Walking on Water (Open RP; the Lake)

Oct 02, 2010 12:44

Standing on the surface of the lake like the messiah Sephiroth knew was, single black wing motionless, Sephiroth pulled his useless PHS from his pocket and threw it down into the water. He watched it ripple and send waves outwards to brush against the soles of his boots with a mild sense of amusement. The thing had long since been useless, he wasn' ( Read more... )

sephiroth, wishbone, cthulhu, sanada yukimura, kusuriyuri, rp, youko kurama

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serrulata October 2 2010, 11:32:21 UTC
It paid to be careful. While Kurama wasn't inclined to flaunt his power unless absolutely necessary, now that Sephiroth was around, he'd been keeping his youki damped down to such a low level that someone in the know would accuse him of being class D. This pleased him, even if it gave him a headache to pretend to be so weak all the time. Thankfully, at least one of his bodies lent well to not having overt power, and that was his very simple fox shape.

It was this form he took as soon as he saw Sephiroth descending from the sky to stand (with extreme pomp that Kurama could appreciate) on the lake's surface. If the... what was he, an angel with one wing? Well, whatever he was, whether he noticed a little white fox watching him from a rock or not, and what he did about it, would be interesting to see.


herlivinglegacy October 2 2010, 11:42:58 UTC
Sephiroth had noticed the fox. The colour and tails had been a true give away, not to mention the fact that the boy looked Wutaian (Japanese here, he believed) and took the form of a Wutain legend. After linking the hoshi no tama to kitsune it wasn't too difficult to realise just who the fox was. Sephiroth wasn't one to neglect research.

He paused before the fox, still standing on the water, and smiled just a little. "Have you managed to make any progress with the materia?" he asked, wondering if Kurama could speak human tongue in that body. Angeal had, in a manner of speaking, but Angeal didn't deserve to be compared to others.


serrulata October 2 2010, 11:53:01 UTC
Kurama's muzzle gaped in a grin. He'd expected Sephiroth to be studious, but hadn't expected him to gather that much information so quickly. There must have been a kitsune expy in his world.

"Some," he admitted, sitting back a bit to scratch an ear. "I didn't know it could put things to sleep as well. My cat was quite displeased."


herlivinglegacy October 2 2010, 12:21:53 UTC
Hm, so he'd figured it out, had he? "Most spell materia have various uses." He himself was protected from silence and sleep spells from various rings and bangles he wore to ward off the effects of such spells.

Sephiroth watched Kurama curiously. He hadn't seen a fox except for in the books about kitsune. He found them curious looking creatures.


serrulata October 2 2010, 12:32:16 UTC
"It's quite useful. I'll have to work hard to repay your favor," Kurama sighed, stretching and fopping down on the rock again, absorbing the last of the summer heat. He laid his head on his paws, watching Sephiroth with equal curiosity. What was he, Kurama wondered. Some kind of seraph? An otherworldly, doomsaying shinigami? Valentine had mentioned genetic experiments, and Kurama could smell the stench of afterlife on him.

Ah well. It didn't really matter, at least not now.


herlivinglegacy October 2 2010, 13:12:39 UTC
Sephiroth wondered if it was possible to bring Mother here, if it was a task he could achieve. For the moment, he had no specific task in mind for Kurama. He hummed lightly, considering. "For the moment, I have no use of you." Sephiroth did indeed enjoy stacking the deck in his favour after all.

He was silent for a moment. "Have you spoken with Zack?" he asked, curious. He wasn't quite sure why he cared, since his once-friend had nothing but irritate him since his arrival, but he found himself curiously unable to remote view as he'd been able to do when in the Lifestream. It was a curiosity of this world. The disconnection from the Lifestream had also quietened Mother's voice.


serrulata October 2 2010, 13:22:28 UTC
"The new kid?" His ears flicked, thinking. It was good to have something to distract him from being 'useless.' "No, though I passed by while he was being interviewed by the hat. Seemed like a bit of a dope." Sincere, a lot like Kuwabara, but... yeah, dopey.


herlivinglegacy October 2 2010, 13:29:06 UTC
He frowned a little. He was being sorted already, was he. "He is from my world, too. We knew each other once." Dopey was a wonderful way to describe Zack. "He is ultimately, a traitor."

If anything, Sephiroth could see Zack becoming a problem. For now, however, he was content to toy with him alone.


serrulata October 2 2010, 14:07:01 UTC
"Oh?" He didn't have to feign his interest. Just listening to Zack gave off the impression of someone as loyal as a dog. Like... a great big spikey-haired puppy. "Seems out of character, but," he shrugged, the expression terribly difficult in this form, "what do I know."


herlivinglegacy October 4 2010, 13:17:08 UTC
"You said you hadn't spoken with him," he pointed out, raising an eyebrow, "A book should not be judged by its cover."

For instance, one wouldn't think Sephiroth the kind of guy to have a system for brushing his teeth. So many stroked on each side of each side, including his tongue and cheeks.


serrulata October 4 2010, 13:56:01 UTC
If Kurama'd had that information, he'd have laughed himself sick.

"I listened to him. He was talking about... er, giant chocolate birds, I think. I got confused and left before risking the hat noticing me." He didn't want a repeat of his sorting if he could help it.


herlivinglegacy October 4 2010, 14:06:46 UTC
For a moment he was overcome with a wave of nostalgia. Yeah, that was Zack.

He scowled and turned away from Kurama, just as he turned away from refusing to acknowledge anything that had to do with listening to any kind of sense when it came to his faith in Jenova.


serrulata October 4 2010, 14:40:15 UTC
Kurama tilted his head, ears twitching. He was faintly insulted by Sephiroth's behavior - they were bound by contract for now; the least he could do was be civil. But, Kurama was playing humble (for all that helped him, and he wondered just how like the kitsune he knew were the foxes from Sephiroth's world) so he jumped from the rock to the sand, looking up at the disquietingly tall man. "Something I said?"


herlivinglegacy October 4 2010, 14:47:50 UTC
It didn't seem like he'd reply at first, and indeed, he didn't intend to, but it kind of just...slipped out. "It's typical of Zack, to do something like that." And it made it hard to hate him like everyone else when he was reminded of the SOLDIER's antics.

He kept facing forward through, chin high as he refused to look down to Kurama. He kind of reminded him of Red XIII, baring a few major differences.


serrulata October 4 2010, 14:55:20 UTC
"I see," Kurama murmured. And he did see. Sephiroth had the same tone of voice Kurama had himself gotten long ago, when someone would remind him of Yomi. Stupid, brazen, a traitor, but he'd been a friend and a partner for so long it was hard to forget that connection. Back then, anyway.

He also realized that Sephiroth seemed far more uncomfortable around him like this. Well, as much as he'd like to tease his 'business partner,' politeness was key to make sure he wasn't screwed on their impending deal. He pulled his youki further into himself and transformed, making sure he didn't use any more than absolutely necessary. He didn't want Sephiroth to think he was any more powerful than had already been displayed.


herlivinglegacy October 5 2010, 01:30:51 UTC
"Do you?" The question was quiet, barely audible even to himself, and he sighed, looking out over the lake. He should have killed Zack when they had been in the reactor, he knew, but that...that wouldn't have kept the SOLDIER from appearing here. "There are certain...events in my past I have forgotten, but he is one that I would trade many things to forget."

Simply because it made him ache, and he grew frustrated because of that. Zack, Zack was...no use to him, or mothers cause. But he couldn't hear mother's call here, even though it had faded over time and simply become his own after his death. The two were, essentially, one being, but that didn't destroy the sentience of her cells.


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