...Popped culture?

Jan 22, 2011 22:04

As was wont to happen, there was an uneasy rumble amidst a mass of popcorn. It shifted, and heaved, and spewed forth a spindly-looking man in a tattered suit before settling again. He staggered to his feet, shook his head, and then stopped.

Blink. Glance. Sniff.

Something was wrong. Incredibly wrong, in fact. He could have sworn he was reaching specifically for the handle in order to let Wilf out... but the door was now conspicuously absent. As was the entire chamber, really, the office, the headquarters, the... probably the world. Well, maybe not the world. He didn't feel quite out of phase, not in the cosmic sense, at least. He was still on Earth - an Earth. But something was wrong.

He had absolutely no idea where he was. This was a corridor he was sure he'd never seen in his lives, much less been in. Everything was a bit weird. The dimensions of the walls, the air itself, the smells around him. He hopped experimentally... nope, not regenerated. Still him, easy.

Out came the screwdriver. Environment stable, solid, good, but no signal from the TARDIS. And what was more, a strange substance...


"Butter!" he exclaimed indignantly. "And it's not even real! What in - why would someone teleport you and dump butter on your head?" He took an annoyed step forward... and slipped on the greasy sole of his shoe, landing squarely on his bottom with a grunt. "I've been dipped in it! Did you dip me?" he shouted at the air. "WHO TELEPORTS A MAN AND DIPS HIM IN BUTTER?"

unpopcorning, tenth doctor, the master

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