Bobby and Death - Burying the Hatchet ((closed RP, Bobby, Death, Castiel, Dean))

Feb 21, 2011 21:29

“Hey Bobby.”

“Cas and the boys ain’t here,” he said shortly, turning away from the door, leaving a slightly awkward looking Death standing there. Great. Now he’d have to try and be civil. He didn’t do things like that well.

“That’s okay. I.. I thought we should talk anyway.” Death followed him inside. He hadn’t thrown her out or slammed the door, so that was probably as close to an invite as she was going to get. “And not about Castiel or the boys. This is about what happened with Karen.”

“I ain’t got nothin to say to you or anyone else about that,” he snapped.

“Well, I was planning on doing most of the talking anyway, so that works out for both of us. There are some things I think you should know,” she let out a breath before plowing ahead. “Between you and me, there isn’t a spell out there that can truly contain death. I mean all of me. It’s like trying to catch a tidal wave in a soup spoon. None of them are exactly big enough. The one Lucifer used was big. I mean really big. It was enough to get me tangled, at least partially.”

She frowned at the memory of the spell and her outright anger at the audacity of it. Death didn’t like being angry. It was.. unpleasant for everyone involved. “When Lucifer had those people brought back, he wanted them back as mindless killing machines to start with. I couldn’t stop them from being brought back, but I what I could do was alter his plan. I formed a bridge, between the Sunless Lands and the land of the living. It wasn’t enough to bring everyone back completely, but it gave them back their memories, themselves, at least for a little while.”

There was some uncomfortable shifting before she could continue. “They were all my charges, Bobby. My responsibility. I was supposed to bring them somewhere peaceful so they could rest. Then they were all torn away from me like that, remembering everything, forcing their families to relive that pain. Making a bridge like that wasn’t easy, and it took most of my power to give them back a little piece of themselves.”

She hugged herself, a very human gesture, her eyes distant and pained. “I couldn’t keep it up forever. Even my power has it’s limits. So I’m sorry Bobby. I really am. I tried so hard for her, for you, for all of them.”

The hunter stared at her before finally growling. “Get out.”

Either she didn’t hear him, or she ignored the order. Death set a small, glasslike sphere on his desk. “I had Castiel help me with it. He made one of my memories. It’s something I think you should see. It was when I came for Karen-“

“I said get out,” Bobby snarled. He leaned across the desk at her, his eyes dark with anger. “You don’t speak her name. Ever. So you couldn’t stop the spell, boo fuckin’ hoo. Don’t you dare try and give me any excuses little girl. That was my wife! You don’t know what that..” he bit off the words. If he kept going he was gonna say something he’d regret. “Get the fuck out. Right now, because Death or not, Cas’s girl or not, I will bounce you outta here so fast your damn head'll spin. You get me?”

With a powerful sound of wings, she was gone.

Bobby stared at the little glass orb for hours after she had vanished. A glass of whiskey sat at his elbow, half-empty and forgotten. He missed Karen. He missed her every damn day. Those few days when she had been given back to him were bittersweet at best. He wanted to touch the little orb, to see what it was all about, but he wasn’t wholly sure he was ready to face it, to see her again. Bobby reached out and picked up the orb. There was a warm flash in his hand and he was standing back in the living room of his house. Death had appeared in the living room while his shadowy form sat a few short feet away, hunched miserably over what was left of his wife.

“Hi Karen. It’s time.”

“You. I remember you.” Karen approached Death with a smile and took her hand. “Oh honey, you look so tired. Are you all right?” her voice was warm and sympathetic and it brought tears springing to his eyes. Jesus. She could even be kind to Death.

“I’ll be okay. I tried to give you and the others some time with your loved ones. It was a little trickier than I thought,” she answered evasively. “But it’s all right now. It’s time for you to go back and rest again. I won’t let anything disurb you like that anymore. I promise.”

“I know you won’t. But Bobby.. he.. he has to go through this all over again. Will he be all right? I wanted to tell him it was okay, that I didn’t mind this time. I got to see him again, and for a little while, it was nice.”

“I don’t know, Karen. I think he will be. There’s a lot of destiny tangled up around Bobby, and he’s strong. He’ll pull through, I think.”

“He’s a good man. But I think I’m ready to go back now..”

The memory dissolved with the sound of wings again.

Bobby sat in silence for a very long time. When it was too dark to see, he hit the lights and sent an owl. He had been all kinds of wrong about Death and now he had to try and set it right. Preferably before Castiel found out. With any luck, Dean wouldn't be far.

death of endless, bobby singer, dean winchester, rp, castiel

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