Application for Rory Williams (Doctor Who)

Jun 06, 2010 21:37

((ooc: Approved by fellow Who muns.))

Rory had thought he was getting used to things like this. All right, maybe not 'used to'. More used to. Less likely to stand around boggling in the face of alien weirdness. But, that was what he was doing - staring, wide-eyed, at what had been the TARDIS a few seconds ago and now...

Well, the room looked medieval, lots of stone and drapery. Like something on Earth, but then he didn't know what alien architecture was like. And - he hadn't heard birdsong. Or anything, really. Definitely not that vworping noise. He'd just blinked, and been here.

"Amy? Doctor?" No answer. He tried again, a little louder - "Amy?" - and this time there was a panicky wobble in his voice that hadn't been there before, so he stopped shouting for a bit. They'd find him, right? He must have been teleported here somehow, and he'd bet the Doctor had something that could trace him among all those mysterious buttons and knobs on the TARDIS controls. They'd be along any minute.

That was when he noticed the pen. It was a quill pen, exactly like you'd expect to find in a medieval castle, except it was floating above a table. And seemed to have just been writing something. Rory went over for a closer look.

His eyes widened even further. "...right," he muttered, after a few bewildered seconds looking down at the paper, which said Amy? Doctor? Amy? and then a list of questions underneath that. At least this gave him something to do. And by the time he finished they'd be here to explain things, surely? Or somebody would...

State your full name.

"Rory. Rory Williams. No, don't - don't write all that down, just - go back. Go. Back."

Waving the pen in the proper direction didn't seem to help. Rory sighed, raising his hands for a moment in an exasperated gesture directed at the room in general. No one appeared to explain things, again.

When he looked back, the pen had moved on to the next question. Of course.

1. What is your favorite cheese? Why is it your favorite?

"What?" He stared at the paper. It definitely said 'cheese'. "I don't know - Wensleydale?" Picking more or less at random. "It's - crumbly."

The quill moved on. Apparently that was sufficient.

2. Who would you kill first, Barney or Carrottop?

"Oookay. This is getting creepy. Er. I don't do killing people, all right? I'm a nurse." That had sounded more convincing in his head. "Unless Barney turns out to be some sort of - weird alien monster thing. In a dinosaur suit. We're talking about Barney the dinosaur, right?"

He hoped so, or that was going to sound even stupider. There wasn't a last name, though, and Rory didn't know anyone called Barney, so it was a reasonable guess.

3. What time is it where you are?

He laughed, rueful. "I have no idea. You tell me."

4. If you were Albus Dumbledore returned from the dead, which member of the Order of the Phoenix would you sexually harass? How would you harass them? If you are Albus Dumbledore, please answer as if you were Sirius Black.

"What?" The first 'what?' had just been bewildered. This one was bewildered and indignant and more than a little disturbed. "Look, I'm not - I wouldn't harass anyone, okay, and - for your information, I'm engaged. To an incredible, gorgeous... incredible woman. I mean, obviously even if I wasn't I still wouldn't go around..." He'd forgotten where this sentence had been headed, he realised. And that wasn't even the most unnerving part of the question. "And is this what we're doing now, zombies? First vampires, now - pervy zombies?"

The quill didn't answer, of course. For the first time, Rory found himself wishing the Doctor was around more than he wished Amy was. Amy was, hopefully, still safe on the TARDIS, not here being potentially molested by dead blokes with strange names.

5. If you are pushing to be in:

A. Slytherin - please state the clever, witty name of the bar in which you bartend, in the dark.

"...witty. Right. Beamed up into a castle of zombies and I've got to be clever about it now, have I? No, don't write..." As ever, the quill didn't listen. Rory shook his head.

"All right then." He thought about it for a moment, and a fond smile crossed his face. "The Duck Pond."

B. Gryffindor - Debate whether Harry should ultimately end up married to Fred or George. Use examples from a variety of world mythologies to bolster your argument.

Ouch. All right, Rory was less insecure about this than he had been, knowing that Amy would risk death in a camper-van crash to get him back. Not that he'd want her to go driving into walls if something really happened to him, of course, because Amy was beautiful and amazing and should go on being Amy for as long as possible. But - she'd chosen him.

It still didn't make the question any less uncomfortable.

"Well, I don't - know any of them, obviously. But I think, you know, Harry should marry the one who loves him and who's always been there for him and thinks he's amazing. Even if he hasn't got a ...white horse or a magic wand or anything." Did that sound soppy? Possibly. Still a bit competitive? Again, possibly.

Time to move on then.

C. Ravenclaw - You guys are supposed to be smart. Explain why my desk is inundated with paperwork at all times, even though I’m constantly disposing of it.

He shrugged. "It's just how life works, isn't it? You grow up, you get a job, you've got paperwork to do." Well, most people... "You probably work for the NHS." Never let it be said Rory can't be snarky, on occasion.

D. Hufflepuff - Prove you are not useless.

Rory glared at the paper. Being paper, it wasn't all that susceptible to intimidation, even if Rory had looked at all threatening. "I'm a nurse," he told it, sounding indignant and not at all sulky. "With proper medical training, which is useful if people are going to run off and get - eaten by fish."

6. Offer a bribe to the members of this community so that they will not squib you. Items used in bribery do not necessarily have to belong to the person offering the bribe. Do not threaten us rather than offering a bribe. A threat indicates you either don't really want to be here, or don't have enough sense to answer the question properly. The hat will automatically squib you, regardless of other votes, if you do.

"But - I don't really want to be here." On the other hand, he didn't know what being 'squibbed' meant, but the mental image it gave him involved fireworks. Which was probably not good. "I could - give you a checkup?"

"I have read the [info]hogwarts_hocus faq, and understand it is a crazy, cracktastic sorting community and RPG. ____Rory Williams____
I have read the [info]hogwarts_hocus rules and agree to abide by each and every one of them. ___Rory Williams___.
I agree to be a good sport and not get my knickers in a bunch. __Rory Williams___.
One day, marmalade will rule the world. ___Rory Williams___"

mello, tako, application, vislor turlough, rory williams, kuronue, george st bartleigh, cyd sherman, holy roman empire, chairman kaga, amy pond

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