
Apr 20, 2011 21:20

"Jaaaack hurry up!" The Doctor called impatiently, bouncing on the balls of his feet. There was so much to see! Not that they were pressed for time, but he was eager to begin learning where things were, what things were. He'd been ready for this all morning and they wait was growing unbearable. How long did it take to throw on a pair of shoes? " ( Read more... )

jack harkness, tenth doctor

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sorry for the length.... I got excited >> tenofgallifrey April 21 2011, 17:15:29 UTC
Intrigued, the Doctor approached the box and peered in, looking very much like a child about to jump on a trampoline for the first time. As he stopped in front of the box, crouching down to investigate its contents, a startled expression came over the Time Lord's face and he leaned back with a whistle.

"Whoo! Tingly. That is strong! Do you feel that?" He held a hand over the box and wiggled his fingers, looking back at Jack and laughing. "Blimey it's like sticking your arm in a pool of electric eels. Not so bad, by the way, eels. I mean so long as you don't touch them. But then that's just human nature isn't it? You see something, you pick it up and ZZZAP. Some things you gotta learn the hard way."

He continued babbling happily about nothing in particular as he explored the various wands, pausing only now and then to repeat the spell Jack had taught him. Within a span of ten minutes, what had been a relatively neat corridor was now in a state of mild chaos. Some of the torches on the walls were upside down, still burning, but with a vivid pink flame. Paintings hung askew and complained loudly about the scorch marks on the floor. A suit of armor in one corner had collapsed and its helmet was hanging from the old chandelier on the ceiling.

But the Doctor had finally found his wand- aspen with a phoenix core. He grinned at Jack, rubbing at the back of his neck a little bashfully.

"Don't suppose you know a spell that would clear all this up, eh?"


captian_smexy April 22 2011, 01:07:58 UTC
It was always entertaining when the Doctor got on a roll like that, talking a mile a minute, hands flapping excitedly, smile brighter than a supernova. He had been forced to duck a few times as the Doctor experimented with different wands, but bore it all with a boyish sort of grin.

"Don't sweat it, Doc. House elves can straighten things back up quick as it all got, yeah. I know, I know, we're going!" Again, he hooked the Doctor's arm, leading him out of the corridor and away from the small group of preturbed looking house elves, armed with wands.

As they dashed around a corner, he grinned and winked, "Word to the wise, Doc. Don't ever piss those guys off."


tenofgallifrey April 22 2011, 16:54:17 UTC
"Big things come in small packages", he agreed brightly as they fell into the familiar routine of running. Oh running with Jack. That was something else he'd missed. Well, considering there wasn't a great threat following behind which there usually was, but it was invigorating all the same. Not to mention they probably made quite the scene, two handsome men dashing down a hall with long coats flying out behind them. Ah, good times.

"So! What's next on the agenda?" They'd reached another of those moving staircases . The Doctor strode up a few steps and reached back to pull Jack after him. "I'm all yours today, lead on!"


captian_smexy April 22 2011, 17:29:18 UTC
All his.

Jack had the good grace to color a little at that. The Doctor was easily one of the most brilliant men he had ever met, even if the basics of human interaction sometimes escaped him. Still, even he had to realize how Jack felt. He wasn't that thick.

His hand slapped comfortably into the Doctor's as he hauled him onto the staircases. "Well, there are a few dragons out in the forest, or the acromantulas, or the centaurs. Wait, I have it." He winked, "You're gonna love this. Come on, jump!"

And with that, he flung himself at a swinging staircase, landing lightly. The library. The Doctor would absolutely adore the library.


tenofgallifrey April 23 2011, 00:49:28 UTC
Laughing, the Doctor leaped after him and landed one step behind. "Whoa!" He held out his arms as he started to lose his balance. Luckily, Jack made an excellent support and the Doctor soon regained his footing.

"Sorry about that! Stairs are treacherous enough without moving. Are you going to tell me where we're headed or is it a surprise?"


captian_smexy April 23 2011, 01:22:29 UTC
He chuckled and gave him a wink. "This place does like to keep you on your toes. Wasn't it you who said that a little mystery in life is a good thing? Call it a surprise."

The stairs swung to a jerky halt before a massive set of oak doors. As the stairs touched down, the doors swung open into the biggest library on the planet. Books stretched in stacks from floor to impossibly high ceiling. House elves guided the books to and fro with wands as they flew from shelf to shelf.

"Doctor.. I give you what is probably the biggest magical and non-magical library on the planet. Books of all sorts." Jack nudged him with a grin. "Some of them even talk."


tenofgallifrey April 23 2011, 01:32:07 UTC
And he was in heaven. It may not have been like the Library where he'd taken Donna, but the Doctor was absolutely floored. Even that library hadn't had magic books.

"Ohh, this is beautiful! Alexandria has nothing on this......" He ducked as a series of picture books whizzed over his head. "Jack I don't- how is it organized? Blimey I don't even know where to start!"


captian_smexy April 23 2011, 03:10:39 UTC
He ducked a few books that soared dangerously near his own head and sketched a shrug. "I knew you'd love it. Enough to even keep a Time Lord entertained during your stay. Not sure how it's organized," he admitted a trifle sheepishly.

"Not much of a book man myself, you know."


mad_glory April 23 2011, 03:24:18 UTC
"Yo, Cap'n Jack! You in here?" Glory burst through the far doors, calling out with a slightly frenetic sort of cheerfulness; clearly she was woefully underinformed as to library etiquette...not that she'd have given it much thought anyway. She was hungry (and maybe a little lonely, though she'd rip out the entrails of anyone who dared to suggest as much and redecorate the Great Hall with 'em.)

"Wow. Must be a lotta eggheads in this joint," she mused, surveying the vast collection of books disinterestedly. She paged through one that lay open on a table for a moment, then flipped it carelessly shut. "Pfft. Magic for Dummies. Who the hell's got time to read this much, anyway? Even immortality's too damn short. Jack!"


tenofgallifrey April 26 2011, 05:15:48 UTC
But it wasn't Jack who came to greet her first. It was the Doctor, his arms already full of books and a wide smile plastered all over his face. Upon seeing Glory his eyebrows raised a fraction, and he looked back in the direction where he'd last seen Jack. How like him to have made such an attractive friend. Not that he was really one to talk.

"Hullo. Jack's...Well i think I left him back in the section on aquatic anomalies." He shifted the many books and put out a hand to shake. "How do you do, I'm the Doctor."


captian_smexy April 27 2011, 02:48:48 UTC
There were only a few women at Hogwarts who knew how to make such an entrance. Jack’s head perked up at the sound of her voice, and the tone that came with it. Always with the timing. Well maybe he could help her out before the Doctor..

Ah. Damn. Naturally he had to round the corner and see the Doctor trying to shake hands with Glory around an armload of books. Well this was going to go from awkward to even weirder. He sauntered around the corner, flashing a grin at her. “There’s my favorite hellgoddess. Another threat to the school we need to tackle, gorgeous?”


mad_glory April 27 2011, 03:45:31 UTC
Well, this one was cute, in a geeky, time-warpy kind of way. Sort of like the Master Man. (What had he been up to lately, anyway? She hadn't seen him in a while.) "How's it going, Doc? I'm That Which Cannot Be Named, The Abomination, The Beast yadda yadda ad nauseum. You can call me Glory," she said, graciously allowing him to take her perfectly-manicured hand. "Aquatic anomalies? Wouldn't have pegged him for the sushi type, but they do say fish is brain food..." Jack could probably use all of that he could get.

There were odd moments when she almost (almost) felt bad for what it did to the man whenever she took him out for a snack, but a girl had to eat, and he seemed to have come to grips with it. An occasional strategically-timed kiss seemed to smooth things over effectively, and it was no great inconvenience to offer it (Jackie was no slouch in that department himself.)

"So which way's the fish section? ...oh never mind, there he is. Hey Jack," she said. "I wish, but I guess terrorbears are kinda scarce. Too bad. That was the most fun I've had since I came here." She twirled a lock of hair around her finger, smiling coquettishly; Jack should be well familiar by now with that almost feverish brightness in her eyes. "I was just hoping you'd come join me for lunch."


tenofgallifrey April 28 2011, 00:22:08 UTC
The Doctor arched a brow,eyes flickering between Glory and Jack in mild amusement. Based on his first impression, the two seemed perfectly matched outgoing, attractive, overtly sexual. And both immortal if he wasn't mistaken. Hell goddess wasn't a term he was familiar with, but the Doctor was beginning to get used to the fact that there were many things about this place he didn't know.

"That sounds like an excellent idea! I haven't eaten anything since last night and I've heard the food here is amazing." Yes. He absolutely was going to invite himself along.


captian_smexy April 29 2011, 01:06:33 UTC
Yeah, the timing was about right since the last time he'd met Glory for a quick snack. He shot a quick glance at the Doctor and gave him a crooked grin. "Not that kinda lunch, Doc. Tell you what, stay here," he leveled a finger at him, "don't interfere. Back in a sec."

"Then we can go eat. This always makes me hungry."

Jack settled into one of the chairs and cricked his neck. "All righty doll, soup's on."


mad_glory April 29 2011, 17:39:06 UTC
Glory gave the Doc a saucy little smile and wave and followed Jack to his chosen spot.

He got a lot of perks that were accorded to none of the other walking Hot Pockets, going along with her willingly the way he did; Glory knew it shouldn't matter whether her meals objected or not (heck, she'd been known to enjoy the ones who put up a real fight,) but in some obscure way it had started to. The hazards of this modern convenience food.

Whatever the reason, she let him get settled comfortably before she stepped behind him and settled her fingers at his temples. She'd gotten in the habit of giving him a second's warning, allowing him time to brace himself before she sank them into his skull with the familiar burst of radiant white energy.

Mildly dizzy afterward--she still hadn't gotten completely accustomed to the rush, Jack really was a unique find--she leaned on the back of the chair for a moment to catch her breath.

When Jack came around a few seconds later, she was absently rubbing his shoulders. "There we go, all done," she said with a breathy sigh. "Y'okay?"

(Crap. For a second there she'd nearly forgotten herself and said Thanks. Woulda blown her Hellgoddess cred completely.)


lol! tenofgallifrey May 1 2011, 19:58:02 UTC
Naturally the Doctor had no intention of staying behind. Oh the idea was briefly entertained, but not a minute had passed after the two disappeared before he was after them again, following them to that more private corner of the library. Something had seemed off about the way Jack had warned him off. Sure, it might just have a quickie behind the restricted section, however he needed to be sure.

He arrived just in time to see the burst of white light and feel the energy rushing between Jack and Glory. This was definitely not any sort of intercourse he was familiar with. The second she'd finished, the Doctor was hurrying to Jack's side , his face alight with concern.

"He'd better be, I'll tell you that right now! Jack?" the time Lord crouched beside the chair, pressing a hand to jack's temple and feeling for any signs of telepathic damage.


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