Another notebook has appeared.

Mar 13, 2006 18:27

It's an ordinary black-and-white mottled composition notebook, the kind sold at any Muggle bookshop, office supply store, or drugstore, and it's been magically affixed to the wall about a foot away from the Secrets board, out of reach of the hands of minors.

On the first page, in writing magically altered to look like typescript, is written the following:

While I'm sure everyone's much more interested in finding out who's getting into whose pants around here, it strikes this Bettor that there's another, not unrelated, issue just crying out (if you'll excuse the expression) to be the subject of betting:

When is the No-Kill Rule going to be broken, and by whom?

Oh, come on. You know somebody's going to find a loophole. It's only a matter of time.

But they probably know more of the details than the rest of us. So why not make a bet while we're waiting? I've enchanted this notebook to hold three categories:

1. Victim.

Damien Thorn
Susan Sto Helit
Mr. Teatime
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle, Major
Tom Riddle, Minor
Tom Riddle, Chibi
Dr. Alan Grant
The Headmistress
Dr. Stephen Maturin
Captain Jack Sparrow
Holden Caulfield
Logan Echolls
Merope Gaunt
Belletrix Lestrange
Lana Lang
Rita Skeeter
Gaius Julius Caesar
Charles Emerson Winchester, III
Edgar Vargas
Agent Dale Cooper
Lobsang Ludd
River Tam
Chase Stein
Victor Mancha
Julian Sark
Ginny Weasley
Ron Weasley
Fred and/or George Weasley
Paul Atreides
Draco Malfoy
Albus Dumbledore
Malik Ishtar
Ryuuji Otogi
Seto Kaiba
Mokuba Kaiba
Ran Kotobuki
The Hat
Godric Gryffindor
Rowena Ravenclaw
Helga Hufflepuff
Salazar Slytherin
Adam Young
Dr. Gregory House
The Entire School
Anyone who tries any of the Means against a deity or semi/professional assassin
Anyone who steps on Dr. Maturin's delicate sensibilites when his girlfriend isn't around to kick the shit out of them (the "anyone," or the sensiblities).
Anyone who tries to hurt Fillerbunny
Squibs (on school grounds)
Everyone except Mr. Teatime and the immortals
All the immortals
The Power Rangers
A Quidditch player
Anita Blake
Hermione Granger
Inspector Javert
Jean Valjean

2. Motive.

Self-defense (whether perceived or actual)
Thwarted love
Professional duty
Accidental (not including random outbreaks of homicidal mania or sexual exhaustion)
Random outbreak of homicidal mania
Sexual exhaustion
Sheer boredom
The Revolution
Sexual frustration
Ritual sacrifice

3. Means.

Bladed weapon (knives, swords, fireplace poker if used to stab, scythe)
Blunt weapon (clubs, shovels, fireplace poker if used to bludgeon, handheld rocks, candlesticks)
Projectiles (arrows, bolts, bullets, thrown/dropped rocks)
Explosives (magical or mundane)
Strangulation/suffocation (non-magical)
Direct curse (Avada Kedavra, Cruciatus against someone with a heart condition, etc.)
Indirect curse (anything time-released, anything conditional on the victim's acting a particular way, any special twisting of the laws of magic or physics to create a loophole to allow death)
Killer's own hands/claws/teeth/whatever
Victim's own hands/claws/teeth/whatever
Third party under mind control
Non-sentient animal/s
Atom bomb
Turned into a ferret and squashed
9/11-style planejacking
Mob of angry females
Tortured to death

All bets are money-up-front, and all returns are double-or-nothing, with no set odds. All entries are considered separate votes; if, for example, the killer makes use of more than one listed means, if you bet on both you will receive double your money for each. The same if more than one person is killed at the same time or in such a way that sequence of death cannot be determined. If you want, you can bet only on one category, such as victim, without attaching means or motive, or you can repeat-bet on different means or motives.

Make as many additions to any of the lists as you like. Your name and bet will not be visible. Any ranting and raving about what you'll do to me/anyone who dares try to hurt you/your pet/your darling snookie-ookums will show, however, as the Bettor is a public-spirited individual and naturally wishes to share such a natural source of entertainment with the rest of the school.

The notebook is heavily charmed to be indestructible, and charmed very heavily to be untraceable to its creator.

Everyone can see all the names on the list, including their own.

((Edit: removed "Other" from the Means list, as it was confusing. Votes for "other" will be left open-ended. Remember, you don't have to vote on all three categories if you don't want.))

betting pool, rp

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