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Apr 20, 2006 22:45

Tim/Jason April Fool's Day 4/?

batsmarts: Immediate. . . Tim frowned, and paused, and looked at Jason. And then he looked around, and then he looked back at Jason, and then he looked down at himself. And he looked back up at Jason. ". . . You're shitting me," he said, jaw dropping. No way. No fucking way! Tim didn't want to be right about that hunch he had, and he sure didn't want to be blushing, but right then he had a sinking suspicion that he was both right and blushing.

redbutnotrobin: "You're blushing." Hah! Jason's turn to point it out. Of course, that minor victory would have meant more if he could have turned the damn X-Ray vision off and stop staring at Tim, while it was on. It was just too distracting... Justifying it as getting to know his enemy better, because information gathering was important, Jason let his eyes slowly trail over Tim's chest, noticing the way that the muscles were defined and the lighter shaded areas that marked scars. Yeah. He was looking for weak spots. That was all. He wasn't thinking about how the scars had felt under his hands, how he'd rubbed them roughly with calloused fingers and the skin had been almost hatefully smooth to touch. And ribs. He could see Tim's ribs. They'd be easy to break, and he had pressed down on them like he'd wanted to break them, and left bruises, dark and vicious, dappling Tim's sides. For a second, the idiotic desire to strip the other of his shirt and check to see if the bruises were still there flickered across Jason's mind, sharp and sudden, jagged like a lightning bolt.

batsmarts: ". . .You're only looking through my clothes?!" After all, how was Jason supposed to know what color Tim's cheeks were if he was stuck on bone-vision?! One of Tim's hands shot down to hide his . . . er, goods. . .while the other went up to rub at his eyes. "Okay, we've got to get you to stop thinking about . . .people. . . naked." Because no way jason was thinking about him, except that he probably was. Because, well, why else wouldn't he be able to turn the vision off? "Just. Okay, why are you . . ." Well, Tim didn't have to hear the answer to that. He KNEW that answer. And it only made him more frustrated, 'cause now he was remembering the last time Jason had seen him without anything on.

redbutnotrobin: "It fluctuates." Jason lied smoothly, then at seeing the flicker of movement that was caused by Tim's hand darting down, he had to quirk Tim an amused look, one eyebrow raised sardonically in a mocking manner that really didn't fit Kon's face in the least. "Don't bother; it's nothing I haven't already seen." Really, he was quite pleased by how he managed to deliver that cutting line. It sounded every bit as indifferent as Jason had wanted it to, like he really couldn't care less about what Tim was trying so hard to conceal. And it went some small way towards making up for the fact that yes, Jason was thinking about Tim naked and that a little worse, he couldn't stop thinking about it because he was seeing it. All of it.

batsmarts: Tim growled, "Obviously it matters, if you can't get your mind off of it, smartass. Kon's powers, when they were first giving him trouble, were either activated by anger or . . well," Tim said shrugging as if 'lust' was obvious. Since they'd already determined that anger made Jason trigger those eye-beams, Tim had only one guess left. "I can't believe this," he grumbled, and after a moment decided to move over closer to Jason. "Look at the next building over," he commanded, his hands on Conner's chest. "And don't look down at me. Maybe it'll just. . .shut off on its own." Oh please.

redbutnotrobin: Deciding to not argue whether it mattered or not, Jason yawned, deliberately acting bored and looked over at the next building, responding as if indifferent to Tim's physical closeness to him, "Fine. Better than staring at your underdeveloped body." He half-expected to be punched for that remark, even as he stared at the building and willed the X-Ray vision to turn off. No such luck, though a few moments of speculation about what sort of a conversation it must have been for Tim and Kon to have over anger versus lust as triggers provided a pleasant distraction. Until Jason started to wonder if Kon had ever had Tim cause trouble when it came to his powers. That took a little bit of the amusement out of his eyes, even as he continued to stare blankly at the building in question.

batsmarts: "Any luck?" Tim asked, irritated. Kon's body was familiar. He was beginning to ease into a little halfway hug. Maybe Jason and Kon would spontaneously switch back, and THAT would solve all their problems. The blue-eyed boy sighed, and squeezed his eyes closed, hunching up his shoulders and trying to think of how else to get Jason's x-ray vision to turn off. . . . And how to do it without ACTUALLY having to take off his clothes. . . .That was looking, though, more and more like it would be necessary.

redbutnotrobin: "No." The response was flat, the single-word answer being delivered in a clipped tone, practically bitten off. This was pretty annoying - here he was, in Superboy's body, with nobody around to stop him from unleashing hell upon any wrongdoers around and what was he doing? Being distracted into trying to figure out how to turn off X-Ray vision. Jason supposed that it could be worse. Heat vision being stuck? That would be dangerous, as opposed to merely exasperating. Technically, he still could just fly off now, and deal with having the X-Ray vision stuck. It wasn't as if it made him unable to fight, after all. And Tim would probably be able to get down from there just fine on his own and maybe with distance from him, the X-Ray vision would fix itself anyway. He shifted slightly, getting ready to take off once Tim let go.

batsmarts: "Don't," Tim growled, and shot a glare up at Jason, knowingly. "Flying with x-ray vision is dangerous. You might not even notice you're about to fly into something, becasue you can see through it, genius." Tim was trying to think of good distractions, one hand absently finding its way up and over Kon's shoulder to curl against the back of his neck. "Don't be any more of an idiot than you usually are," Tim reprimanded, leaning back just enough to make eye-contact. Stupid Jason. And . . .well, at least he wasn't HARD. That would be embarassing.

redbutnotrobin: "Yes, Bruce." Jason sarcastically replied, narrowing Kon's eyes down at Tim a little, even as he felt Tim's fingers tickle at the back of Kon's neck. It was weird to have Tim so close to him in such a peaceful sense, without actually doing anything. Heat flared behind his eyes, and Jason shut them quickly, the mention of his mentor's name enough to have brought up the twisting, bubbling, seething mess of emotion that seemed to boil down to hatred, pure and simple (the truth is never pure and rarely simple) and trigger the heat vision. Without thinking about it, he clenched his hands into fists, and his breathing deepened, not anymore irregular than usual but more severe, vicious and angry and hurt, like a hunted, wounded animal that would still turn at the last second to snarl defiance at the spears that jabbed at it; bloody, but unbowed.

batsmarts: Kon had made that sound before. When he was battling with his identity, he'd made that sound. He'd made it when he thought nobody'd really cared. So, Tim did what was automatic. It was Kon's body, after all. Pulling it into a hug and petting its hair was a little maternal, yeah, but occasionally Kon needed that. Never in front of the rest of the titans, of course - those times, Tim usually got his point across without words or gestures. Just looks. "I'm sorry," he said, voice lilting softly. Tim was great at giving Bat-ly advice. He knew how much damage repressing your anger and hurt could do because. . .well, a true protege of Bruce's learned quickly that all emotions should be squashed as quickly as possible.

redbutnotrobin: "..." Okay. Tim was apologizing, and hugging him, and petting his hair? Taken back, Jason opened Kon's eyes at Tim, perhaps a little more widely than he'd meant to. His lips were slightly parted as if in surprise, or as if Jason had killed a question before he could voice it properly, and the second Robin just let Tim do that for a few seconds before realizing something: the X-Ray vision was off again. Fine. That was over with. He could go clean up London's alleyways now, kick in a few spines, break some necks and test out exactly what Kon's body could do. And then maybe he'd feel better, because killing people really did help, because they deserved it, and Jason was helping, and even if he wasn't part of the Batfamily, who cared? He was doing what was needed, what they couldn't do, and that meant that he was better than them, because they were binding themselves with rules that meant nothing in the real world. And in the end, all their pretty ideals were exactly that: nothing. Head tilting backwards, away from the too-soft touches (Jason didn't want pity), Jason looked up at the sky (so blue, so clear) and informed Tim, "It's off." Then Tim could let go, Jason could fly off, and Tim was free to make his way back to the castle however he wanted.

batsmarts: "I mean it, Jason," Tim said, pulling Kon's head down a little, so that they could make eye contact. "I can't speak for what anybody else did, but. If I'd been there, and you were my partner, I'd have taken him out." Tim had never questioned Bruce's judgement, when it came to Jason. Not to his face, anyway. Bruce knew things that he hadn't, and Tim - for all of his research and all of his simulations - hadn't been there. But there were a few fundamental things about himself that Tim knew. The fact that on his watch, he'd do anything his power to keep a partner from dying, was one of them. And he believed that he'd go that far. This, however, was the wrong thing to admit. AND the wrong person to admit it to. So, Tim let go, and pulled back, and immediately moved on. "Uh, Strength." He folded his arms over his chest, and jerked his head towards the wall that Jason had nearly demolished with his heat vision. "What's most important is not hurting anybody you're trying to save by holding on too tighlty or pulling too hard." Right. Business.

redbutnotrobin: "..." Kon's eyes met Tim's, and for a second, something close to uncertainty flickered into them. Not Kon's uncertainty, but Jason's, unshakeable, bitter, fiercely burning rage replaced by something akin to confusion for the space of a heartbeat and no longer. What did Tim mean by that? He said that he might want to kill the man that killed his father, but that was different to saying that he'd kill Joker rather than have Jason die. There wasn't a 'might' in it, for one thing. Jason didn't really pay attention to what Tim said after that, catching on one level that it had to do with Kon's superstrength but more aware of the way that Tim was standing, arms over his chest (defensive, keep out, trying to be confident) and a jerk of his head to indicate things (hands kept against the body, trapped but protective). He studied the other, none of Kon's odd abilities playing up for the moment, then simply nodded. "Next?"

batsmarts: "Try to pull a brick from the mortar without crushing the brick, or breaking it off. Or. . .re-tie your shoelaces." Tim remembered Kon's frustration when it came to that sort of delicate stuff. Tim also remembered how easily and thoughtlessly Kon had snapped his arm clean in half, when he wasn't in his right mind. "Rough stuff once you get the gentle down," Tim explained, and leaned slightly away from Jason, still a little unnerved by what he himself had said. He knew, though. He didn't have to put a 'might' into that sentence. He'd kill to keep Kon safe. He'd kill to keep Bruce safe, and kill to keep Dick safe. Even if it did go against the code.

redbutnotrobin: "Retie my..." Jason let the sentence trail off, giving Tim a vaguely unnerved look. He'd had weird training situations before, but this was the first time that he'd been told to tie his shoelaces to test his own control. Stepping away from Tim, he dropped to one knee, then tugged at the shoelaces carefully to undo them so that he could retie them. It broke. "..." Wordlessly, Jason switched feet, bringing his other foot in front of him and trying to undo the sneaker there. That shoelace broke as well. Giving Tim a look that just dared him to comment, Jason removed both sneakers, then as an afterthought, took off the socks as well, and stood up again, barefoot and defiant before stalking over to the wall. It felt wrong to move like this, too top-heavy and shoulders too broad. It was out of balance to what he was used to, and when Jason knelt down again at the edge of the building and curled his fingers around one of the bricks, Kon's hand looked too stubby to him.

batsmarts: Tim tried, unsuccessfully, to hide a little smile as he crossed over to Jason and took those shoes, which he began to un-lace. He tied the remaining laces into bows - around his wrist, actually, and said, "First, untie these. You won't be able to manage the brick until you can manage the shoelaces. It'll crumble in your hands." Tim arched an eyebrow but didn't say anything else. Hopefully, Jason would understand that he wasn't TRYING to make fun of him. Just. It was funny watching Kon snap shoelaces again.

redbutnotrobin: "Guess that means I was lucky that Superboy was already dressed when we switched bodies." Jason grumbled lightly, even as he turned away from the wall and tilted Kon's head up at Tim. The logical thing to do would have been to stand up again, and then work on the ribbon. Or possibly reach up, and try to undo the bow like that. Instead, because it was Jason, and because Jason took every chance he could (well, almost everyone) to prove that he could break Dick's records in everything, including dickery, Kon's fingers wrapped around Tim's wrist and pulled down hard, Jason supporting himself with one hand as he did so by letting the palm of it rest against the top of the roof. Normally, the rough material would scrape against his skin, leave him with cement burn but Kon's skin? No pain. Jason couldn't even really feel the difference in the texture.

batsmarts: And Kon's body was strong. Even as good as Tim was at keeping his balance, usually, he was pulled down almost effortlessly, and he fell hard, against Kon's chest. "H-hey!" Tim crashed into both the wall and the cement on his way down, one arm wrapping tightly around Kon's neck so that his head, at least, didn't hit anything. Because he was hanging on. This had, however, left him swung around in kind of an awkward position, with his arm twisted uncomfortably.

redbutnotrobin: "You need to learn to keep your balance better." Jason growled, suddenly finding that Kon's body was a good shape for getting Tim awkwardly tangled around him. He'd reached out for the other without thinking, snagging Tim's left wrist and the back of his neck, stopping Tim from hitting his head on the wall. It was sheer reflex, though. Really. Jason didn't want to protect Tim or anything, his body just reacted without him thinking. Kon's body. Right. Not even Jason's body. That was why he'd tried to catch Tim; because it was Kon's body and Kon was used to trying to save Tim. Yeah. Perfectly logical explanation right there.


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