Application - Herr Drosselmeyer from Princess Tutu

May 03, 2010 19:12

((OOC: To avoid godmodding issues, Drosselmeyer's canonical story spinner abilities (i.e., writing stories that come true) have been voided by the magic of Hogwarts. Of course, he can surely find other ways to mess with people's lives...))An old and eccentric man strode through the Sorting Room doors, a red cloak flowing from his hunched shoulders ( Read more... )

wishbone, herr drosselmeyer, china sorrows, ryuk, sage, application, vislor turlough, ravenclaw, t-rex

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woocha May 4 2010, 00:55:35 UTC
You tell stories? I wanna hear one I wanna hear one! Wishbone said, wagging his tail.


tragitragedy May 4 2010, 02:10:25 UTC
A talking dog was par for the course after everything Drosselmeyer had pulled in Gold Crown Town. He shifted the chair, angling it away from the desk, and settled himself comfortably with the air of a grandfather readying a story for the children crowded around his feet.

"How would you like to hear a fairy tale? I've written an excellent one with a prince, a knight, and two princesses. And for the villain, a raven with a heart as black as his wings." Drosselmeyer smiled in what he felt was a charming and winning manner.


woocha May 4 2010, 02:15:20 UTC
Cool! Wishbone is so the prince in his head.


tragitragedy May 4 2010, 02:53:38 UTC
"This story is called The Prince and the Raven," Drosselmeyer began. "Once upon a time, there lived a prince who loved equally all the subjects of his kingdom, and was loved by all the subjects of his kingdom. It was a happy land; but unfortunately," and somehow his smile didn't quite match the feeling of the word unfortunately, "this happiness was not to last forever. For to this kingdom came, one day, a monstrous raven and his many minions."

He paused in case Wishbone might want to interrupt with some reaction or question, the way children were wont to do.


woocha May 4 2010, 02:59:39 UTC
Wishbone's ears drooped. Oh, that's so sad, why would the raven ruin the happy land?


tragitragedy May 4 2010, 20:23:35 UTC
"It is very sad," Drosselmeyer agreed. He happened to prefer sad, though. "You see, what the ravens liked to eat best were people's hearts. They loved to peck at the dark feelings all the prince's subjects hid away inside. What called them to the kingdom was the people's jealousy; for while they loved the prince, and were happy to be loved by the prince, each one wanted to be the only one to have the prince's love."

Drosselmeyer steepled his fingers and continued, "Well, as you can imagine, this was not a good situation at all: a kingdom full of ravens eating at people's unhappy hearts. And it was only to get worse, for the more that the ravens tasted the people's love for their prince, the more they thought they would like to eat the heart of the prince himself, who was as fair as a swan in contrast to the evil ravens."


woocha May 4 2010, 20:27:38 UTC
Oh no! What did the prince do? Wishbone was totally enthralled.


tragitragedy May 4 2010, 21:58:50 UTC
Drosselmeyer smiled, pleased to have such an enthusiastic and engaged audience. "The prince had a very selfless nature, and he hated to see the sufferings of others. He would even put himself in harm's way without any hesitation in order to protect those weaker than himself. So when he saw the infestation of ravens that plagued his subjects, he thought that he must do all in his power to save them--and that meant battling with the monstrous raven." Drosselmeyer nodded solemnly and stroked his beard.

"But you must remember that the people loved their prince as well and, even though their hearts were suffering from the darkness and pecking of the ravens, they also wanted to save their prince and spare him any harm. Among them was a brave knight with unwavering loyalty to his prince. So in the prince's place, the knight stepped forward," and here his voice turned ominous and slightly hushed as he continued, "alone, to do battle with the raven."


woocha May 4 2010, 22:49:03 UTC
Wishbone's fur stood on end. He didn't like how Drosselmeyer's tone turned. What happened to the knight? he whispered.


tragitragedy May 5 2010, 00:48:39 UTC
"The knight fought valiantly, but he was no match for the monstrous raven and, in the end, he was torn in two and met his fate." Drosselmeyer paused, the moment of silence functioning equally well as reverent mourning for the fallen knight, or savoring the death scene like a fine wine. "The prince, deeply troubled by the loss of his friend, vowed that such a thing would not happen again. He took up his sword and met the raven in battle. But although he was strong, the raven's power was equal to his own, and they remained for a long time locked in a struggle neither could win. At last, the prince saw only one way that he might conquer the raven--through the use of a forbidden magic ( ... )


woocha May 5 2010, 00:53:50 UTC
Wishbone lied down, whimpering. That's so sad.


tragitragedy May 5 2010, 02:27:48 UTC
"It is quite a tragic turn of events. But!" Drosselmeyer straightened and held up his pointer finger for emphasis. "That isn't the end of the story. After all, I haven't even introduced all of the characters. You've yet to meet the two princesses in this tale."

Princess Kraehe hadn't quite featured in his novel originally, but she'd made such a delightful addition when the people of Gold Crown reenacted the story that Drosselmeyer couldn't resist working her in again. "The first princess was the Princess Kraehe. She was the daughter of the monster raven, although born in the form of a human girl. She loved the prince, even as he was now--heartless, emotionless, with such lonely and empty eyes--and desired to marry him, for he did not detest her despite the raven's blood in her veins. Even though the prince had bound her father, Princess Kraehe's love remained, and the monster raven approved of the match, so she followed his every instruction to prepare for the day that the prince and princess could be together."


woocha May 5 2010, 02:30:04 UTC
Wishbone sat up. But is Kraehe a bad person or a good person? She kinda sounds like she could be both.


tragitragedy May 5 2010, 02:54:19 UTC
Drosselmeyer grinned. How very perceptive! His characters had struggled with that same question for the longest time, including Kraehe herself. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," he admonished lightly. "All will be revealed in due time."

He clapped his hands together, returning his attention to the storytelling. "Now, where were we? Ah, yes, the second princess. She was called Princess Tutu. Where she came from was a mystery, and where she disappeared to was equally unknown. But her role was certain--she wished to see the prince's heart returned and his kind smile restored. And so piece by piece she gathered up his shattered heart, much to the fury of the Princess Kraehe, who tried in vain to stop her. And so the two princesses matched their wills, each determined to fulfill their goal for the prince, until the day that Princess Tutu collected the very last pieces of the prince's heart."


woocha May 5 2010, 02:57:31 UTC
Oh this was very exciting! You don't hear about princesses fighting over a prince very often!

Wishbone wagged his tail, eager for the story to continue.


tragitragedy May 5 2010, 15:41:26 UTC
"Princess Kraehe liked the heartless prince as he was, and preferred that he would remain that way and marry her under her father's blessing. But Princess Tutu was acting in accordance with the prince's own heart--his desire to regain his feelings and return to the man he once was. But we must not forget that each shard of heart returned to the prince was one less piece that sealed away the monster raven. And as the raven's return loomed ominously like a dark cloud on the horizon, our players became aware of a sudden twist of fate ( ... )


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