Montparnasse!Ran: Wake up in Slytherin

Apr 01, 2006 12:25

Once again, Ran rolled over, not feeling very comfortable in what she believed was her bed. There was something off here, as she reached out for the clock-radio by the bed (Ran was a firm believer of starting the day with a band, even if others in the Gryffindor girl's dorm didn't like listening to high-pitched singing girls). All she felt was a ( Read more... )

ran kotobuki, rp, mystique

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strangemystique April 1 2006, 20:10:33 UTC
Screaming. There was lots, and lots of screaming.

The blue-skinned shapeshifter, nocturnal by nature and one of the lucky few who hadn't changed forms, decided to investigate what the noise was all about.

"..." Apparently it was one of those things that she shouldn't have tried to figure out. Rubbing at her eyes, slightly pained by the clash of bright colors, Mystique addressed her housemate whom she vaguely recognized, "Montparnasse?" in a tone of utter disbelief.


bestkogalever April 1 2006, 20:13:11 UTC
"Mont- Mon-te-pa-r-nassy! That's what my name is!" Ran said, sounding out the syllables as close as she could to Mystiques. "And I have no idea! I just woke up like this. By the way, where am I?"


strangemystique April 1 2006, 20:21:58 UTC
Mystique simply stared at the oddly-dressed man. "You're in the Slytherin common room."

Pause. "Are you suffering from amnesia?"


bestkogalever April 1 2006, 20:23:58 UTC
"So, this is what the Slyth's room looks like?" She looked around, "Swanky. Sorta got a whole, 'Fashionable Olden-Times' feel to it!" Ran said, as she looked around. "And I'm not suffering from Amnesia. I'm not this Monty guy either. I'm Ran Kotobuki, the best Kogal in all of Shibuya!" She said, with a pose that time.


strangemystique April 1 2006, 20:27:19 UTC
"..." On one hand, the name was real. Mystique knew that the girl actually existed. On the other hand, Montparnasse seemed to have lost it and be hallucinating that he was something else.

Then again, it wasn't as if Mystique hadn't seen weirder things happening. Being a shapeshifter herself, she knew all about how it was possible to be one person but look like another.

Head cocked to a side, she decided to play along for the time being. "If you're Ran, why are you in Montparnasse's body?"


bestkogalever April 1 2006, 20:30:47 UTC
"Not a clue." She said, pausing to think about it for a moment, "I think it's revenge, from one of the other girls in my dorm. Turning me into a girly-guy was just WEIRD though. ... I can't think waking up to Sister Mayo is _that_ annoying, you know."

"Hey, you know if someone here has cute shoes in this guy's size?" She asked, as she pointed to "his" feet. There was only black socks. "All he has are men's shoes, no platforms or clogs... Not even sandals." She muttered, looking down.


strangemystique April 1 2006, 21:05:51 UTC
"I don't think that they turned you into him, otherwise wouldn't the real Montparnasse be here somewhere?" Mystique pointed out logically, more inclined to believe Ran's story as the girl kept on talking. She certainly didn't sound like the Slytherin that Mystique had seen at Sortings, and even if it was a hallucination, Montparnasse was keeping it up well.

The question about shoes drew a quick bark of laughter from her, and Mystique shifted forms, matching Montparnasse's normal garb, and then changing the men's shoes into a pair of boots that laced up to midcalf. Bending over, she undid them and passed them over to Ran, stepping back and changing into her normal body as she did so. "There you go, kid."

She hadn't had to do that, true, but it was just too amusing an opportunity to pass up.


bestkogalever April 1 2006, 21:15:23 UTC
"Awesome! These are great!" Ran said, as she took a moment to put on the boots. At least they went well with the lavender shirt she was wearing... And they were comfy! "And you never know. He may just be tied up and hidden somewhere... Or maybe he's in on it!"

She looked to Mystique. "You know if he's the sort of guy who turns girls into copies of himself?"


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