closed one-shot (w/ permission from Jon Snow-mun)

Nov 17, 2011 22:33

"You know nothing, Jon Snow!"

In all his studies of arcane lore, in all the vast array of knowledge that the (VP-verse) Philosopher's Stone had granted him, how was it that Lezard never learned the nature of those fateful words?

In a trice, he was popcorn, with a bemused Jon Snow sniffing the buttery wind left in his wake.

When he awoke, shedding a kernel unusually scorched (did the Hat burn him in some malfunctioning microwave?), the mage would recall nothing of Hogwarts save what he had already known. Nothing of Mio, nothing of Amaranth, nothing of Steff. Nothing of the Death Worm he'd unleashed upon the school. Nothing of the dog plants and plant-dogs he'd devised.

In short, everyone else would have the advantage over him - Lenneth Valkyrie first and foremost among them.

lezard valeth, jon snow, unpopcorning

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