Those Quiet Days (Open RP; Forest Edge)

Mar 16, 2011 23:35

Sephiroth had become quite attached to the lake, being that the creature that lived within reminded him so much of Jenova and at times the walls of the castle reminded him of the Shinra mansion all too well. On his bad days, they weren't welcome memories. On his good days, he preferred to do other things. Such is what found him under a tree reading the book Zack had gotten him for Yule with a lazy kind of half-interest.

Mostly though he ignore the book on his lap and went through the motions of cleaning his sword with agonising attention to detail and care. Masamune served him well, just because he wasn't wearing his battle leathers (well, his boots and leather pants remained, but he wore a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up) and on the constant edge of war or random encounters with various monsters didn't mean that he had to let her fall into disrepair.

The rythym was soothing, almost hypnotic, but it did not mean he was not vigilant to those around him.

(Sephiroth is having a good day. He's quite sane and stable. He may even smile! Have at him.)

sephiroth, rp

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