. "'s'ok... I can walk." He moved away from the boy and stood up away from him."

Riku watched him cautiously. "Are you sure...?"

He nodded. "Un." He smiled a little goofily.

Riku grinned back; he loved it when Sora smiled like that. "Then let's go. Try not and fall over, okay?"

"Suuurreeee." Sora grinned over at his friend.

Riku nodded down the tunnel and began to walk that way, keeping an eye on Sora the whole time.

Sora stumbled a bit, leaning against the wall of the tunnel. He looked at the wall, finding something interesting, then slumped to the ground. He giggled to himself a little, bemused.

"Sora, we can't stay out here all night..." The passageway was warm compared to outside, but still fairly chilly. Riku shrugged. But, he may as well keep warm, he thought as he sat down next to the other boy.

Sora smiled, another small voice in his mind shouting triumphantly. He curled into Riku's warmth, draping himself almost over the other boy's lap, and sighed contentedly.

Riku's eyes widened considerably at this development. Not that he minded, of course. He idly stroked Sora's hair, as he was wont to do now.

Sora almost purred with the petting. He snuggled closer to Riku, body relaxing unconsciously.

Riku could have been more daring then, but with Sora in the state he was in, he'd just feel guilty about it later. "...Sora, we really need to get back to the castle," he said with a grimace.

Sora grimaced a bit. "Why?"

"Because...because..." Riku couldn't exactly say because I'm really close to doing something I'd regret
later. "Because we'll freeze to death if we stay here much longer?," he added feebly.

Sora flopped over, so he could face Riku. His face was full of confusion and consternation. "We c'n keep each other warm." He nodded, as if making a decision.

Riku laid his palm against Sora's cheek gently and asked, "You sure you want to stay here? Are you sure?"

Sora sighed into the touch. He wasn't entirely sure what the problem was, it wasn't as if they couldn't take care of themselves if anything bad showed up, and really Riku was awfully warm. It was just easier to
stay there. He looked back at the other boy curiously. "It'll be fun." He nodded again.

How fun? was the question that echoed in Riku's head. "Yeah, what do you wanna do then?," he asked.

Sora hadn't quite thought that far ahead. He paused, considering the words as if for the first time in his life. “What'd'you wanna do? 'S'nice being here with you..." Sora nuzzled closer to Riku's body.

"I..well.. er.." Maybe a demonstration would be best?, he thought. He reached over and tilted Sora's chin up, then stopped to think for a moment before he moved further. Do I want to do this now?

Sora looked up at him quizzically, but completely trusting.

Riku leaned forward, closing the distance between them very slowly, watching Sora's face for any reaction.

Sora's eyes finally widened slightly and he realized what was happening. He leaned up a little, eyes closing involuntarily as he kissed Riku.

Riku inhaled sharply in surprise before he leaned into the kiss. He tangled his fingers into Sora's hair and pulled him closer to him.

Sora pushed himself forward, letting Riku control the motions. He sighed giddily, and tried to find his balance.

Riku slide his other hand around to Sora's back and pulled the boy against him. After a few moments, he pulled back from the kiss reluctantly.

Sora smiled a little, his eyes half coherent. "That..." He muttered. "...was fun." He snuggled in against Riku again, struggling against limbs that felt like dead weight. He yawned. "I missed you..." He muttered against Riku's shirt, eyes closing involuntarily.

Riku sighed. Any more kissing was going to have to wait, it seemed. "I missed you too..."

And then suddenly it occurred to Riku that he couldn't exactly carry Sora all the way back to Hogwarts. "...Great."

Riku was out of ideas for the moment. The only thing left to do was try and carry Sora as far he could. He stood up, gently laying him to one side and then bent down to try and pick the boy up.

* * * *

Sora stirred briefly against Riku's shoulder. He muttered to himself sleepily, and he leaned into the warmth that his friend's body was offering his own shivering form. He blurrily realized they were in their dorm room, which should have been warm, but the fire had gone out long ago and the room had plummeted temperature wise. "Riku...?" He questioned dazedly as he realized he was moving a bit.

Riku was carefully laying Sora onto their bed- at least as carefully as his tired arms would allow him to. "...Yeah?"

Sora sighed gratefully as his friend put him down on the bed, but shivered a bit at the lack of warmth. He held his arms out to Riku, expecting his friend to follow. His eyes closed a little, and he snuffed a bit.

Riku turned the sheets down as best as he could and covered Sora with the blankets. "Just a sec, lemme get out of this jacket, okay?"

Sora, barely cognizant, nodded a bit and huddled underneath the blankets. "" He queried, trying to take off his shoes with his toes weakly.

Shedding his jacket along the way, Riku walked over to the bed and quickly pulled off the other boy's shoes and then his own. He climbed into bed next to Sora and curled up against him, trying to warm up.

Sora stilled, blue eyes closing and cuddled in closer with the other boy. His breath huffed out against Riku's neck and Sora's arms going around Riku's waist. He sighed contentedly and fell back to sleep.

Riku sighed happily and draped his arm over Sora before nodding off contently.

* * * *

Sora woke up blearily, his hand caught under Riku's back. He was laying spread across most of Riku's king sized bed, while the taller boy was scrunched into a corner. He tried to figure out how he'd gotten there, but the memories blurred. He was also starving, his mouth felt like cotton was stuffed into it. He groaned a little, and he tried to stifle the sound.

Riku was nearly half off the bed; Sora must have had a habit of stealing the covers at night. It took him a moment to remember how they had gotten there. He inched over to Sora and rested his arm on the other boy's chest, reluctant to let him leave.

"Un?" Sora looked over Riku, questioningly. The half faded memories were starting to come back, and his face was going a little pink.

Riku looked back at him with half lidded eyes. "G'morning. You feeling alright?"

Sora looked right back at him. "A little fuzzy." He finally said. "And hungry." He looked away for a moment. "Did...did you carry me all the way..?"

Riku nodded. "Yeah... D'you keep bricks in your pockets or something?" he asked with a smirk.

Sora's face went scarlet, then he turned back and punched his friend lightly on the shoulder. "Hey! I'm just getting stronger, soon I'll have to carry you around." He joked a bit. "I'll have to get you to start working out, Riku, you're getting soft."

Sora tried to joke his way out of the embarrassment, but he had no idea why the butterbeer had reacted the way it had with him.

"Me? Hah, I practically carried you all the way from Hogsmeade. You call that soft?," he replied. He grinned at Sora and ruffled his hair affectionately.

"You should be able to do that in your sleep,” Sora grinned back at him impudently. “But... I am sorry Riku. I didn't think that butterbeer would do that. It's not supposed to is it?"

"I... don't think it's supposed to." He hastily added, "But there's nothing to be sorry about, it was my idea in the first place!"

Sora snickered. "It was kind of fun though. Everyone was looking at us like we were crazy."

"Heh, yeah. Good thing we weren't in school robes, huh?" Sora nodded. "We'd probably get in a lot of trouble." He looked at Riku shyly. "Thank you for everything"

"Everything huh?" Riku grinned widely. "Including that part in the secret passageway? You do remember, don't you?"

Sora squinted his eyes a bit, trying to remember. Slowly the memories came back to him, of them, he blushed, kissing in the dark. He sighed happily, and moved closer to Riku, grinning coyly. "Do you want to remind me?"

Riku chuckled softly and looked into Sora's eyes before leaning in and kissing him softly.

Sora smiled into the kiss. He tapped Riku on the nose. "I think...I might remember."

"You sure? You might need a little more... reminding," he said with a devious grin on his face.

Sora leaned towards Riku, and leaned against his friend. "A little more maybe." He initiated the kiss this time, feeling a little awkward but trying to ignore the feelings of insecurity.

Riku returned the kiss enthusiastically, sliding his hand along Sora's back reassuringly.

Sora leaned back, his grin almost comically goofy. "Yeah. I think I got it,” he said at the same moment his stomach gave a slight gurgle.

Riku almost said, "Well, we can always just practice," but realized he was hungry as well. "You said you were hungry, right?"

Sora looked at Riku. "I didn't say it...but I am. Really hungry. And I really, really want something to drink...that's not butterbeer."

"Yeah... guess we should go get breakfast...," Riku said grudgingly. He really didn't want to leave the bed.

Sora looked at his friend conspiratorially. "You know...we could ask one of the house elves to grab us some food?

"I like the way you think..." Of course, it puzzled Riku as to how Sora started thinking like this, but why look a gift horse in the mouth?

“I heard one of the girls talking about bribing the house elves a few days ago. It seemed like a good idea to keep in mind. So, uh. Wait, how do we get the house elf?"

"I think..." Riku looked to the side of the bed, where a tray of food was now waiting. "...that you just ask for something to eat."

Sora bounced a bit and looked over at the food that had appeared. He really hadn't seen anyone, but then they probably weren't supposed to see them. There was toast and fruit, water and a bit of orange juice the kids liked here, someone had mentioned something about a pumpkin so he thought it might have something to do with Jack Skellington. He figured he was safer not asking. He grabbed one of the bottles of water and drank it quickly.

Riku lazily reached over to grab a piece of toast. and said, "Thirsty, aren't you?"

Sora nodded a bit. "My mouth is all...icky."

Riku shrugged. "Well, that is what happens when you drink... You aren't feeling sick, are you?"

Sora considered it. Oddly enough he wasn't, at all. He shook his head. "Just tired, a bit. D'we have to go to class today d'you think?"

"Mmm, they don't hold classes everyday here, Sora. And almost never in the mornings... I think we'll be fine just hanging around here."

Sora nodded, content. "That's good then." He felt lethargic and mellow, he yawned a bit, and grabbed a piece of fruit. Sora leaned against Riku's arm, half supporting himself on the other boy. He ate the apple slowly.

Riku smiled warmly and reached over to take a piece of melon from the serving tray. He nudged Sora's hand aside gently and said, "Here, try this."

Sora jumped a bit, surprised, and pursed his lips. He opened his mouth, obligingly, waiting for his friend to continue.

The tips of Riku's fingers brushed against Sora's lips as he gently fed him the piece of melon. "Sweet, isn't it?"

Sora 'accidentally' licked Riku's fingers as he ate the fruit. "Mmmmm." He murmured. "'S'good."

A shiver ran down Riku's spine when Sora's tongue brushed against his fingers. "More?," he asked feebly.

Sora grinned up at him lazily. "'S your turn." He grinned and leaned over the other boy towards the tray. He grabbed randomly, picking up a strawberry and offering it to Riku.

Riku's lips parted slightly and Riku looked back at him expectantly.

Sora grinned, and placed the strawberry against Riku's lips. Riku took a small bite of the fruit and flicked his tongue out to brush against Sora's fingers purposely.

Sora took the strawberry and took a bite of the sweet fruit, leaning over Riku and pressed his lips against the other boys'. Riku grinned into the kiss. Sora seemed to be getting more confident now so Riku decided to go along with it. He slipped his tongue out against the other boy's lower lip cautiously. Sora tried to stop his involuntary shiver, but couldn't entirely. He opened his mouth a bit, carefully, and leaned into Riku.

Riku was pleasantly surprised at the way Sora reacted. He slowly ran his tongue along Sora's lip and ran a hand through his hair. Sora dropped the rest of the strawberry, putting his arms around Riku's waist. He responded to the other boy hesitantly, and again, hoped he wasn't making any mistakes. A low groan resonated in Riku's throat as he slipped his tongue past Sora's teeth. He hoped he wasn't moving too fast yet... Sora took that to mean that he was doing something right, it didn't sound like Riku was hurting. He mashed his own tongue against Riku's clumsily, then pulled back a little bit, trying to reposition himself.
Riku pressed his palm to Sora's cheek and whispered, "Try and be gentler... Like this." He leaned back in and kissed Sora again, this time flicking his tongue delicately against the other boy's.

Sora flushed a bit, embarrassed. He had no idea how Riku knew everything, but he wasn't going to complain if he was willing to teach him. He wriggled against the other boy, and tried again, leaning in carefully.

Riku groaned in surprise at Sora's sudden movement against him. He wondered how long he'd be able to keep this up before he'd lose all restraint. Sora huffed a bit, kneeling away from the other boy. He cocked his head quizzically at the other He smiled sweetly at him.

"Why'd you stop?," Riku asked breathlessly.

Sora grinned. "I just wanted to look at you for a moment. To make sure this is...real."

Riku grinned back. "Yeah... it's real alright. Kind of hard to believe, huh?"

He crawled over to Riku, laying down lengthwise next to him.

Riku looked down at him and trailed his hand over the other boy's chest. "Mm... What do you want to do now?"
Sora grabbed at the hand and tried not to giggle as Riku tickled him. He knew the other boy didn't mean to tickle him, but he squirmed a bit anyways.

Riku chuckled at Sora's reaction and reached over with his other hand tickle under the other boy's neck. "Ticklish, are you?"

Sora squirmed a bit more. "Neh." He said. "Not fair!" They had long ago established the fact that Riku wasn't really ticklish compared to him.

Riku trailed his hand down to Sora's stomach, enjoying the way he moved against his hand. Sora squirmed more, trying to move the other's hand unsuccessfully. "Rikkkuu!" He whined, "This isn't fair!"

Laughing and unable to move his hands, Riku bent down to trace the tip of his nose along Sora's neck. Sora shuddered involuntarily at the alien sensation, clutching closer to Riku in the process.
Riku's breath caught in his throat as Sora pulled him closer. Gently, he pressed his lips to Sora's neck, relishing in the way his pulse throbbed against his lips. Sora let out a muffled groan without realizing it, jerking in surprise, moving his face away, allowing more access to his neck.

The soft groan reverberated in Riku's ears pleasantly. He slid his lips up to Sora's jaw line, hoping to elicit the same response. Sora shivered, groaning again, arching towards Riku in the process. He ground against the other boy, unable to focus coherently. Riku pinned Sora's shoulders and dove back into his neck enthusiastically. He tried desperately to line their hips up and keep his lips on the other boy's neck at the same time.

Sora tried not to fight when Riku pinned his arms, he wasn't used to being pinned and it was tough not to struggle. He was quickly distracted by his...would this make Riku his... lover?

Easing off Sora's shoulders- Riku didn't want to frighten him, and he'd felt Sora stiffen- he slid his hands up and down the other boy's sides and continued kissing along his jaw line.

Sora arched up again, moving against the other boy involuntarily. He pulled Riku closer to him, again trying to emulate what the other boy had been doing he moved his arms, pulling his hands through the Riku's long silver hair. Riku moaned into Sora's neck when their hips touched. He dipped his mouth down to Sora's collarbone in appreciation. Sora's eyes closed, he bucked against the other boy, trying to ignore the odd feelings in his stomach. He groaned in response. Riku pressed back against Sora, relishing in those same odd feelings.

He moved his lips up to Sora's ear and whispered, "D'you... like this?"

Sora huffed, his breath coming in odd gasps. "Uh..." His eyes were glazed and he focused on the boy above him. He grinned up at Riku and lunged up to hug him. "Mmmm. Do you..." He paused uncertainly, "not...? I know that I'm not really experienced." He blushed a bit.

Riku looked down at him with half lidded eyes. "No, no, I love this..." He paused to nip at Sora's earlobe. "You're really good, you know."

Sora lolled his head back, luxuriating in the sensation. "I... uh...." His brain seemed to be refusing to focus just right now.

Riku laughed softly into Sora's ear and slid his hands under his shirt. "...You like that?"

Sora squirmed a bit more, moving his arms so Riku could do whatever he wished with him. "Ye-eah..." He murmured.

Riku made sure to press only the flat of his palms against Sora's skin- he didn't want him to suddenly get ticklish. Sora grinned up at Riku, feeling a bit impatient, wriggling to get his point across.

Riku was suddenly stumped as to where he wanted to go with this. He hesitated, took a deep breath and started pulling Sora's shirt off completely. Sora helped Riku move his shirt. He felt almost bereft with the magicked clothing coming off.

Nervously, Riku moved his hands up and down Sora's chest. He asked, hesitantly, "What... What do you want me to do now?"

Sora shook his head. "Nothing... Just being here with you is...enough..." Sora yawned, not because of any lack of interest but because of that same curious lethargy that came over him before.

Sora looked up at Riku. "We...don't have to do anything." He grinned.

"Can we..." He blushed. "Take it a bit slower?"

Riku nodded solemnly and reluctantly moved off of Sora. "Right. Sorry, I just..."

Sora shushed him quickly. "It''s nothing... I just..." Sora blushed

Tenderly, Riku traced his knuckle along Sora's cheek. "...You can tell me."

Sora smiled. "I just don't want to rush into things..."

Riku nodded again. "I know..." He looked thoughtful for a moment, and added, "...What do you consider rushing things?"

Sora looked away. "This," he whispered. "Just...the kissing is..." He blushed.

Canting his head, Riku looked down at the other boy quizzically. "You didn't like the kissing?"

Sora looked at him, his face flaming. "No...I do. I do." He squirmed a bit. "Definitely"

Riku grinned then quickly turned solemn again. "Then what?"

Sora finally just looked at him. "My's weird." He motioned at the scars on his chest.

Absentmindedly, Riku ran his fingers along the scar lines. "Why is it so weird? I've seen you without a shirt before, at the beach."

Sora shuddered. "Not with these." The scars didn't really bother him, but showing them to Riku made it different somehow, different than when they were younger and they had never heard of Heartless, Nobodies or even of a keyblade.

Riku's eyes clouded over momentarily before he swiftly drew his own shirt over his head. Livid scars ran across his pale flesh- a particularly nasty gash went all the way across his chest and down his side. "I've got them too, you know."

Sora looked at the scars and hesitatingly touched the raised lines. He knew that, obviously, Riku would have scars of his own, but it hadn't meant the same somehow, in his mind. A smoldering anger hit him and he clenched one of his fists. He wished that this fight...would just stop. Sora paused, stroking the long scar along Riku's chest. "Where did you get this one?" He asked softly. Riku stalled, thinking of the best way to say what he was about to say.

"...In Hollow Bastion." His eyes closed; he couldn't bear to look at Sora in that instant. "...You remember."

Sora looked at him incredulously, then memories dawned on him. "That was me, wasn't it?" He asked in a small voice.

"It was my fault, though." Riku sighed forlornly. "I probably gave you a scar or two as well... Don't feel guilty."

Sora looked at him stubbornly, then looked away sighing. "They'll fade eventually." He smiled a bit sadly.

Riku looked back at Sora with sad eyes. "...Just come over here for a minute," he beckoned.

Sora looked at Riku curiously and moved over towards him. Riku wrapped his arms around the other boy and pulled him close. "...Just wanted to hold you for a bit."

Sora smiled, putting his arms around the other boy in response, laying his head on the Riku's shoulder. He hummed to himself contentedly. Riku sighed to himself, a little happier now. "Is it just me or does this make everything feel better?"

Sora giggled. "...thought you weren't the sap?"

Riku turned to look at Sora with an indignant look on his face. "I think I get a little leeway when it comes to you."

Sora grinned. "'Sok...I think I like you like this."

“Yeah, well, you're the only one who gets to see me like this. Enjoy it," he said with a smirk.

Sora sighed, and laid his head back against Riku's shoulder. "D'you think we should get up sometime?" He asked softly, his voice muffled.

"...Yeah," Riku said reluctantly. Theoretically, they could stay in bed all day, but he really didn't need to be tempted like that.

Sora shuffled reluctantly away from the other boy and grabbed both shirts that had miraculously managed to stay on the bed. He threw Riku's at him, taking only a moment to put his own shirt on. "We can't go the common room without shirts, can we?"

Slipping his shirt on over his head, Riku stood and nodded to Sora. "Well, yeah."

Bouncing a little on the bed, Sora looked at the curtains quizzically. They were covered in some sort of spell, but he couldn't figure out what kind. He moved closer to the fabric, poking at it with his finger and was rewarded with a small static zap. He tapped it again, and the result, again happened. He blinked, and cocked his head to the side. "Riku... are
the curtains warded?"

"Warded?," he asked confusedly.

Sora nodded. "So people don't bug you? It sparks." He poked the fabric once more for demonstration.

"Huh? Oh, they came like that... I guess it's to keep people from opening the curtains while you're..." His face turned bright red.

Sora giggled. "I guess that's why they're sparking."

"What? Why would they be... Oh."
Sora started giggling again, and fell over on the bed. "And you think I don't notice things."

Riku grinned lecherously back at him. "I'm sure we'll have plenty more opportunities to make the curtains spark, eh?"

Sora looked away quickly, blush staining his cheeks this time. "Le- Let's go" He stuttered a bit, cheeks still heating up.

"Heh." Riku nodded and walked toward the door.

Sora jumped off the bed, walking after the older boy, cheeks still bright red, and face downcast as he walked into the common room.

((Open RP with all Gryffindors in the Common Room now:))

dib, ron weasley, rp, gryffindor

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