Application for Brendan from The Secret of Kells

Dec 16, 2010 16:56

Years, perhaps too many, had passed since Brendan had fled the Northmen at Kells, following Brother Aiden. The Book had been at last completed, and Aiden departed to the next world, leaving the Book, and the faithful cat Pangur Bahn, in Brendan's care ( Read more... )

brendan, wishbone, jenks the pixie, application, susan foreman, dean winchester

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i_shot_a_dick December 18 2010, 03:40:24 UTC
Dean was still getting the hang of this place and actually found the room with Brendan on accident on his way to the kitchen of all places. He'd had a a craving for pie and hadn't been able to find Sammy so he was on his own with getting it this time.

The always moving stairs decided Dean wasn't as hungry as his stomach told him and instead he found himself standing out side the door and listening to Brendan talk to himself. As he offered his bribe Dean snorted from the door way.

"Not much backbone kid or just easy?"


stbrendan December 18 2010, 03:51:27 UTC
Brendan smiled, used to insults. He'd never paid them any mind; after all, no one really ever went after a monk. The white gaffe was protection as well as comfort. Besides, young and impetuous didn't necessarily mean dangerous, even if they were close to the same age.

"I assure you, " he said with a laugh, "Illuminating manuscripts is no easy task. My entire life I've spent working to complete this book alone, and I hope to complete many more before I die."


i_shot_a_dick December 18 2010, 04:27:05 UTC
"So you're just a nerd? Great, as if this school ain't crawlin' with enough of those." Dean walked over and looked down at Brendan's application, before he took a step back and crossed his arms over his chest to look the other over.

"You're gonna have to give them somethin' better than that, pretty sure the library in this place is packed or some crap."


stbrendan December 18 2010, 04:43:36 UTC
"No," Brendan said simply. "Just a monk. Are you in charge of the library, then? I don't believe you'd have a copy of this on hand," He patted the Book with a little smile, "unless it has become easier to reproduce books in this era." Even then, copying the work done in the Book would be nearly impossible; no two artists worked the same way, after all.


i_shot_a_dick December 18 2010, 04:54:25 UTC
"Nah, but why don't you hand that over, Bobby's the guy to ask about it anyway, I'll see if it's any good. Gotta tell you though, this place is all magic mojo already so it might not be crap."

Dean held his hand out for the book, he had dealt with arcane objects, magical books and the like so if it was different than a normal book he might be able to tell.


stbrendan December 18 2010, 05:06:33 UTC
He was slightly put off by the abrupt demand, but he was sure the boy wouldn't try to steal it. He handed over the book, hoping he didn't have to warn his new interrogator to be careful.


i_shot_a_dick December 18 2010, 05:30:38 UTC
Dean took the book carefully, he would resent being thought of as a boy by any one but Bobby so it was a good thing he couldn't read minds. Dean laid the book down on the table and lifted the first page, both of his eyebrows curved upward as he caught sight of the book. Okay, this was definitely not a normal book and definitely nothing he had ever come across before. It had to be a magical item, that much Dean knew, but any thing beyond that he would need Bobby or Sam to tell him.

"Well it ain't normal, don't make it special but I can find out. Might be you have to give your soul to get in here. Could be all you got that's worth crap."


stbrendan December 18 2010, 12:22:51 UTC
Brendan came round to peek over the boy's shoulder, wondering what he meant. "Well, that's the Gospel of Mark you're on, and I'm quite sure there's nothing about 'giving your soul' in order to read it." He lifted an eyebrow. Dean seemed educated, and most people were educated from the holy texts. "You haven't seen a Bible before?"


i_shot_a_dick December 19 2010, 01:26:11 UTC
"Ah, so it's a holy piece of crap huh?" On hearing that Dean shut the book "I've heard about the bible, and met the dickhead angels who are in it, nothin' special all. Just a bunch of whiny jerks who want to make problems if you ask me, but guess the school might like it. Ain't my thing."

Dean was educated, but he had been educated by a thing called life and the fact that until killing Zachariah an angel and servant of the lord he had in fact been the archangel Michael's vessel to use in the apocalypse. To put it lightly, Dean had a prejudice against angels and the holy mumbo jumbo in general.

"You'd probably fit in with the dorks over in Huffelpuff what ever it is, if they decide your holy crap is worth it."


stbrendan December 19 2010, 01:46:43 UTC
"Ah," Brendan replied, now entirely crestfallen. An entire lifetime of work, countless hours of labor, the sacrifices he and the other illuminators had made, all brushed rather callously aside.

Still, it wasn't the worst he'd ever endured. Hurt, but at least hopeful for another vote into Hufflepuff, he attempted a smile.
"I suppose our work is not so important in the grand scheme of things," he said. "I hope you can forgive an attempt to try and bring a little beauty into the world."


i_shot_a_dick December 20 2010, 04:05:52 UTC
"You want beauty..." Dean smirked and leaned back against the table, arms folded over his chest, the whole entire position of his body read cocky as he sized Brendan up.

"Draw some busty asian beauties, you show me somethin' like that in this place and I'll do your homework or what ever works as compensation here.."

Then he pointed the to book "But biblical shit, well you're gonna find guys like me, that don't want nothin' to do with the holy jerks and then here, you got your demons and other supernatural pieces of crap that probably get burnt at that colorin' book."


stbrendan December 20 2010, 04:23:24 UTC
"S-some what?" He tried to focus more on the request and less on the fact that this boy was apparently completely unable to not insult Brendan's religion, but he was already starting to feel a prickle behind his eyes. Yes, it was a new religion (by Brendan's time, anyway) Yes, it was different and the Roman church was really full of a bunch of pompous aristocrats. But did he have to go on like that?

"I, I get your point, about the book," he said meekly, hoping that would stave the seemingly bottomless flow of insults.


i_shot_a_dick December 20 2010, 04:41:09 UTC
"Y'know, busty" Dean put both hands in front of him and made the shape of breasts in front of his chest "Asian, oh crap I don't care if they are freakin' what ever race, long as they are human and hot. Just some good lookin' women."

Dean chuckled "Cause between you and me, this place is packed with too much sausage to be any fun."

It seemed he was letting the book go, he had other topics to talk about, not that they would settle any better with a religious man such as Brendan.


stbrendan December 20 2010, 04:51:25 UTC
Good looking women... well, that would be a challenge. There were a few female figures in the Book, the image of the Virgin and child, for example, but not many that he could really consider 'hot.' Or 'hot' insofar as he was understanding Dean to mean.

A lascivious woman of negotiable virtue would not, he decided, look particularly flattering in the style of art he'd used to illuminate the pages of the book. But... well, he couldn't very well say no in the face of an artistic challenge. He loved learning new techniques, after all. He looked up at Dean earnestly.

"Would you allow me some time for research?"


i_shot_a_dick December 20 2010, 04:59:30 UTC
Dean didn't think to explain his version of a beautiful woman, in his mind every man would know what he meant to have drawn and assumed what he would see, would be what he saw when ever he looked at busty asian beauties.

The prospect lit the hunter's face up with a grin as he gave Brendan a thumbs up with a snort of laughter.

"Man, another virgin, you guys need to get out more, but alright, I'm warnin' you, gonna need to look in books, there's not enough breasts in this place for me, let alone another guy."


stbrendan December 20 2010, 05:03:27 UTC
Brendan was silent for a moment. "You haven't met many monks, have you," he said, a little flatly. Really, what did the boy expect from him? The workings of the church were quite straightforward and simple; surely things couldn't have changed that much in a thousand years?

He shook his head. Well, he'd do the best he could, which was all he ever had done. "Books I can work with," he said with a little sigh. He'd feel uncomfortable with a live model, anyway.


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