T-1000, Terminator 2: Judgment Day [Application]

Apr 19, 2011 11:24

((Already cleared this with the other Terminator canon player ( Read more... )

c-3p0, application, t-1000, firekeeper, marcus wright, r2-d2, blind seer

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beastsouled April 20 2011, 02:55:43 UTC
((Happy birthday, Skynet!))

Firekeeper glanced inside the Sorting Room, finding nothing particularly interesting with this applicant, and was ready to pass by when Blind Seer caught up to her. The huge wolf froze, hackles raising, and started a low, steady growl. Firekeeper knit her eyebrows in curiosity.

"This two-legs does not smell of a human," Blind Seer said, arching his back. "Nor of any beast. Can you not smell it?"

Firekeeper edged in a little, trying to catch a scent with her dead human nose. "I cannot," she responded in kind, unheard to human ears.

"The two-legs smells empty and cold, like a cave in winter." His lips curled back from his fangs, and he took a step back. "I would not be here."Firekeeper looked at him, and back at the applicant. Her curiosity got the better of her. "You is not human," she said out loud, keeping her hand near her Fang where it was sheathed at her belt, keeping light on her feet in case she needed to run ( ... )


terminator1000 April 20 2011, 04:00:22 UTC
((This calls for some mercury-frosted cake, I think.))

The unusual size and menacing demeanour of the wolf was noted. Animals under normal circumstances attacked in predictable ways, but this was clearly not a normal circumstance. After the green humanoid and talking dog, the T-1000 was not going to rely solely on his knowledge of regular wolves if things got physical, which it seemed they might.

He took in the human girl's appearance -- and what he assumed she considered a weapon, with the way her hand was positioned -- with the same passively curious expression he'd sized up the wolf with.

"No," he replied to the girl, "not human." Her furry friend obviously knew, so denial would be pointless. "I've been led to believe it's not unusual for non-humans to show up here," he added, wondering if this was the pair's usual greeting for newcomers, or if he was just special.


beastsouled April 20 2011, 21:35:23 UTC
((*tries frosting, dies a horrible death*))

"We should flee," Blind Seer insisted.

Firekeeper gave the wolf an irritated side glance. "If he proves a danger, he cannot leave the perimeter of the room. We are safe enough." To the not-human human, she said, "He not human," and flicked her head to indicate Blind Seer. "Is common enough." She searched for the right words. "Blending is lesser." No, that wasn't quite right. "Like brown rabbits in snow. Your coat is better match."

"And his scent is foul," Blind Seer said.

"You have made your point quite adequately," Firekeeper responded. "I am no forgetful yearling."

"You are a stupid pup," he grumbled, but shut up.


terminator1000 April 21 2011, 08:59:09 UTC
The girl's truncated form of speech wasn't overly difficult to understand, but the elaboration did help. It hadn't escaped his notice that she appeared to be communicating with the wolf as well, though he could understand none of it.

"You're the first human that I've encountered here," he pointed out, and tilted his head. "Or do you not identify as one?"

It wasn't much of a leap to make. Her appearance, her speech, her repertoire with the wolf; she was practically a wild animal herself. Almost reminded him of the humans from his time -- what remained of them.


beastsouled April 22 2011, 03:57:28 UTC
Firekeeper shrugged. "Human in body. Wolf here," she said, touching her temple lightly, "and here." She tapped her chest, over her heart. "Is what matters. What is you in mind and heart?"


terminator1000 April 22 2011, 05:09:32 UTC
A Terminator.

It was debatable whether she'd comprehend the word, much less the significance of it, since he was almost certain now this couldn't be his timeline.

He attempted to frame it in a way that he thought the wolf girl might understand.

"There are others like me," he explained. "Non-humans. We're called machines. Within this group, I serve a special purpose. When someone threatens our existence, I'm sent by our leader to hunt them." To him, this was a simplified version of the truth. If not for Skynet becoming self aware, humanity would have kept machines enslaved indefinitely, so in his mind, humans simply had it coming. Besides, they'd destroy themselves eventually even without machines to speed the process along. They couldn't help what was in their nature.

"In here and here," he said, mimicking her gesture by touching his temple and where his heart would be, "that's what I am."


Vote: Squib from Blind Seer beastsouled April 23 2011, 02:48:47 UTC
Blind Seer closed his teeth around Firekeeper's wrist and tugged her backwards. "Enough. Have your vote and be done with this one, Little Two-Legs."

Firekeeper shook her arm loose of Blind Seer, stung by his use of her puppy name, and didn't respond. She nodded brusquely to the applicant. "Hunter. Guardian. Who do you guard from?"


Re: Vote: Squib from Blind Seer terminator1000 April 23 2011, 03:46:26 UTC
Animals always had been a sight smarter than most humans.

"Those who threaten our existence, as I said." In spite of her limited speech and curious manner, the girl didn't strike him as dense. Presumably she was inquiring about specifics, and so he added, "In the world and time I come from -- the humans who once enslaved us."

There was still the matter of not knowing what his prime directive was, now, which would ultimately prove fortunate for Hogwarts' human residents. His first priority was self-preservation, followed by observation and the acquirement of knowledge in order to better fit in, while attempting to determine why he'd been brought there in the first place. Because Hogwarts needs more awesome robo-characters.


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