[Closed RP: Skwisgaar, Toki, Shoggies -- Jasper, Vladimir later]

Apr 18, 2010 10:44

((Plus Nidhögg, if he wants to pal around at all. Continued from this thread, and very obviously NSFW since it's going to be full of Sharkgaar porn and gore and wrongness. Especially once Vladimir is involved. :P))

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nathan explosion, shoggies, vladimir harkonnen, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, rp, toki wartooth, nidhogg, pickles, jasper hale

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isnotabumblebee April 20 2010, 13:00:32 UTC
((I do hope Valentine'll be able to drop into the cracky fun at some point. =D))

"Yeah, an oceans god, likes some sorts of seas king. We shoulds tell the butler to gets you the lightnings tridents if they's still at Mordhaus." It didn't occur to Toki that mixing electricity and water was actually a very bad idea. "And I should tell him I wants the scuba stuffs, then I coulds swim unders the lake with you, if there's not somes magic way to breathes the water. Might be funs to see what's unders the lake, and if there's any mermaids left after the dragon ates them."

Toki watched curiously as Skwisgaar managed to retract his cock, asking, "Is it strange, having different parts ands a tail?" It seemed to Toki that it would be pretty wierd to suddenly have one's physical structure all shifted around, and ending up with extra parts with a few more abilities. "I'm glad you still gots parts, and they look likes fun ones." It had to be pretty awesome to have a prehensile cock, and Toki felt a mild pang of jealousy- it passed extremely fast though. He might not have a prehensile cock, but, he had Skwisgaar's to experiment with and was more than content with that. Although Skwisgaar was sure to turn back into his usual self at some point, he found himself hoping that the enchantment wouldn't wear off too quickly, since there were a lot of interesting possibilities for them to try out.

Skwisgaar's new grace in the water and apparent limberness was extremely sexy, and as he rolled through the water, Toki began to wonder just what he might be able to do with himself, which was an extremely arousing thought. The chill of the water was quickly starting to lose some of its effect on certain bits of Toki's anatomy, which insisted on responding even if the temperature wasn't exactly encouraging. A small shudder shook him at the touch of Skwisgaar's now-clawed hands, and it had nothing at all to do with the cold. He nodded, shifting a bit so that he could better reach Skwisgaars new 'cocks-hole', replying "Yeah, I want to feels the cocks-hole. And I wants to know if you likes it." He started his exploration with his hands, or one of them, as he gripped onto Skwisgaar's hip- or was it the beginning of his tail?- with his other as to better support himself above the water. He ran his fingers over the still-protruding head of his cock first, before slipping a finger very carefully into his 'cocks-hole'- he hadn't watched enough Animal Planet to know that the proper term was a cloaca. He watched for Skwisgaar's reaction as he ran it slowly along the submerged shaft of his cock- although only part of it, given how much longer it had appeared to be. He teased inside for a moment before adjusting himself again in order to indulge Skwisgaar's curiosity about oral stimulation. Toki was just as interested, and wondered if Skwisgaar would taste different, and wasn't entirely sure if the somewhat fishy taste as he flicked his tongue around the head of his cock was real, or, prompted by his subconscious due to expectation. "You kinds of taste likes fish nows," he told Skwisgaar, before probing at his cloaca with his tongue, giving a sudden startled wiggle as he sought to push it in slightly. This however had nothing to do with Skwisgaar, and instead had to do with a small, innocuous fish that had just brushed against Toki's leg. "And I think the others fish think you's sexy, too." he told him playfully, before returning his oral attention to Skwisgaar's altered parts.


best_guitarist April 21 2010, 09:38:24 UTC
Luckily for everyone involved, non-electrified but still properly metal looking tridents would be much easier to acquire, and Skwisgaar would probably only complain about the lack of lightning a little. Besides, he could always nag Ofdensen or the house elves or possibly Glorfindel to duplicate the effects of lightning with a simple wizarding magic light spell or something of the sort. Or perhaps the Shoggies might have suggestions, as they'd apparently known actual sea god type people.

"There's still de ugly mermaids downs there, and de ugly mermaids-guys too. Theys just hiding now," he explained, and looked annoyed as he went on. "They might try to gets kinky and bites you likes they dids to me." Which he was still considering foreplay since none of the biting had injured him, and hence his irritation at thinking they might do it to Toki. Even though they technically had what could qualify as an open relationship, the longer they were together, the less he liked the thought of Toki with anyone else -- with increasingly few exceptions, and most of those were people Toki probably really wouldn't want to fuck anyway. (Never mind that the mermaids would only try to kill him, not mate with him. Skwisgaar obviously didn't know that.) "I wills have to eats them too if they dos. Buts it woulds be nice if you could swims deeper withs me, wes can haves de lake alls to ourselves."

Not counting the dragon and their Shoggies, as they were all more likely to pal around with them than get in the way. There were a lot of interesting things to see down there, such as the plethora of plant life and fish and especially Níðhögg's huge body stretching on as far as the eye could see. Maybe he'd just guide Toki away from the mermaid village so none of the ugly things could molest him.

"Was prettys dildos at first, nots so strange now," he replied, looking amused. "And whats would yous do if I didn'ts haves de fun parts anymore?" The shudder certainly hadn't escaped his notice, but since Toki wasn't showing any other signs of discomfort, he took it as encouragement and let his hand wander lower. It paused at Toki's abdomen as Skwisgaar became distracted by the feel of Toki's fingers and tongue, his cock reflexively sliding out a little further before he had the presence of mind to stop it -- which seemed weirdly funny; it was like a select-a-size cock. He hadn't been in the lake long enough to acquire much of a fishy taste or smell, but then there was the fact he had fish parts now, so perhaps he had more of an odour than he was aware of. Hopefully not enough that Toki thought he smelt or tasted bad, as that would sort of ruin the mood. "Fish?" he asked, Toki's unexpected wiggle startling a moan from him. "Ams you sayings I taste bad?" His disappointment was obvious in both his tone and body language, the fins along his arms and back drawing closer to his body. He would have rolled away and submerged himself again had Toki not continued after the fish distraction. Maybe he didn't mind the taste, then? Skwisgaar watched with an uncertain frown, though this didn't prevent him from reaching to cup Toki's balls and cock with a hand, fingertips dragging over his skin. Now that he could breathe underwater, he had several things he wanted to try out at some point, and just hoped he could keep his rows of rather pointy teeth from getting in the way. "Pfft. I eats dat perverts fish later."


isnotabumblebee April 22 2010, 12:10:50 UTC
Hopefully someone such as the house-elves or a magical elf would be able to assist Skwisgaar if he decided he absolutely required electrified-looking tridents. For, if Skwisgaar were to consult the Shoggies regarding appropriate weapons for a sea god to carry around, their answer would prove to be a five-ton monolith.

"You then you can bites them back, if they tries to fish-rapes me," Toki told Skwisgaar, convinced that in his sharky form he could probably kick any mermaid's ass. "And stabs them withs the lightning trident. Maybe I should gets one too- but you's the fish god, so gets the better one." Although he was intrigued by the idea of seeing these ugly mermaids, it was because seeing mythical creatures was cool, and not out of any desire to experience what Skwisgaar thought of as mermaid foreplay. Unless it was Skwisgaar doing such things to him- likewise, the only merman Toki was interested in doing anything with but seeing was Skwisgaar. Toki simply wasn't one to take advantage of their open relationship, which meant that Skwisgaar actually had very little to worry about. Unless perhaps a certain blonde elf that looked like Skwisgaar suddenly wanted to have sex with him, and Skwisgaar was no where to be found to join in. Of course, that was never going to happen, so, Skwisgaar had pretty much nothing to worry about. "I bet there's gots to be some water-breathing magics, since there's lots of other magic what's useful." He'd have to do some research when they got back to the castle- which would most likely consist of sending a house-elf to the library to find out the answer. Toki very much wanted to be able to accompany Skwisgaar properly on their next trip to the lake, and didn't want to resort to having to go into a liquid oxygen isolation submersion chamber again.

Toki considered a moment- what would he do if Skwisgaar didn't have any 'fun parts' anymore? "I guess we'd haves to try and figures out new funs parts till you gots them back," he told Skwisgaar. "But it would sucks." He didn't even consider the option of finding someone else to fuck until Skwisgaar got them back- for Toki, it just wouldn't have been one. Although he occasionally managed to get a splash of water on the face due to the little waves in the lake, Toki continued his oral exploration of Skwisgaar, giving a little squeak of surprise as his cock suddenly pressed deeper into his mouth as he was taking in the head, seemingly with a motion all its own. Toki managed to pull back before he'd gagged, but managed to swallow some water as he did and spluttered a bit before getting right back to it.

He hadn't meant to imply anything bad with his fish comment, which he was pretty sure was more of an impression due to the lake smelling like a lake, and thus 'fishy', and stopped what he was doing a moment to shake his head. "No, I don't means it bad, Skwisgaar! Just seems a little different, but, mights just be the lake." He was horribly concerned that he'd offended Skwisgaar, but tried to communicate his lack of distaste by keeping at what he was doing. He teased around the shaft of Skwisgaar's cock with his tongue, lingering around the point where it was enveloped by the opening his cloaca, only pausing to give a loud moan as he felt Skwisgaar's hand on his cock and balls. He rocked himself against his hand, drawing out a further sigh before telling him, "You stills taste good, and stills feels good too, and ares just as sexy when you's a merman."


best_guitarist April 23 2010, 04:45:57 UTC
Skwisgaar did have supernatural strength as a merman, so a five-ton monolith-baseball-bat (in miniature) might work; it just wouldn't look quite as cool as big pointy things he could zap people with, or impale them on. But at least the Shoggies could help design a metal-looking stone base for his aquarium, and maybe the decorative rock formations inside of it -- something only Toki might come up with, since he'd actually kept fish before with an especially apt shark poster on the wall, and merman tank interior design wouldn't occur to Skwisgaar beyond maybe wanting a shark-bed in it. And of course some kind of filtration system, so he wouldn't be swimming around in his own waste.

"Ja, you should gets some too," he replied, probably only warming to the idea because Toki had added the condition that his trident wouldn't be quite as awesome. Skwisgaar was easy to please and even manipulate to some extent, when one knew just the right way to stroke his ego. "Yous figures out how to breathes de waters and we gets tridents and goes and stabs fish and stuff downs there. Yous could gets your war hammer too, and a black spiky waters-armours-suits." Or a more realistic and functional insulated black wetsuit. "And I's gots that big axe, too."

The only thing more brutal than a watergod with lightning tridents? A Viking watergod with lightning tridents and a battle axe.

"I woulds still haves fingers and a tongue," he pointed out with a smirk -- the latter of which he intended to use on Toki shortly. He had to be more careful with his claws, so unfortunately might not be able to use his fingers for anything more interesting than holding onto Toki. "Sorry," he added after Toki had to pull back and sounded like he was choking. His frown deepened. "Mights be better if yous nots in de water too. Maybe we tries this in de bath, withs me ons my back..." But he wasn't attempting to stop him; on the contrary, he was happy to enjoy the watery blowjob-rimming, after Toki clarified what he'd meant with the "fish" comment. He was mindful to keep his cock where it was as things progressed, but keeping it still was another matter, as it reflexively twitched forward against his abdomen whenever Toki happened upon a sensitive spot. Which was pretty much constantly, and especially when his tongue brushed along the opening of his cloaca and cock at the same time.

"I likes when yous dos that, and when yous sticks your fingers intoside of it. Yous feel good too," he said, punctuating the statement with a slow stroke down the length of Toki's cock. He abruptly let go in order to catch another fish that was getting too close for comfort, then yanked it out of the water and ate it. He could still feel the vibrations from what seemed to be a whole school of fish nearby. Toki was actually partially right -- all the fishy pheromones Skwisgaar was unknowingly producing advertised that this was a spot for hot spawning action, and was attracting all kinds of interested fish.

In a manoeuvre that would make any contortionist jealous, Skwisgaar bent backwards into the water, keeping his lower body at the surface so Toki could continue what he was doing uninterrupted. The fish were also advertising their desire to mate, judging by what he could smell. "Lots of horny fish downs here," he said; his voice was raspy above water, but much closer to normal and perfectly clear underwater. He ate a couple more of the pervert fish before shifting so his underside was facing Toki, and gripped his cock again, teasing the head with his lips and tongue, slowly getting a feel for how to handle his new teeth when giving a blowjob. After a bit of experimenting, he figured out it wasn't so different from the way he usually did it -- angle his head so his upper rows of teeth weren't an issue, keep the lower rows of teeth covered with his tongue (better his fast-healing tongue get nicked than Toki's fun bits) -- and he was able to draw more of Toki's cock into his mouth. He reached to fondle his balls with his other hand, pausing occasionally to swat the stupidly audacious fish away. Toki had a very noticeable taste now, himself -- nothing at all like fish, but strangely delicious anyway.


isnotabumblebee April 25 2010, 00:45:35 UTC
Chances were that the construction of Skwisgaar's aquarium, at least as a glass tank with water and a filtration system, would be relatively fast. It would be the other additions that Toki and the Shoggies would come up with that would take an extra day or two. Having kept fish, Toki believed that fishtank interior design was important, and, so would end up thinking it just as important for mermen. And, it was likely he'd have a bit too much fun with it. Not only would his tank be likely to contain a reef-looking arrangement, it would probably contain some entirely unnecessary fishtank decor along the lines of shipwreck bits and sunken treasure chests. And of course there'd need to be some sort of shark-bed, since mermen presumably had to sleep too.

"We could get scaly armors whats shines like fish scales!" The impossibility of swimming in armor didn't occur to Toki, as there was no doubt that a wetsuit would work far better than armor. But, a wetsuit would also look a lot less metal, and Toki would probably have to learn about trying to swim while wearing armor the hard way. "I coulds bring a tridents ands the war hammers, and you cans brings the axe! And maybe I gets a spears-gun too!" He was pretty sure that those were actually designed for the water, and therefore, might be more effective than hammers and axes if they were to encounter anything troublesome. Hammers and axes just looked awesome.

"Yeah, buts is still best if yous has your parts, since you gots to feels real good too," Toki told Skwisgaar. Although he did have selfish tendencies, when it came to the bedroom, Toki was actually quite concerned about mutual pleasure. "Your new parts is fun, but, I likes your old parts too, they's both good," he told Skwisgaar. "And I likes it ins the lake, ams having fun, but we cans try the bath too. But nots now, happy here." He wasn't quite in the mood to leave the lake yet, and had become pretty used to its chilly temperature, so wasn't in a rush to leave. He also figured that Skwisgaar was probably going to be happier in the lake than a bathtub as well, for although they had a big bathtub, it wasn't really swimming pool size. He also recalled something about how some sharks died if they stopped swimming, so wasn't sure if it was safe to keep Skwisgaar in a bathtub for too long. Skwisgaar did seem to have some other fish mixed in, and still had human parts as well, so Toki hoped that this was going to prove a minimal concern. He considered mentioning it, but, decided against it at the moment, since he didn't want to break the mood by instilling any sort of paranoia in Skwisgaar just then.

"I likes doing it too, and your new skins feels real good, when I don't touch its the wrong way." His cock was felt especially smooth and silky, and didn't seem to be affected by the sandpaper-like effect of the tiny tooth-like scales covering most of skwisgaar's body. He laughed when one of the many fish who were now congregating in the area brushed his leg, as it tickled, and grinned with amusement as Skwisgaar suddenly let go his cock to grab it and eat it. "You's a brutals fishersman now, Skwisgaar. Is too bad's they's not sushi-fish, think they's gots to be salt-waters."

Toki's eyes widened, extremely impressed as Skwisgaar managed to bend so that his lower body remained where it was while his upper body was under the water. As Toki's head was still mostly above the water, the couldn't quite hear Skwisgaar's underwater voice, although he thought he caught something about horny fish while his head was partially submerged by a small wave. It was getting pretty easy to anticipate the waves, and, Toki was getting used to timing his breaths between them as he continued orally pleasuring Skwisgaar, now using his hand around the entry of his cloaca as he licked along the length of Skwisgaar's remarkably flexible cock. He hadn't expected Skwisgaar to shift around so remarkably, and gave a loud moan as he felt his lips on his cock. "Feels real good, Skwisgaar," he told him between sighs, not realizing that he probably couldn't quite hear him underwater, but Toki's little shudders and motions spoke his pleasure anyway. Skwisgaar's caution seemed very effective, as his rows of shark teeth weren't causing any problems for Toki.


best_guitarist April 28 2010, 01:54:51 UTC
((You know, that fish in your icon almost kind of looks like a weird grinning dick with eyes to me now... XD))

Skwisgaar's upper body might presumably still be comprised of bone, as a human's would be, but the rest of him definitely wasn't -- his seemingly impossible flexibility came from the fact his lower body's skeletal system had only cartilage and connective tissue, like a shark's. It did help that he at least had a rib cage, unlike sharks, as otherwise he'd more than likely suffer internal damage when attempting to move around out of the water. Despite his flexibility, it was sort of difficult to swim in place upside down the way he was for more than a few minutes at a time. His tail had to be in constant motion just so he wouldn't inadvertently flip over, or sink, and as a result Toki was getting splashed more than before. And Toki's voice was distorted when heard from underwater, but Skwisgaar could still understand him well enough -- particularly when he moaned, which translated into a rather unique vibration that both sounded and felt good, like a ticklish ripple sliding across his skin. If that was part of how mermen of his type had sex, it seemed a shame that Toki wouldn't be able to enjoy it too; playing guitar together underwater would probably lead to sexy results.

As he continued to tease Toki's cock with his mouth and tongue, putting his tongue stud to good use, he could feel his own cock already leaking a thick, oily sort of precome. At least some things hadn't changed... and it gave him an idea. He was sure Toki only had a limited amount of time in the water before he would get sick, so it was probably better not to prolong things too long, though he would have preferred them taking their time to explore and pleasure each other. But, then, there was always his future aquarium for that. The movement of his tail slowed after several minutes and he carefully pulled away from Toki's cock, which he thought was warning enough so Toki wouldn't be startled when he swam downward.

He reappeared at the surface right-side up, some of the braids in his hair partially undone now, and drifted closer to Toki until their stomachs were almost touching. "I thinks I founds your spear-gun," he teased, and touched Toki's cock with his fingertips, guiding it into his cloaca just below where his own cock was still protruding, arching his back as he did. The oily precome seemed ideal for underwater sex, and he hoped it was a good enough lubricant for the moment. It wasn't his own body he was worried about. "And yous even speareds a fish," he said with an amused glance downward, sliding his hands over Toki's hips and ass, letting his claws scrape Toki's skin just enough to be felt without drawing blood. He leant in and, just as careful as he'd been with Toki's cock, kissed him. Since he hadn't accidentally taken off any of Toki's fun bits with his new teeth, kissing seemed to be marginally even safer.

"Feels differents," he said after a moment, letting his cock slide out a little more before retracting it, so it would rub against Toki's. "But reallys good." For him, it wasn't quite like frottage and fucking combined -- in a weird way, it was almost more like when Toki fucked his foreskin. There seemed to be several different areas where nerve endings were concentrated within his cloaca, and having Toki's cock pressing so tightly against them felt amazing. "I'ms glad yous thoughts of this," he said, kissing Toki again, and having to resist the urge to playfully bite the way he normally would. "Whats does it feels like to you?"

The "horny pervert fish" darting about them didn't seem to be deterred by the fate of their eaten brethren, and were still being as annoying as ever. This position left Skwisgaar with more freedom to use his tail, though, so he was able to simply thwack the pests away whenever they came too close.


isnotabumblebee May 1 2010, 01:02:19 UTC
((Heheh, I noticed the similarity a while back- probably why I keep using it. XD It amuses me! I need to get Toki some of those new a la carte icons so he can have some more.))

Toki was actually quite interested regarding the new complexities of Skwisgaar's anatomy- luckily, he wan't at all inclined to open him up and discover exactly what fish parts he ended up with. He was quite content to admire his unusual new flexibility, and enjoy the benefits that it appeared to bring. He was getting quite soaked from all the splashing, but, it wasn't as if this mattered to him when he was already in a lake. He unfortunately couldn't experience the unusual sensations which affected Skwisgaar due to sound, and was entirely unaware they were even happening. Had he realized it, he'd have probably deliberately exaggerated his own sounds of pleasure in order to increase Skwisgaar's. But, his natural reactions were far from lacking, as he was fully caught up in pleasure, finding a challenge to form real words, but moaning and whimpering loudly at Skwisgaar's mouth on his cock. The tongue stud in the chilly waters was a startling addition, and it was likely that the only reason he hadn't exploded yet was the chilly temperature delaying his reaction.

It was probably good that Skwisgaar was keeping his mind on the conditions in the lake, as, Toki had gotten used to the cold water, and forgotten about any possible health issues related to it. Even if he'd remembered, it wasn't likely he'd have cared- it wasn't like they weren't at a magic school where he could probably just drink a dumb potion and feel better a moment later. He gave a slightly disappointed whimper as Skwisgaar pulled away, and watched as he flipped himself about beneath the water. He wrapped his arms around Skwisgaar as he resurfaced, his fingertips exploring the increased muscle of his now-scaled back. At the feel of Skwisgaar's fingers on his cock, Toki squirmed delightedly, and as he guided his cock into his cloaca, he gave a sudden yell, his head snapping back as he tensed against Skwisgaar- he certainly didn't notice any lubrication issues at the moment. Skwisgaar's oily pre-ejaculate seemed to do the job quite well. He wrapped his legs around Skwisgaar's tail for better purchase in the water, pressing himself tight against him as he rocked his hips forward, experiencing the new sensation.

As, fucking a cloaca was definitely differently than fucking an asshole- there were certain similarities, namely it still felt as good, but, it was impossible not to notice the cock he was sliding against as he moved. "I's speareds the most sexy fish ins the lake," Toki told Skwisgaar as he met his lips- he hadn't really considered that Skwisgaar's new teeth might have proven dangerous in certain situations, so the thought wasn't even on his mind as he kissed Skwisgaar fervently, giving, little hums of pleasure as he thrust. His strokes were slow and shallow at first, but gained strength as he gauged Skwisgaar's reactions, and as he felt himself pushing closer to what was sure to be a ridiculously amazing orgasm despite the efforts of the cold water to stall it. "It does feel different, but it's still reals good," he told Skwisgaar between panting breaths. "Is like I gets to fuck your ass ands your cock at the sames time. . . I didn'ts know that fish gots to have such good sex. We should haves a song abouts mermaid-guys sex."

At this point, the 'pervert fish' were no longer bothering Toki- in fact, the random little slippery flutters against his skin only added to the overall pleasure, especially a few that seemed focused on tickling his feet despite Skwisgaar's occasionally thrashing tail. "Gots to have lake sex agains," Toki gasped, his grip on Skwisgaar tightening as he felt himself lingering on the edge of climax. It was a long, drawn-out approach, almost torturous in a way due to the cold, but yet even more wonderful. His body snapped taut against Skwisgaar's, and he gave a sudden scream of delight when the moment did arrive, not caring who might have heard him. He kept thrusting into Skwisgaar for a long moment, motions accompanied by shuddering yelps of delight, and eventually beginning to slow.


best_guitarist May 3 2010, 09:35:15 UTC
Skwisgaar was just impatient to be fucked now that it appeared to be possible, and he kept his back arched as he pushed against Toki's ass, encouraging him to thrust as deeply as he could. Once he obliged, Skwisgaar kept most of his body still so as not to accidentally rub his scabrous skin against Toki the wrong way -- aside from his tail, which was in continuous motion, and of course his cock, which he continued to slide against Toki's with every thrust. "Songs can waits, fucks me now," he said, and distracted Toki from talking with increasingly demanding kisses each time he tried to, but was careful not to become too violent. Had he not been so completely aroused by how vocal Toki was being, he might have also been more than a little amused; maybe Toki being a bit drunk wasn't such a bad thing after all, if this was the result.

He'd become thoroughly lost within the pleasure of their fucking, and the sudden wet warmth he could feel spilling over his cock startled a loud moan from him. That was unexpected, being able to feel Toki coming inside of him so keenly. His arms tightened around Toki and he pressed his face into Toki's neck in an effort to not bite him (and he really, really wanted to for some reason), urging him with low, growling moans to keep fucking him. The temperature of the lake still wasn't bothering him or affecting his body in any noticeable way, so once he was free to stop holding back his own orgasm it was only a matter of seconds before he was pushed over the brink. He was overwhelmed by the sensations, new and familiar -- the pulsing of his cock came as no surprise, but it went on for altogether much longer than he thought it should have, reaching the point where he was dimly wondering if this was what multiple orgasms were like. Whatever it was, in that moment he hoped to be able to stay a shark-guy forever for the awesome orgasms alone.

Feeling deeply satiated afterward, he sighed and didn't let go of Toki as he stretched out to float on his back again. Toki was thus raised partially out of the water, supported by Skwisgaar beneath him. He fully withdrew his softening cock back into his body, causing his cloaca to tighten around Toki's, and it gently flexed with each movement of his tail as they drifted in the water. Being penetrated felt good even when they weren't actively fucking, and he didn't want Toki to pull out just yet.

"Ja, I think yous needs to clear your schedule fors de next few days," he eventually replied, smiling as he gathered Toki's wet hair and let it slide through his fingers, and squeezed his ass with his other hand. In spite of how careful he'd tried to be, he noted that there were little pinpricks of blood on Toki's neck, spaced in a pattern that would match up with several of his frontmost teeth. "Dids you even feels that?" he asked, smearing the blood with the pad of his thumb. "Gots yous by accident I guess. I didn'ts mean to hurt you."


isnotabumblebee May 7 2010, 11:37:43 UTC
Toki wasn't abraised too badly by Skwisgaar's tail, and at the time, he didn't really notice it. Chances were he'd notice it later, but it was nothing a few more beers and perhaps a bit of ointment wouldn't fix. Skwisgaar's cock was luckily not at all abrasive, it just felt amazing against his, especially with its occasional unexpected motions. He returned Skwisgaar's kisses fiercely, groaning and whimpering into his mouth as he kept thrusting into Skwisgaar for as long as he could manage. Although a bit drunk, he wasn't anywhere near the forgetful point of intoxication, and this was and experience he was definitely going to remember, and vividly.

He was so enveloped in sensation that Skwisgaar's orgasm almost took him by surprise. He gave another loud moan as Skwisgaar's cock pulsed agaisnt his, not missing that his orgasm seemed to be unusually protracted. It was impossible not to wonder what their fishy sex was like from Skwisgaar's perspective, although it was difficult to really focus on the subject. The remarkable pleasure that was experiencing was overwhelming, and, by the time Skwisgaar stilled, Toki was grateful that he was able to flop partly onto Skwisgaar and not have to worry about keeping his head above the water. He held tightly onto Skwisgaar, one of his hands running languidly along his submerged back fin, and squirmed with the little pulses of delight that each contraction of Skwisgaar's cloaca sent through him. "Wow-wee. . ." he murmured. "Is good I don't gots much to do here, except to gets you an aquariums in ours room. And then we can just hangs out in it for days, and floats around, and haves more sex."

Toki smiled lazily as Skwisgaar played with his hair, reflexively pushing against him as he felt him squeezing his ass, and giving a little shudder at the lovely, lingering sensations. He hadn't noticed that Skwisgaar's teeth had broken his skin until he felt a slight sting as Skwisgaar smeared the blood around with his thumb. "Everything just felt goods. . . don't think you hurts me too much, if you ripped outs my neck veins I thinks I'd knows it. And sharks sex is probably supposeds to have some bloods, makes it more brutal." He figured that between Skwisgaar's teeth, claws, and abrasive skin, he might end up somewhat raw and lacerated if it took a while for Skwisgaar to turn back to his usual two-legged self, but, found he didn't mind at all. It seemed inevitable that Skwisgaar would eventually have two legs again, so they needed to take advantage of this opportunity for unusual new sexual experiences with each other while it lasted. Toki wasn't at all bored with two-legged Skwisgaar, but, this was simply fun, new, and interesting, and, if Skwisgaar was going to be a mercreature, it was only logical to enjoy it.

Somewhere off near the shore, Toki could still hear the piping voices of the Shoggies, occasionally calling out accio fish!. He'd almost forgotten that they weren't entirely alone in the lake, aside from the occasional fishes which tickled his bare skin, and wondered if Nidhogg had watched them the entire time. "I guess that dragon guy might have gots a good show. I hoped he liked its," Toki told Skwisgaar. "You gots to introduce me when we visits the lake agains."

((I'm guessing it's getting to be around time for them to encounter Jasper and head into the school?))


best_guitarist May 9 2010, 07:26:21 UTC
((Sure. I know you're busy with an app and Jasper-mun's busier with RL now and I'm just slow, so we can FTB-handwave a lot of stuff to keep the plot moving if you guys prefer. I figure we'd do a FTB on any actual bath-sex anyway if Valentine wants to make it a Sharkgaar threesome?
Jasper included with permission. And this ran a bit long so I'll have to post it in two comments...))

Skwisgaar hummed a sound of contentment when he felt Toki's hand moving over his dorsal fin, sinking further into lassitude. Having sex in the privacy of their own room would be better in at least one respect, as he'd be able to fully relax and maybe even take the shark equivalent of a nap afterward if he felt inclined to. Even if he'd wanted to risk it in the lake, the perpetual activity beneath the water and resulting vibrations would keep him too alert to rest. He hadn't fully adapted to being so aware of everything going on around him when he was in the water.

"Yous probably right. But it won'ts be good to happen each time wes fucking, afters a few days you might needs a bloods bag hooked to your arm. Or haves to drink ones of those shits tasting potions likes I did," he said as he eyed his blood-smeared thumb for a long moment, eventually bringing it to his mouth and licking it clean. Blood tasted the same as it always had to him, metallic and bitter, but something in his changed physiology gave him an entirely new appreciation for it. Slowly shifting so he had access to Toki's bared neck, he ran his tongue along each small bead of blood as they formed. It wasn't long before his cock took an interest in the proceedings, stirring against Toki's within his cloaca. "I wills introduce you when yous got de underwaters breathing stuff," he replied, lying back in the water to continue enjoying the afterglow. "And when wes not busy withs sex," he said as he brushed a hand across Toki's ass, already contemplating how best to fuck him and whether it would really be safe to. In just the right position, it almost seemed possible for them to fuck one another at the same time, though their movement would be limited...

He wasn't paying any mind to where they were drifting, only absently noting that the Shoggies' piping voices from the shore were getting louder. Catching sight of something out of the corner of his eye, he glanced over and noticed just how near the shore they were now, as well as their latest visitor. Jasper had his back to them, but he was still an unwelcome guest as far as Skwisgaar was concerned, considering what he and Toki had been up to, and the fact they were both still naked... aside from Toki's socks. Well, naked was apparently his only option as a mer-creature, but that hardly lessened his annoyance. Holding onto Toki, he reluctantly moved back into an upright position.

Before Skwisgaar could swim away with Toki, Jasper turned toward them, tactfully keeping his eyes averted as he spoke. "Hey," he said, trying to look at anything but them. The Shoggies thankfully made it less awkward by providing him something to focus on. "I couldn't help noticing what happened to you at the party, Skwisgaar. I wasn't sure if you guys had already lined something up..." A little white lie, since he'd overheard some of their plans for the aquarium. "...And the lake is crowded these days, so if you'd like to stay somewhere with a bit of room and more privacy, the Baron has a large private bath you're welcome to use. I can help take you there, if you're interested."


best_guitarist May 9 2010, 07:31:27 UTC
Jasper's offer assuaged Skwisgaar's irritation over being interrupted somewhat, but he wasn't as thrilled or grateful as the vampire and his husband probably expected him to be. He didn't want to stay in someone else's bath, no matter how huge it may be; he wanted to be in his own room so he and Toki could get back to their scheduled sex marathon while he was still a mer-creature. Of course, the Baron probably had ulterior motives for consenting to let him use his bath, and might have something amusing planned? As long as he wasn't expected to owe or repay the Baron, he thought it might be worth it to find out. His aquarium hopefully wouldn't take too long to build in the meantime.

"Whats do yous think?" Skwisgaar asked Toki. "You wants to start de aquarium tonight or hangs out in de pervert teacher's bath? After you puts on some clothes." Regardless of whatever kinky sex games Jasper and the Baron may or may not have planned, he didn't intend to share Toki any time soon. "Or we could stays here," he added. "De lake's nice. Yous just can't stays in it withs me alls night."


isnotabumblebee May 11 2010, 11:12:48 UTC
((No need to rush stuff that you two would rather RP, but might as well FTB the less exciting details like walking through the hallways. I figured we'd play it by ear as the FTB-ing goes, if Valentine joins in and makes it a threesome I expect we will. Vlad's likely to jump to the Sharkgaar-molesting as soon as he gets a chance though, so I still expect plenty of strange, cracky perviness. =D And my comment went over and was too hard to trim down so it's in parts too, sorry!))

Toki was likewise feeling pleasantly drained, but, knew better than to even think about a nap in the lake. Even though he was a bit drunk, the issues with the idea were obvious. He was quite content to float there with Skwisgaar for a while, playing idly with his dorsal fin and letting Skwisgaar double as a floatation device. "Yeah, I don't want to drink any shits tasting potions, but we can just try to makes me not bleed that much." A blood bag stuck to his arm wouldn't be that bad, he supposed, but at Hogwarts, chances were he'd have to drink some weird potion that was as liable to turn him into a lady as it was to kill him. As Skwisgaar licked at the blood on his neck he gave a soft, drawn-out sigh at the pleasant little stinging sensation that accompanied it.

"I don't wants to meet the dragon rights now, too comfortable and don't wants to move yet," Toki told Skwisgaar. "We can meets him when I figures out how to breathes like a fish too, if we gets a chance once we gots your aquarium." Toki anticipated being quite busy with sex once he and Skwisgaar had a more comfortable place to enjoy it, although he still hoped to get a chance to say hello to the insanely immense dragon. As Skwisgaar's hand passed over his ass he shivered slightly, pressing against his stirring cock in instinctual response. He was still marvelling over the unique experience that Skwisgaar's new anatomy provided him, and hadn't yet though of the more challenging idea that Skwisgaar had hit upon. Toki would of course be willing to try just about anything when Skwisgaar was involved, even if they'd end up looking like the contorted figures in the book of weird pornography that Skwisgaar had gotten for Secret Santa at the last Hogwarts Christmas.

Toki looked over at the Shogies as they seemed to get louder, realizing that it was he and Skwisgaar who were nearing the shore, and not the Shoggies who were moving closer to them. Shoggy 10 was conjecturing that if they could accio a fish, they could probably make the fishes bigger as well, an idea that was proclaimed 'soooo cool' by all the rest. Their diversion had kept the majority of them from swarming Jasper, although Shoggy 3 was attempting to get the vampire to watch their fish-summoning, as they were extremely proud of their newly-acquired ability. Toki didn't notice Jasper until a moment after Skwisgaar did, and although they were naked, he wasn't terribly worried about it. Besides, once Skwisgaar had shifted positions, Toki was mostly underwater, which seemed a good enough modesty screen at the moment.


isnotabumblebee May 11 2010, 11:13:07 UTC
Skwisgaar knew Jasper better than Toki, and most of what Toki knew about him, he had learned from Skwisgaar. But, Jasper was on his list of 'friends' at the school, being a 'cannibals-vampire', and therefore pretty brutal, and (inaccurately) married to the 'guns' teacher besides, who Toki also liked, mainly for his guns. And so, even if he hadn't been there to offer to help Toki wouldn't have minded too much. His natural naivete meant that he had no idea of the ulterior motives which of course existed in the offer, and besides, he'd have only been concerned if those ulterior motives were pervy motives directed at himself. Which, in fact, they were not- the Baron thought Toki rather cute, but, also a bit weird for his taste. Skwisgaar's choices of random fucks were his own, and, unless there was a certain Elf-Lord involved, not something Toki had interest in being a part of himself. He did have to admit that Jasper was quite pretty in the moonlight, but, it was in a holding-hands-while-looking-longingly-into-eyes sort of way. Which, from Toki, meant basically nothing. Incidentally, it hadn't occured to him that Skwisgaar might want to screw around with either the vampire or his huge pervert of a husband, despite the latter's obvious points in Skwisgaar's favor.

"I think thats a real friendly offer, it's probably warmers and more comfortable ins the school, and then I don't got to walk all the way outs to the lake when I gots your aquarium ready, and if it takes a bit I can visits you easier," he told Skwisgaar, and grinned gratefully at Jasper, telling him, "Thank yous, Jasper, that was real nice of yous to think of, and real nice ofs your husband too." Even the fact that Jasper was a 'cannibals-vampire' didn't make Toki feel uncomfortable about the situation- it seemed about as much to worry about as a sleepover invitation from Smaug. Which was nothing to worry about at all. It was only natural that fire-breathing monsters and the blood-drinking undead would want to pal around with other people as awesome as they were.


j_whitlock May 13 2010, 01:10:47 UTC
((Then I'll move them to the bath in my comment, ja? Toki needs to make an appearance for the fight to happen, so I'll write him in too.))

Jasper had no interest in any debauchery, but had no doubt that that was the entire purpose of Vladimir's 'friendly' offer. It was a little bit disappointing, since it meant he'd be left feeling like the awkward third wheel yet again if he chose to stay and hang out with them, so he'd probably volunteer to help Toki and the Shoggies with the aquarium instead. At least Skwisgaar would hopefully be treated better than before, now that Vladimir had no reason to feel embarrassed just being seen with him, as he had at their first meeting, considering Skwisgaar with Dethklok apparently wielded more power and influence than pretty much the rest of Vladimir's numerous fuck buddies combined.

And maybe that was what continued to draw Jasper to the band...

With Skwisgaar's consent, Jasper pulled his wand from his sleeve-he hadn't yet perfected the spells enough to go wandless-pointed it at him and recited a combination of charms, then watched as Skwisgaar was raised into the air, a thin layer of water coming with him and flowing over his skin. Jasper politely turned his back again as Toki dressed, and once everyone was ready, including any Shoggies who felt like accompanying them, he led them back to the castle and down to Vladimir's rooms. He found himself often glancing at Toki as they walked, liking the feel of his emotions in much the same way that he did Skwisgaar's. Toki's were also refreshingly honest compared to what he usually dealt with on a daily basis at Hogwarts-he didn't say one thing while feeling the opposite. The absence of that extreme duality was... pleasant.

The ever dutiful house-elf Mopsy was there to show them through, greeting them at the door. Vladimir had said he'd prepare his bath beforehand, and sure enough the lights were on and the lavish tub already filled by the time they got there and any other details his mun wants to add. Jasper didn't want to just drop Skwisgaar, so held onto him before dispelling the levitation charm. He was easily able to support the Swede's weight, and carefully lowered him into the water by hand, then dispelled the rest of the charms. He glanced at Toki again, intending to ask about the aquarium once Toki had made sure Skwisgaar was comfortable and such.


best_guitarist May 13 2010, 01:18:46 UTC
((The fight itself was written by both of us, so there's no god modding going on, etc. etc.))

No matter how harmlessly innocent Jasper's intentions might be, the way he kept looking at Toki irritated Skwisgaar even more, and they couldn't reach the Baron's rooms fast enough for him. He let himself be helped into the bath, reflexively jerking a little when he felt the water -- he was better suited for arctic temperatures, and the bath felt unpleasantly hot. It wasn't likely to do him any harm, but would just take some getting used to.

Before he could even think about getting settled, he noticed Jasper looking at Toki yet again. Normally he might have just glowered and let it go, but found it impossible to at the moment, possibly due to having much more animalistic instincts. His irritation came to a head, completely bypassing the underdeveloped logic centers of his brain and triggering an instantaneous response. He was pissed. In the blink of an eye he'd launched himself forward and was attached to Jasper's face -- with his teeth. His bite was powerful enough that the vampire's stony skin cracked beneath the force of it as Skwisgaar flexed his jaws and jerked his entire body backwards, pulling Jasper into the bath with him. The attack had been entirely silent, and only afterward did he make a guttural snarling sound as he and the vampire wrestled underwater.


j_whitlock May 13 2010, 01:23:15 UTC
The sharp spike in Skwisgaar's mood had been too sudden for Jasper to anticipate the attack-and he'd thought the irritation was caused by Skwisgaar being out of the water, anyway-and then the guitarist had proved too strong to break away from. Even his usual advantages underwater-the fact he didn't need to breathe, his supernatural strength and speed-were all but moot here, since Skwisgaar appeared to be his equal now. Jasper did have more experience fighting, but it did little good against an opponent who fought like a damned shark.

Jamming his fingers into Skwisgaar's gills and attempting to tear them bought him a precious few seconds in which to wrench himself free of those terrible vise-like jaws, then he managed to hold Skwisgaar's head with both hands, losing a few fingers in the process. He pulled them both back to the surface, holding Skwisgaar at arm's length, trying his best to calm him with his empathic abilities. The cracks in his skin had already healed.


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