What do you mean it's rude to call it snowballing? (Open RP)

Mar 11, 2010 18:34

((Vincent and Kuronue are both open for harassing. Vincent is along the forest line trudging through snow, Kuronue on any and all roofs and towers. Galian!Vincent will not attack unless you'd like him to. Let me know in narration which one you'd like to harass. <3 Also, sockage.))

Kuronue had been dodging stray bullets the whole time he was up on ( Read more... )

shoggies, mello, ryuk, rp, sock, youko kurama, kuronue, vincent valentine

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shoggies March 12 2010, 01:15:48 UTC
((How could I resist tossing in Shoggies after Skwis and Toki's learned about snowball fights? XD Either Kuro or Vincent can play with them, although half will probably just keep playing with each other.))

A small crowd of pink blobs comprised of eyes, mouths, random organs, and pseudopods were speeding about the snowy grounds on the enchanted sleds that they'd received from Toki and Skwisgaar for Christmas. The four Shoggies they'd adopted were there, along with nearly twenty other Shoggies, many of whom had temporarily abandoned work on the 'Dethtower' to join their amorphous comrades. It was Shoggy 10 who first noticed Kuronue's barrage of snowballs from the roof.

"Sooo cool! It's times for a snows war!" exclaimed Shoggy 10, at which all the other Shoggies exchanged various expressions of excitement, mostly variations of 'ooooooh!' and 'sooo cool' in a variety of pitches. Shoggies 3, 4.6, 10, and 18 had learned about 'snows war' from Toki and Skwisgaar, and were prepared to try their skills upon whatever target they found. Which, initially, was each other. The four 'eyesball throw-up children' began scooping up snow in their pseudopods, and hurling it at the other Shoggies, who quickly caught on to the game as they all sledded along towards the flurry of snowballs.

Although a few of the Shoggies attempted to hurl snowballs at the figure on the roof, they quickly learned that gravity was against them in the matter. A couple of them began shouting in their piping voices at the roof, in hopes that Kuronue might come down, but the majority of them were either throwing snowballs at each other, or at Vincent, who in his current form caused Shoggy 8 to announce, "Oooooh, giant ghoul!", which prompted a chorus of "soooo cool" from the rest of the Shoggies. As, in their mythos, ghouls were a sort of humanoid creature with a canine-like head, and thus, the best description they had for Galian. Now that they'd noticed him, the majority of the Shoggies started lobbing their snowballs in his direction. A few continued their attempt to defy gravity, mostly battering some high windows, and occasionally getting smacked by one of their own falling snowballs.


beyourvalentine March 12 2010, 01:29:42 UTC
Galian, for the most part, was confused about what exactly the pink blobs were. The not-Chaos creature on the roof seemed to have disappeared for the moment, so it let itself be guided by canine curiosity instead. It trudged through the snow towards them, its bipedal gait rather jerky due to the resistance the snow offered. When it got close enough Galian slumped down onto four legs and sniffed curiously at them, then tipped his head to the side and nudged at them with his horns, a deep rumble of curiosity and warning emanating from its throat.

Speech was impossible with Vincent's current form, so he couldn't exactly ask what they were. He let the beast have its fun without restraint.


shoggies March 12 2010, 07:06:21 UTC
Most of the Shoggies swarmed around Galian as he approached, a number of them lobbing snowballs with enthusiasm. Their aim with their pseudopods wasn't very good, however, and, they tended to hit each other or empty space more often than any hit Galian. Shoggies 4.6, 8, and 13 approached closest, with Shoggy 13 imitating his rumbling sound, followed by several other Shoggies with their own, relatively accurate imitations. Shoggy 8 kept attempting to talk to Galian with the 'meeping' sounds commonly associated with the ghouls they knew.

"We're Shoggies! Will yous play the snows war with us?" Shoggy 4.6 asked Vincent/Galian hopefully, while Shoggy 13 nudged him back as it got poked at with his horns. It appeared to concentrate extremely hard, shrinking slightly and quivering, before suddenly manifesting a few randomly-placed horns of its own and attempting to poke the bestial creature back.


beyourvalentine March 12 2010, 07:31:02 UTC
While Galian noticed the snowballs being thrown at it, but paid them no attention past shaking the snow from its hair and back. It tilted its head at Shoggy 13, yellow eyes widening a little in fascination. It poked at Shoggy 8 with its metal clawed hand, wordlessly trying to tell it to be quiet, as it couldn't understand what sounded like a chocbo high on helium.

Galian nudged at 13 again, and then pawed at the snow with its reletively human, if large and sharp looking, hand. Once it had made itself a small hill, it swiped at it so that the snow sprayed out over all the Shoggies. Playful eyes watched the fallout.


shoggies March 13 2010, 01:14:52 UTC
Shoggy 13 managed to look quite proud for an amorphous blob. "I can have horns too, they're sooo cool!" it announced. Shoggy 8 poked back at Galian with a pseudopod- fortunately, getting poked with claws wasn't injurious or even uncomfortable to a Shoggy. A few other Shoggies were cruising around Galian in their magically-propelled sleds, looking pretty impressed.

Shoggy 13 nudged at Galian again, guessing that the motions were a form of communication- as Shoggies learned through mimicry, it was a natural response. Or unnatural, as, it was questionable if Shoggies could ever be considered 'natural'. Countless Shoggy eyes watched with anticipation as Galian made the small hill of snow, and as they were caught up in the spray, most of them began to make piping sounds of excitement, zooming about faster on their sleds. "Soooo cool, you'll play snow war with us!" exclaimed Shoggy 4.6, and it joined in with several other Shoggies who were now making their own mound of snow in imitation of Galian. A few were still tossing snowballs, but soon enough there were a couple little snow-hills, which the Shoggies scattered in Galian's direction by ramming them with their sleds.


beyourvalentine March 14 2010, 11:32:38 UTC
Galian tilted its head, amused and shook the snow off him. Rising onto two legs once more, it kicked at the snow, making it shower down of the Shoggies, and rumbled deep in its chest playfully. Bounding around a little, it took to sweeping up handfuls in large claws, compressing it and throwing it as it kicked and dodged the Shoggies themselves and the spray of snow and snowballs that came his way.

Vincent, hidden away in the far reaches of Galian's mind, was mortified.


shoggies March 15 2010, 10:15:06 UTC
The Shoggies were absolutely delighted to have found a new playmate in the 'giant ghoul', and sledded around him in an excited swarm, some flinging snowballs, others making more snow-piles to ram and scatter, and others just sledding in circles and trying to dodge the snow flung by Galian. There were a few imitating Galian's noises, and several who'd simply reverted to their primal sound of "tekeli-li!", too overstimulated to coalese whatever pass for thoughts in the nonexistent brain of a Shoggy into something intelligible. By now, the few Shoggies who'd remained lobbing snowballs at the roof had noticed the action and joined in- Shoggy 18 was amongst these, and happened to have its wand along, as did a few other Shoggies. After Toki and Skwisgaar had taken them by Mr. Wednesday's office, there had been a string a Shoggies visiting, most leaving with wands- some had managed not to loose them.

Shoggy 18, along with a couple others, started attempting to cast enlargement spells on the snowballs hurled by the other Shoggies- most of the time, their aim or focus was wrong, and either nothing happened, or the spells went wildly off course. After a moment, it was Shoggy 18 that actually managed to enlarge a snowball, that was on a relatively decent path towards Galian, zooming past Shoggy 2 3/4, who'd gotten kicked, and was now hurling through the air with a proclamation of "Oooooh! Look at me! I'm flying! Sooooo cool."


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