some holiday gifts (let's assume they were not late in gametime? :) )

Dec 28, 2010 22:59

Gifts from Ariane Emory II -

For Susan Foreman: a handbag which Ari thinks is visually interesting, as well as copies of the textbooks that Ari's Yule goat sent to Ari. The textbooks Ari sends to Susan are, mostly, secondhand books from the Hogsmeade book shop; there may be notes in the margins, left by previous owners. Hopefully there are not any rude drawings left by said owners. Ari did check, but she might have missed something. With the handbag and books, Ari has enclosed a cheery little holiday card with all the to-from information (Ari Emory, House Sparklypoo, to Susan Foreman, House Ravenclaw) and an explanation that the books are for studying but the handbag is just because it looked sort of fun.

For Arthur: a solar gadget charger and a sphere of tranquillity. With these, Ari has enclosed a plain sheet of stationery, folded in half, rather than a holiday card. On the front she's drawn the crystalline structure of a snowflake. Inside the folded sheet she's written: From Ariane Emory. Merry etc.

For Sokka: an Octopus Bombon. Along with this is a note of apology for Ari's poor behavior at the Yule party.

For the Harkonnen-Wolfe couple: a 25-gallon aquarium coffee table for their chambers. In addition to the holiday card wishing them the cheeriest of Terran winter festivals and letting them know the source of the gift, Ari has also included a manual for maintaining the water supply of the aquarium properly.

For Elric: a Moon Jar. Rather than a holiday card, which Ari thinks could be confusing for a Melnibonéan, Ari sends a simple note: Thank you for the wizarding flight construct, and for the invitation. I would enjoy a flight very much. This Moon Jar is for you, from me; as far as I am aware, there is nothing perilous in its make or use.

For Jherek: a Tree of Enchantment, with a very shiny foil Christmas card. The card depicts Father Christmas frolicking with polar bears and, improbably, penguins; he is also drinking a Coca-Cola. Inside, Ari has written: Dear Jherek, happy holidays! from Ari.

For Severus Snape: a carefully-packed box tied with black and green velvet ribbon. Inside is a set of Lumen Oil Candles. There is also a wizarding holiday card from Flourish & Blotts; Ari has handwritten a short message thanking Snape for his help and advice regarding wizarding curricula, and wishing him a happy holiday, from Ariane Emory II.

For the Sorting Hat: a skull mohawk hat, with an effusive holiday card conveying Ariane Emory's warmest wishes.

Gifts from Simon Tam:

For River: a thistle-colored pashmina shawl.

For A: a set of Bamboo Grow Pots and a good wok.

For Billy: a dinosaur plant and a nondescript box which contains the following: a carton of one dozen chocolate eggs; an autographed photo of John MacEnroe tied to it with red-and-green ribbon; and a Russian-English dictionary.

For Kaylee: a gift assortment of chocolate-covered berries from Honeydukes.

For Brienne: a gift basket of fresh fruit and of nuts in the shell, with a silver nutcracker. (Westeros being the kind of place where one can't simply go to the grocer for fresh citrus anytime one likes, this seemed like a good gift for Simon's Westerosi friend.)

Gifts from Jaime Lannister:

For Brienne: A dagger, with a flat lozenge of sapphire inset in the pommel, otherwise devoid of decoration. Jaime has laboriously handwritten a terse note: For the Maid of Tarth. A woman who keeps her oaths is worth more than her weight in sapphires.

For Oly: A cask of something potent and potable.

Gifts from Narcissa Malfoy:

For her beloved Lucius: some mystical cufflinks. Also some intangible gifts to be tendered in private.

For her dear Draco: a full set of new dress robes for the holiday, with all proper and necessary accessories to match.

For Severus: a new cauldron, of the highest possible quality and the top safety rating.

vladimir harkonnen, susan foreman, elric of melnibone, draco malfoy, jaime lannister, ariane emory ii, severus snape, valentine wolfe, simon tam, arthur, narcissa malfoy, river tam, billy brennan, lucius malfoy, brienne of tarth, jherek carnelian, olympia binewski, kaylee frye, a

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