RP, Open to Slytherins

Apr 01, 2006 08:12

On ordinary mornings the sun sent rosy shimmers through the windows of Sparklypoo House, and tiny blue birds perched outside twittering a gentle good morning chorus. On ordinary mornings, Lana greeted the new day full of vim, vigor and vitality.

But alas, this was no ordinary morning, and silence, darkness, and the dank smell of the dungeons of Slytherin House were the only things to greet her as she yawned and stretched herself to wakefulness. They were joined almost instantly with a vague ache in her right thigh. It felt like she'd sleep walked all through the night back to Kansas and come to rest in the middle of the Kewatche caves. That was, of course, impossible, as she wasn't wearing any shoes, and Lana Lang would never leave the house without shoes, even when sleepwalking.

She forced herself to sit up, then finally to get up out of bed, and, realizing she desperately needed to make her morning toilette, she took a step in the direction the bathroom would have been in her usual dorm. Pain shot through her right leg, causing her to almost fall and screw her face up into a very unpretty grimace. What the hell was wrong with her?

After considerable effort, including forcing herself not to limp and a bit of hopping, she reached the door and sat on the side of the bathtub. It was then that she noticed her feet. They were big. No, they were huge and icky looking and there was hair on the part of her leg she could see beneath the ugly pajamas she was wearing. Something must be very horribly wrong!

She struggled to the sink, clutching the counter to take the weight off her leg and see if it was just her legs that had been bewitched. "Please dear God," she thought, "Please let it just be my legs. I can hide them under these awful baggy robes they make us wear here." She closed her eyes, counted to three and opened them.

"Aaaarrrrrrrrg! I'm an old man! Help me!"

She stumbled out of the bathroom and tripped over the cane that had been propped against the bed. Using it to pull herself up, and then finally cluing in that it went with the defective body she'd been saddled with, she frantically searched the room for clues. The closet was filled with marginally acceptable men's clothing. In a desk drawer, she found a wallet, that fortunately contained several pieces of identification belonging to one Gregory House, M.D., whose driver's license picture matched her current face. It also contained several credit cards in Dr. House's name.

This was definitely a situation that belonged on Chloe's Wall of Weird!

She dragged herself back to the bathroom to attempt to make herself clean and presentable. She didn't bother shaving, for fear that she'd cut her face with the razor. The trickiest part was managing to relieve herself without touching the icky stranger's man parts that were now attached to her, a task which involved the use of a washcloth. She showered with her eyes closed, dressed in the least unpresentable outfit she could find in House's closet, grabbed the wallet and cane, and headed for the Slytherin common room. Maybe someone there would know what was going on. She'd get what information she could. Maybe this House guy was around in some form and a simple spell could switch them back. If not, she'd have to figure out some other way to get back inside herself. But not until she'd done what she could to make life a little better for the poor man who was forced to live in this body all the time.

Once in the Slytherin commonroom, she sat close to the fire, hoping it would ease some of the ache in her leg and waited to see if anyone else was up and around.

rp, slytherin, lana lang

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