Dear Mr. Winchester,
Hi! I'm Megan Gwynn. I don't know if you remember me, we met in your
Sorting. I'm the one with wings. (And if you met more than one person with wings, I'm the one with pink hair.) I think you must be settled by now, so I was hoping to get some lessons on those Devil Trap things you were talking about for your bribe. I
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John collected a few additional supplies before owling her back and heading out.
Meet me in the common room if you're free now. It shouldn't take long. Just bring the chalk, you won't need any equipment.
Impatience won out. "Sihal novarum chinoth!" The familiar smokey pinkish aura eveloped Megan and deposited her in the Common room.
"Sorry. Force of habit," he said, slipping the knife back into a hidden sheath on his belt. "Got the chalk?"
"That was one hell of a mystical blade," he observed, reaching for the chalk she had dropped. The power emanating off it had made his skin want to crawl right off.
"Ready?" He had cleared a small circle on the floor and set a few things on the table in preparation.
"Very ready," she said, more jumpy than excited now. "Really, really ready. Um... I brought a few different colors. Does it matter which you use?" Megan was of the firm belief that if it could be prettier, it should be. At the very least, the option made her feel a little better.
He pointed at the table, "Rock salt. Make a salt circle or pour it across the threshold of a door. Good for protection and forcing ghosts to disappear. And there's holy water. If you can find a silver flask for it, even better. It drives the demon back like you hit it with acid."
The hunter held up a small, well worn book. "And this, you keep on you at all times. Basic exorcisms. They're sorted in order, from the run of the mill to the big guns at the back. Read 'em over. The pronounciation is vital."
Megan nodded until he got to the book, which she eyed with wariness. "I'm not going to have to hang upside-down while chanting, am I? Because I've done that before, and the pronunciation thing was hard enough without that. It wasn't even in English." She'd gotten good at the teleportation spell, though, even if she wouldn't exactly thank Illyana for it.
A shiver of power passed through the room as he spoke the words he had committed to memory years ago. "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, et secta diabolica, Ergo draco maledicte et sectio
Ergo draco maledicte et legio secta diabolica, Ut Ecclésiam tuam secúra tibi fácias servire libertáte, te rogámus, audi nos."
John gave her a little wink, hoping he didn't frighten her. "That one always gets their attention."
Her face fell a little more with every weird word that he read. At first thought, learning to work without leaning on her Souldagger had seemed like a really good idea, because she fully intended on getting the stolen parts of her soul back if at all possible and when that happened, she had no clue what would happen to the weapon. And on the other... she had a hard enough time with three words, much less however many those had been.
"Um. Can I take notes?" she asked in a small voice.
"Keep the book, kid. I've got em all up here," he said, tapping his temple sagely. "It's all about pratice. Until you get them down, keep that book close, even if you don't think a demon's around. They're sneaky bastards like that."
"So what happens if you say it wrong? Does it just not work, or does something blow up, or... what? Also, if you say it wrong, does hitting them work at all after, or only before?" Not that she hit very hard, but with Wolverine as a teacher, she wasn't completely useless. Mostly. Kind of. She tried, and that was the important part. "Also, does it make them grow more teeth and claws and tentacles and whatsits if you say it wrong? It's kind of important."
The hunter frowned and thought. "The Devil's Trap will still bind anything that ventures out of the Pit. If the ritual doesn't work, then start running through the weapons. Salt, silver, holy water, even blessed iron. As long as you keep the runes clear in the circle and don't break it, it'll hold anything you need it to."
She brightened up, though. "Really? It's that simple, then? Doesn't sound so hard."
The hunter dragged a hand across his face and forced himself to turn back. "Yeah. It's simple. You don't let your guard down for an instant though. The slightest slip and..just don't. If they ever slip that circle, you pull that teleporting thing and get the hell out, you hear?"
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