Application for Tachibana Sakon and Ukon from Karakuri Zoushi Ayatsuri Sakon

May 25, 2010 08:24

Tachibana Sakon is a bunraku puppeteer. Ukon is a bunraku puppet made in the 1870 (the series is set in the late 1990s). As Sakon is shy enough to be practically mute without Ukon and Ukon is a puppet, they are together. Sakon is also a master ventriloquist. His mouth doesn't move when Ukon talks and their voices are different. He can also mimic voices he's heard, though he tends not to very often as he feels that mimicing voices is something similar to channeling. Ukon can be touched, but permission would be needed, either IC or OOC to actually remove him from Sakon's control. For Sakon's sanity, though, Ukon shall have to be indestructible as his version of the 'no kill' spell (or, in other words...I'm fine with curious poking, asking to take the puppet, but no taking apart the puppet).

One of the joys of being a performer was being able to travel. Sakon enjoyed being a street performer, enjoyed the more formal stage performing, even enjoyed the practice for performing. He loved puppetry, loved learning more of it, exploring more. He was going to a museum in Hokkaido, a long way from his home, to learn more about the art of puppet making and repair. While his family did have ties to a school of puppet makers, it was still a good idea for him to know as much as he could about as many different techniques as he could. And, he enjoyed the opportunity to travel. The journey also coincided with the autumn festivals, giving him a chance to perform as well.

He was dressed for travel, as well-a long, brown trench coat with and elbow length cape over the shoulders to keep out the cold, his sneakers on his feet, comfortable for walking and standing in, black pants, a black, long-sleeved shirt and the sleeve covers that kept his sleeves out of the way of his puppetry, and a gear-like collar. On his back, the green wooden case that held Ukon and in one hand, the suitcase that held clothes for him. He traveled light, his family only providing enough for the train fare up. It was up to him to earn the fare back and to cover a place to stay-a task he'd yet to fail in.

When he arrived at the gates of the castle, he thought it a little strange. He couldn't remember any building like the one before him in Japan, but he also knew that western style archetecture wasn't completely unheard of. The grounds looked different, too, but it was his first trip to Hokkaido, so he wasn't entirely sure what to expect. As the gates were open, he started to proceed, only to pause. He brought the case on his back forward and Ukon burst out of it.

"What is this, Sakon? This doesn't look like a museum!" the puppet declared, looking around, even over Sakon's shoulder.

"I'm not sure, Ukon. This is where the train and the map led us," the boy replied, his voice much gentler, quieter than his puppet's.

"Are you sure you read it right?" Ukon demanded.

Sakon chuckled, handing over the map. While Ukon examined the map, Sakon adjusted the case on his back and picked up his suitcase and started toward the castle again.

"Oi, Sakon, that lake is on the wrong side," Ukon said as they approached the doors to the castle.

Looking over at the map the puppet held, Sakon considered a moment then turned it around. "No, it's not," he said, raising his hand to knock on the door. It opened before him, though, before he made contact.

"This place gives me the creeps," Ukon complained.

"Hush, Ukon. We were invited," Sakon replied, though a shadow of doubt flickered over his features.

They remained in the door, though, a portrait of contrast. Sakon, with his dark clothing, dark hair, fair skin and violet eyes, still, only his eyes moving as he looked around the strange room. Ukon, a child's puppet, a masterpiece of work, with bright red hair, blue eyes and a yellow haori over a white kimono, a blue collar showing at his neck, a square sash around his neck with white medallions on it, looking around avidly, his neck craning, trying to take in everything.

"Well, I guess we're here," Ukon declared, his hands coming up behind his head. "Might as well see what this place is about, Sakon."

Sakon walked in, turning when the door closed behind him. "It seems we have little choice," he mumbled.

"What?" Ukon demanded, his eyes wide as he stared at the door.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Sakon said, turning back to the room. As there was nowhere to remove his shoes, he left them on, walking over to a table in the center of the room. He picked up one of the pieces of paper on it, handing it over when Ukon demanded to see it.

State your full name.

Ukon bristled then smirked smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. "My name is Ukon. I am a masterpiece of children's puppetry born in the second year of the Meiji period. This is my partner, Sakon, who can't do anything without me."

"Ukon," Sakon said softly, his tone chiding. "I am Tachibana Sakon, puppeteer." It was why he had been summoned, after all.

1. What is your favorite cheese? Why is it your favorite?

"Sakura cheese!" Ukon declared. "It's local here in Hokkaido, so we're going to have some, right, Sakon?" he said, looking over his shoulder.

Sakon smiled. "We promised to bring some back for Kaoruko-neechan."

"That auntie," Ukon complained, crossing his arms over his chest again.

2. Who would you kill first, Barney or Carrottop?

Ukon shook the paper, obviously offended. "Hey, now get this right, Sakon doesn't kill anyone! But, if someone did kill them, he could tell you who did it!"

Sakon frowned at the question but didn't add anything to Ukon's answer. He glanced at the table and noticed a quill moving of its own accord, recording his conversation with Ukon and their answers to the questions. That was strange. He couldn't see anything connected to it and it was very thin for remote controlling.

3. What time is it where you are?

Ukon blinked. "Time? You want to know about time after a question like that!?" he fumed. His tirade was cut short as Sakon covered his mouth, leaving him mumbling and waving his hands.

"It was four thirty in the afternoon when we got off the train," he answered quietly before letting go of Ukon's mouth.

"Why did you do that, Sakon!?" Ukon demanded, turning a glare on Sakon.

"I think there's something we need to learn here," Sakon replied, his eyes moving around the room.

"I'm not sure what, but..."

Ukon looked around the room with new eyes. His eyes rested on the quill, watching it as he spoke. "I see what you mean," he said, turning to look at Sakon again. "But, why is that quill writing what we say and how is it doing it?"

"I don't know, Ukon. Let's finish this and see what we find out."

4. If you were Albus Dumbledore returned from the dead, which member of the Order of the Phoenix would you sexually harass? How would you harass them? If you are Albus Dumbledore, please answer as if you were Sirius Black.

Sakon blushed deeply, glancing away from the paper. Ukon, though, tilted his head looking at the names. "Are any of them cute girls? And, it wouldn't be 'harassment' if it was me," he said, obviously cocky about his own prowess. He smirked. "Heh, I am quite the charmer, after all."

Sakon was too embarrassed to chide the puppet. Instead, he moved onto the next question.

5. If you are pushing to be in:

A. Slytherin - please state the clever, witty name of the bar in which you bartend, in the dark.

"A bar?" Ukon hooted. "What kind of nonsense is this? It would be Ukon's Bar, of course! And I would be the main attraction!" He flung his arms wide, a flourish.

Sakon chuckled. "That's a good name, I think." As good as any he could think of.

B. Gryffindor - Debate whether Harry should ultimately end up married to Fred or George. Use examples from a variety of world mythologies to bolster your argument.

"Married?" Ukon sputtered, then laughed. "Shouldn't you ask Harry who he wants to marry? He's the one that has to live with whoever it is."

"It's better if they belong together," Sakon added. Though not a huge believer of fate, given his experices with it and the experiences of those he'd seen, he couldn't deny there was something that made two people just fit together, despite their history.

C. Ravenclaw - You guys are supposed to be smart. Explain why my desk is inundated with paperwork at all times, even though I’m constantly disposing of it.

"You're obviously doing it wrong," Ukon declared.

"Maybe you need an assistant?" Sakon suggested.

D. Hufflepuff - Prove you are not useless.

Ukon laughed. "I'm not useless. I am me, a great entertainer. Sakon's pretty good with figuring things out and he gets me around, so he's not useless."

Sakon looked at Ukon and chuckled slightly, not saying anything as he turned to last question.

6. Offer a bribe to the members of this community so that they will not squib you. Items used in bribery do not necessarily have to belong to the person offering the bribe. Do not threaten us rather than offering a bribe. A threat indicates you either don't really want to be here, or don't have enough sense to answer the question properly. The hat will automatically squib you, regardless of other votes, if you do.

"I don't know what this squib thing is, but we came here to perform and to learn. If performing isn't enough, then you're out of luck. This guy doesn't carry much more than the clothes on his back and a yukata to sleep in."

Sakon covered Ukon's mouth again. "We did come to perform. If that isn't enough, then we will depart."

glorfindel, wishbone, issun, amaterasu, herr drosselmeyer, toki wartooth, application, ukon, cyd sherman, scar, tinky winky, tachibana sakon

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