Application for Castiel from Supernatural (End of Season 5)

Dec 18, 2010 14:05

((Application approved by the Winchesters and Bobby! *Waves paperwork stamped APPROVED*))


"I mean it, Dean. What would you rather have? Peace--or freedom?"

It was a disheartening way to say good-bye.  But Castiel, his recent 'upgrade' nothwithstanding, was tired of shouldering the responsibility that should rightfully have been borne by the ( Read more... )

eleventh doctor, liandra, arya stark, sanada yukimura, damien thorn, dean winchester, mr wednesday, claire saunders, application, sam winchester, bobby singer, ariane emory ii, castiel

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nerdofthelord December 19 2010, 08:42:08 UTC
Castiel nodded. "I've spoken with Sam. He seems to be in remarkably good shape, all things considered." If ever he had been guilty of understatement...

The thought that this Hogwarts might really be inescapable was disquieting. As comforting as it was to see his friends, together again and apparently safe and well, Cas had responsibilities that he shirked at all their peril. But it appeared that the castle was home to a wide variety of beings, of varying degrees of power and knowledge; he'd just have to keep asking around until he found someone who understood the workings of the place.

"You also seem well," he noted, regarding Bobby with that preternatural intensity he sometimes forgot could make mortals uncomfortable. He wanted to ask whether the man had concluded his business with the demon Crowley, but remembered just in time that that might be one of those subjects humans preferred not to discuss unless they'd brought it up themselves.

"So, what does, here?" he asked instead, somewhat unclear on whether the place still functioned as a school or not, and how its residents kept themselves occupied if it did not.


junkyard_hunter December 19 2010, 13:37:41 UTC
"I wouldn't call it remarkably good. Some days I think the kid's barely holding it together. Neither one of 'em will tell me what happened. Dean's a rotten liar and Sam looks at me like I kicked a puppy. Mind fillin me in?"

If anyone would give him a clear, unbiased version of the truth, it would be Cas.

That stare of his was just.. weird. Bobby didn't call attention to it though, it was just the angel's way. "I ain't got any complaints. It's a magic school, but most of the learnin' you have to do yourself. I've met a kitsune and even Odin, so there's always somethin' to keep you busy."


nerdofthelord December 20 2010, 03:00:18 UTC
Cas frowned slightly. The things that Bobby had witnessed (and endured) should not be easily forgotten, and the angel had taken care to make certain everything was in working order when he'd resurrected the man. Going to a little extra trouble had seemed like the least he could do, after having lost his powers at the worst possible time. "What's the last thing you remember?" It was possible he was dealing with a Bobby Singer who had been temporally displaced.


junkyard_hunter December 20 2010, 03:12:33 UTC
Oh he knew that look.

Something did happen to him.

"You, me and Sam, we had just taken out that warehouse full of the Croatoan virus. Sam had some damned fool idea on how to take out Lucifer and judging by the way he's been acting, something went wrong. Cas, what happened to the boys?" This last question he asked softly, his expression one of worry.

He wasn't worried about his own life. He was a Hunter, he knew sooner or later that was going to catch up to him. The only thing that mattered to Bobby were those two boys that had been like his own sons.


nerdofthelord December 20 2010, 04:54:58 UTC
Cas dropped his gaze for a moment, then resolutely raised it again. "Sam's idea worked," he said simply. "But it took him some time to regain control. Lucifer used that time to kill both of us and severely injure Dean. And when he went over the edge, Sam took Michael--and Adam--with him."

He paused, watching the old hunter closely, concerned at the effect his words might have. "I was brought back again, at full strength, and I resurrected you and healed Dean. But there was nothing anyone could do for the other boys. Until I came here, I believed they were both still imprisoned in Hell."


junkyard_hunter December 20 2010, 22:27:45 UTC
Bobby passed a hand over his eyes and swore bitterly under his breath. He loved Dean and Sam like his own sons and seeing them forced to endure so much was more than he could bear most days. It also explained why both of them wouldn’t give him a straight answer when he pressed them about it.

It was enough to break an old man’s heart if he thought about it too hard.

When he looked up at Cas, his expression was wearied. “Thanks. For tellin’ me and for bringin’ me back. You think those sonsabitches up there are finally gonna leave the boys alone?” he asked. While he didn’t trust other angels, he trusted Castiel and he trusted his judgement. The angel had gone from an outsider, to an ally and before the end, Bobby did consider him a friend and someone who would help look after Sam and Dean rather than try and manipulate them.


nerdofthelord December 21 2010, 02:54:05 UTC
"I don't know," Cas said frankly. "Probably for a while. The Apocalypse is a lost cause now, and Heaven will be in chaos with Michael and Zachariah gone. Those who remain will be scrambling to fill the power vacuum. I was on my way to try to put things in order before their followers could take control when I found myself here."

He sighed, his expression an understated mirror of Bobby's. "I'd be less concerned, but...Raphael is still out there. He'll find his way out of that circle eventually, if he hasn't already, and we're all going to be at the top of his hit list."


Vote : Gryffindor junkyard_hunter December 21 2010, 23:55:54 UTC
“Wonderful,” he grated. “If we ever get outta here, I imagine we’ll have to deal with it then.” Nothing like being at the top of an archangel’s hit list to put a damper on a man’s day.

“We’d, best get you sorted so you can get outta here. Me and the boys, we’re over in Gryffindor too. I know, angels don’t need sleep, but it’s a good place to find the boys if you need ‘em.”


Re: Vote : Gryffindor nerdofthelord December 22 2010, 01:22:03 UTC
"We've defeated archangels before," Cas said, feeling a need to offer the man something other than bad news. And it might be selfish, but it was a comfort to him to be speaking in the plural again. "We'll manage again, if we must."

Angels didn't need sleep, but most angels had never spent time as a human and been forced to try it, either. Shutting off his thoughts for a while didn't sound like a half-bad idea to Cas, if he was still actually capable of doing so. Something to find out when he had some quiet time to himself.

He thrust his hands into his trench pockets and stood quietly, waiting as patiently as possible and hoping that the hat Sam had told him about agreed with his friends about his proper disposition.


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