Moving Day - Open RP for Slytherins, Ravenclaws and anyone in the hallway

Feb 28, 2006 20:00

Since the Dark Lord had so ordered it, Walden was moving out of his quarters and into well, the Dark Lord's. Walden didn't question it; he was merely grateful for the change. Although he wasn't being resorted (a matter of time, he hoped) it would be good just to get away ( Read more... )

walden macnair, slytherin, ravenclaw

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don_voldie March 1 2006, 22:49:56 UTC
During your sorting, I asked her to watch over you. It's clear that she failed at this and for that, I'm truly disappointed about. She had proven herself trustworthy to me before but that just goes to show you to never trust a Mudblood.

Albus and I spoke about your Quidditch situation. We're both in agreement that the whole thing was handled very poorly. You shouldn't have to ask for something already given to you.

I've heard you're off the team completely now and that's a shame. You enjoyed the game well enough. From what I heard, Slytherin is also looking for a captain but no one has been foolish enough to claim it. I'm certain Lucius would have also stepped down to let you be a beater had you ended up in Slytherin.

Lost opportunities, though.

The Ravenclaws are now in negative points. That should tell you more about their intelligence than anything else, Walden. *enters his chambers, floats in Walden's luggage; has several boxes of his own already packed*

Ignore those. I'm in the process of moving out and wanted you to move in as soon as possible so no one will suspect much of anything.


mr_executioner March 1 2006, 23:03:30 UTC
I'd still like to play, but just not for Ravenclaw. Maybe I could work out with the Slytherin team? Obviously I can't captain or play, but I could be like... a manager. I guess I'd have to talk to Severus, right? Cause he's head of house and all? I wouldn't mind, as long as I could play a scrimmage or two. I don't want to give it up.

I could care less about points. Lost enough of them for Slytherin... gained quite a few, too. That part of competition is over. Hell, if I have to, I'll drive them further into the negatives. *bitter? just a bit*

*checks out Voldie's boxes*

Where are you moving, then?


don_voldie March 1 2006, 23:09:59 UTC
You could always help train the Slytherin team. Just don't come dressed in Ravenclaw colours. I know Tom, Lucius, and Severus are on the team and they're more than a little accepting of you.

Yes, talk to Severus. I think he handles those kinds of matters. Doubtful he'd mind and it's likely he'd be grateful for a few tips. He hates flying almost as much as I do.

Good. Then go to potions class and mess up a few times. That's where most of their points ended up going.

In with Severus, actually. He's the Head of House, as you said, so he has the bigger room. It was either him or Dumbledore and since Dumbledore's in the Gryffindor tower, it makes more sense to move here. Plus, like hell am I moving all my shit up to the damn tower.


mr_executioner March 1 2006, 23:14:29 UTC
... *tries not to laugh*

*isn't working*


Oh.. oh, I'm sorry. Just the thought of you and Dumbledore... *suddenly stops, eyes wide* W-would this make him like, my stepdad or something? Since you're all married and all? *can't quite wrap his brain around that one*

But you're staying with Severus, that's good. *likes Severus, likes him lots more than Dumbledore* I'll send him an owl and see if I can get in on potions. Not like I'd have to try real hard to screw up anyway. Always hated that class. It was the blowing up of stuff that was fun.


don_voldie March 1 2006, 23:35:14 UTC
*scowl, really should be used to the reaction by now* Yes. It would. Do feel free to introduce yourself to him at any given moment as such. I'm sure his reaction will be priceless. And perhaps you can cash in on all those birthday presents he's missed.

Just make sure you keep the explosions contained a bit. Nothing too drastic. Enough to lose points and if that doesn't work, feel free to make your usual inappropriate comments. You know, the type in which you were constantly being written up for when you went to school here.


mr_executioner March 1 2006, 23:46:50 UTC
I wouldn't want a detention from Severus. He might be younger but he's a helluva lot more ruthless.

Mm. Birthday presents. Yeah, I could do with that.

*looks around the room* And I can really do anything I want with the space? *looks at all his weapons and thinking about hanging them up properly*


don_voldie March 1 2006, 23:50:24 UTC
If he does assign you to a detention, I'll talk to him. Hell, I intend to talk to him beforehand about all of this. Could always take Fenrir's class as well and act up there. Doubtful he'd dare give you a detention considering your occupation and all.

Anything you want. I don't intend on reclaiming this room. But do remember that if anyone asks about where you reside, you're still living in the Ravenclaw dorms. I know you're not much for memorization, but that is very important. Give the wrong answer and you'll have to go back to where you were before and I will let you stay there.

Understand? *more than not wanting Walden to be placed back in Ravenclaw dorms, he simply doesn't care to reclaim the bed that he KNOWS Walden will use*


mr_executioner March 2 2006, 00:00:33 UTC
Fenrir, hm? *always wanted to spar against him - no real desire to kill or be turned into a wolf, but always looking for a worthy advesary*

Ha. Ha. I think I can remember that. Ravenclaw dorms. Got it. *goes over to examine the wall, magically inserts two hooks, then hangs one of his axes*

Yeah... Yeah I think I'll like it here. *turns to him, all smiles*

Thanks, pops. I owe you one for this.


don_voldie March 2 2006, 00:03:54 UTC
*doesn't much care for that name but they're not in public so will let it be* You're still my own. Besides, it's of more benefit to me that you remain...pleased. I don't lose anything by moving and giving you this area. Just be sure to keep the noise down. You don't want others complaining about you being in here.


mr_executioner March 2 2006, 00:12:25 UTC
*nods* I promise I'll behave. Mostly.

*starts hanging his stuff up, unpacking, etc*

If you need a hand with your stuff, I could help...? *offers as a way of making this up to him*


don_voldie March 2 2006, 00:14:26 UTC
I should be fine. I used a charm to shrink a good majority of what I had so there's only these three boxes. A feather-weight charm and a levitation spell should be all I'll need.

*watches him get unpacked* Did you bring your entire arsenal with you?


mr_executioner March 2 2006, 00:19:02 UTC
Not the whole thing, just the important bits. *still quite a lot though* The rest I left at my parents' house. *still can't think of it as HIS house* It's safe though, warded up real tight.

*starts breaking out his nudie posters now, oh yeah, making this places nice and homey*


don_voldie March 2 2006, 00:22:37 UTC
...Times like this one, Walden, make me very glad that you're adopted. *eyeing the posters*

And Lucius lets you keep these things?


mr_executioner March 2 2006, 00:25:48 UTC
Well sure. They're all chicks. *grins, hangs one right over the bed on the ceiling*

Lucius is great, but he'll never have a set of tits like these. *points*


don_voldie March 2 2006, 00:32:01 UTC
*palm, meet head*

Of course, Walden. I'll be on my way now. If any of the Ravenclaws hassle you, tell me immediately.


mr_executioner March 2 2006, 00:34:10 UTC
What'd I do?

*sighs* No taste in women.

*gets off the bed and stands in the middle of HIS room, grinning*

Thanks again. I'll let you know.


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