An Unpopping: Draco Malfoy [Open RP]

Jul 02, 2010 11:28

((After taking all the significant procedures, and with mod permission, I am unpopcorning Draco Malfoy. He'll have no prior knowledge of his time in Hogwarts Hocus; leaving him a fresh slate to be toyed with. He's taken right after the killing of Dumbledore in Half-Blood Prince.))

Hogwarts was ancient enough to have a pipe-work of catacombs ( Read more... )

mello, draco malfoy, rp, bucky katt, youko kurama, sage, vislor turlough, unpopcorning

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serrulata July 3 2010, 12:44:56 UTC
The unavoidable misfortune of the popcorn room called Kurama once again. And while he probably shouldn't even have been walking, two thousand years of stubbornness was hard to grow out of. Sure, he looked like he'd walked through the Blitz, but he wasn't about to let that keep him from harassing new students.

He lounged next to a sad-looking suit of armor, half-silhouetted by a wide window, and watched the re-arrival be pompous, a little smile on his face. He didn't even attempt to not loom.


ahbrakedahbra July 3 2010, 12:52:42 UTC
Draco stared at the larger than life being, and stared some more. Eventually that stare adopted a degrading sneer and then he scoffed. 'Nice tail, half-breed.' Not to be too lenient with this new-comer, he palmed his wand. So far he had not met a lot of agreeable people, one thing he learned from that twerp blond brat, was to be prepared and strike first.


serrulata July 3 2010, 13:04:41 UTC
Kurama's smile widened. "That sounds like detention talk to me, kiddo," he said, straightening. The kid's motion telegraphed to Kurama; definitely not an expert at slight of hand. He brought out his own wand in a blur of motion. He wouldn't attack - that would be bad manners - but he didn't want to collect any more injuries.

"Protego. You move your arm too much; long, diaphonous sleeves don't lend well to being sneaky." He showed teeth now, tilting his head slightly. "What on earth makes you think I'm a half-breed, mortal?"


ahbrakedahbra July 3 2010, 13:13:30 UTC
Draco narrowed his eyes, smirking. Dropping all pretence he brandished his wand, pointing it at Kurama's heart. 'Salvio Hexia ... Protego Horribilis,' he muttered. There was a shimmer in the space around Draco, slight distortions as his protections spells against hexes and dark magic were conjured. 'That shield charm is child's play.' The mention of detention tipped Draco off to the possibility of facing off against a teacher, he smirked. 'I would have expected more from a professor, no back-bone half-breed? Just a ridiculous tail and fluffy ears? You inspire such fear, lapdog.'


serrulata July 3 2010, 13:22:15 UTC
"Oh, gosh," Kurama said, putting a hand to his cheek in mock concern. "I guess you're just all kinds of right, princess. Though, I really don't need much more than minor protection." He lowered his hands and cracked his knuckles. "And those charms don't protect against physical attacks."

Another blur of movement. He was slower than usual, but he still moved faster than the reaction time of most humans, and was behind the kid in a blink, one fist in blond hair, the other hand gripping the boy's wand arm hard enough for the bloodflow to be severely staggered. He leaned down so his mouth was next to the boy's ear.

"You seem to know this place, kid, but I will give you the friendliest warning I am capable of. If you act disrespectful towards me again, I will beat the ever-loving fuck out of you. I've already used up my tolerance of assholes quota for this month, and you haven't been here long enough for anyone to miss you if you vanish for a while."


ahbrakedahbra July 3 2010, 13:30:26 UTC
He only had time to gasp and then Kurama had clasped his wrist. Pain erupted up his arm, tingling and blistering through his nerve endings until the pain settled in the crook of his shoulder. He winced and tugged at the professor grip. Then the half-breeds mouth was near his neck and, with a strangled whimper, he jerked his head away from his breath, as if his skin alone would implant diseases within his blood.

His eyes were wide and he panted. 'Let me go!' he hissed. 'Get your filthy hands off me!' His hand went cold and soon pins and needles were the only feeling in his wand hand. With a desperate groan he dropped his wand, the wood making a pathetic clink against the stone floor.

'Ugh ... let go,' he said more softly, desperation in his voice.


serrulata July 3 2010, 13:39:54 UTC
"I heard 'filthy' in that sentence," Kurama said, his voice as sweet as a kindergarten teacher's. He glanced at his hands. "Which is technically true, since they're covered in scabs and pus. But my generous and kind nature only allows so much suspension of disbelief. I think you owe me an apology."


ahbrakedahbra July 3 2010, 13:48:46 UTC
His skin crawled. His verbal retaliation was itching on the tip of Draco's tongue, he had been so close to saying '"Or what?"' but there was something in his voice, something sinister that not even the Dark Lord could match, that clogged his words in his throat like an oversized cork. He went silent, still tugging to free his hand in vain.

Draco shook his head no, grinding his teeth because of his situation. He tried to arch away from the half-breed, but it was like he was under a permanent sticking charm, he could not move edgeways.


serrulata July 3 2010, 14:27:06 UTC
"Struggling only makes me want to smack your head into the wall a few times," Kurama said cheerfully. "And not apologizing makes me want to put you through a very special brand of hell. You can apologize, and I will let you go with a slap on the wrist and a few hours of detention, or you can be stubborn and see what happens."


ahbrakedahbra July 7 2010, 06:29:17 UTC
Draco slackened immediately in Kurama's cruel embrace. Though he still had a stubborn set to his jaw, there was a conceding relaxation to his muscles. 'Fine,' he murmured.

It took another breath within a moment before Draco bit off his pride, and scrounged up enough courage and conviction to say: 'Sorry.'

It was curt, and had anger and unmistakable dislike behind it, but he apologised, sounding more like a verbal slap than anything genuine. But he was a Malfoy, and who could expect more?


serrulata July 7 2010, 06:34:18 UTC
Kurama beamed and released his grip, taking a second to kick the boy's wand down the hallway before he could do the stupid thing and try attacking Kurama again.

"There now," he said jovially, clasping his hands under his chin in a posture of absolute mockery. Of course there wasn't a drop of sincerity in the kid's voice, but he could match that with much more disdain. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"


ahbrakedahbra July 7 2010, 06:46:14 UTC
Draco glared and swatted away the beastly professor's hand; if he were a rattlesnake at that moment, his rattle would be deafening. 'Had your fun, sir?'

Draco was visibly biting back a multitude of choicest words and insults.

His father would hear about this.


serrulata July 7 2010, 06:48:57 UTC
"Oh, not nearly," Kurama snickered. "I'll see you in detention tomorrow. I'm thinking... 6 AM, in greenhouse four." He patted Draco a little too hard on the head. "We'll be having all kinds of fun."


ahbrakedahbra July 7 2010, 06:57:49 UTC
'Great,' he mumbled, scowling at the stone floor.

His hands balled in to fists by his side, his anger tempting him to lash out like a little devil on his shoulder.


serrulata July 7 2010, 07:01:55 UTC
"What's your name, boy?" Kurama demanded, in the same tone he used to give subordinates back home. It felt good to use it again. He kind of missed commanding small armies.


ahbrakedahbra July 7 2010, 07:04:45 UTC
His eyes narrowed, 'Draco Malfoy, sir.'

There was a certain smugness that showed. The Malfoy's were a wealthy family and descendant of two of the last remaining pureblood families. The arrogance in the knowledge presented itself when he gave a curt, little, smirk.


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