Glad alla hjärtans dag [Closed RP: Skwisgaar/Toki]

Feb 11, 2011 07:16

((Takes place on Feb. 14th in-game time. Will have NSFW content throughout.))

On the previous Valentine's Day at Hogwarts Skwisgaar hadn't been sure that Toki would want to celebrate the dildos holiday, but had taken the time to arrange gifts beforehand just in case, not wanting to be caught unprepared. Disappointment would have been a pretty shitty gift to give to anyone who wasn't Murderface. This year, at least he knew to expect something from Toki, and had begun his own preparations even earlier than last time...

Skwisgaar hadn't been able to think of any other piercings that could be put to good use during sex, like his tongue ring -- one of last year's presents -- could. A pierced foreskin or dick just seemed like a horrible idea for both of them, although he was still researching the possibilities there. They both also already had more sex toys than they knew what to do with, and besides, gifts of that nature seemed more like items chosen for himself rather than anything Toki would want.

Candy was always a good choice where Toki was concerned, he knew, and that part had been easily taken care of. But what else could he give that would show he put actual thought into the gift? Ridiculously over-commercialised holiday or not, he wanted Toki to enjoy it. But no member of Dethklok was left wanting for anything -- even the "underpaid" rhythm guitarist and bassist earned astronomical salaries, and could simply buy whatever it was they wanted.

In the end, Skwisgaar decided to employ the same theme as last Valentine's Day, and make something. Toki was always making crafts for others, so maybe he'd appreciate receiving one in return. The little token of their hair braided together had been a start... Now Skwisgaar was going to go all out.


On Valentine's Day, Toki's crystal Flying V-shaped dish from Christmas was on the desk in their room, now filled with an assortment of festive candy. Festive by Skwisgaar's definition, which meant an abundance of skull candies, anatomically correct gummy organs, dragon chocolates, deddy bear graham crackers, Flying V and Explorer tart candies, and other such sweets, all custom made to Skwisgaar's specifications courtesy of Jean-Pierre. (The special Shoggy-shaped candy that Dethklok's chef had also made would be presented to the Shoggies and Smaug possibly at the Hat Shore party, elsewise in a different post later on.)

Propped against it was a handmade valentine. The base was a sheet of heavy black cardstock folded in half, with Toki's name written on the front in silver ink, and it featured a construction paper and marker scene within. Two little blond and brown-haired figures had been glued to a couch (the spikes drawn in silver ink), holding accurately detailed video game console controllers, with a skull with heart-shaped eyes drawn between their heads, and they were surrounded by pink construction paper blob shapes with several small googly eyes each. An attempt at Smaug had been made in a corner, the base made of red construction paper with stripes of rainbow glitter glued along the stomach, and the dragon's features detailed in gold glittery ink. There were also other miscellaneous details such as drawings of Toki's deddy bear and knitted bear in one corner, Skwisgaar's stuffed wolf from Toki in another, various Vikingesque battle axes here and there, yard wolves, guitars, Facebones, trolls, dragons, and shiny foil confetti in the shape of skulls and hearts, which had been painstakingly affixed piece by piece to fill in the empty space.

It had been signed in metallic red ink and just hover your pointer over the text for a handy translation to pop up:

Vill du bli min valentin?

Jag älskar dig.

with Skwisgaar's signature below it (a confetti skull had been glued above the "i" to dot it).

Skwisgaar wasn't an artist and his crafts were a bit subpar compared to Toki's, but it was clear he'd made an honest effort that had likely spanned hours, if not days. And he'd obviously raided Toki's own craft supplies, minus the foil confetti -- he'd thought of that part himself, and was rather proud of it.

Of course, Toki would first have to extricate himself from Skwisgaar before he could claim his Valentine's Day loot. The Swede was currently asleep, and the wintry temperature of the castle had caused him to unconsciously imitate a clinging octopus beneath the covers, in an attempt to soak up his bedmate's body heat.

skwisgaar skwigelf, rp, toki wartooth

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