Application: Gara Petothel/Lara Notsil/Kirney Slane, "Star Wars" (Wraith Squadron novels)

Jan 02, 2010 23:05

"Kolot? If you can hear me, I need you to check the left stabilizer again, it didn't feel right last run." The woman who appeared in the Sorting Room stretched and rubbed tiredly at her eyes, waiting for the angry chatter of her Ewok copilot demanding that she check it herself. It didn't come. "Kolot?" She blinked the bleariness from her eyes--she'd instructed Tonin, her astromech, to wake her after only two hours of sleep and she really could have used six more--and frowned. Whatever this place was, it wasn't her shuttle. There was no sign of Kolot or Tonin.

Oh hell. I've finally gone off the deep end.

She stroked the red braid that fell over one shoulder, though not hard. Her long red hair was a wig. Underneath, her hair was still mostly white-blond and short, though it had grown some in the past few weeks and her natural brown coloring could be seen close to her scalp. She chewed at her lower lip as she glanced around the room. Unfamiliar, primitive looking architecture. Despite her brain being filled almost to the breaking point with everything that Imperial Intelligence had deemed potentially useful, she couldn't match it to any of hundreds of worlds, cultures, and alien species. The stone floor under her boots felt real. The slight chill in the air felt real. The smells--dust, the slight tang of smoke--seemed to really be there. And the texture of the parchment under her fingers as she picked up the sheet on a nearby table certainly felt real enough.

Parchment? Seriously? After a lifetime of datapads and flimsi, it was almost comical. For lack of anything better to do, she skimmed the paper, brows creasing the further she read. Odd questions, and how did they expect her to answer them? There was no keyboard, no stylus. "Does anyone know how to work this thing?"

A feather floated up from the desk. She smiled weakly at it.

State your full name.

A hysterical giggle threatened to burst out of her throat, but the only outward sign was a slight cough. What should she say? Gara Petothel, her birth name and the identity of someone she now hated? Lara Notsil, a cobbled-together personality who took on a life of her own and may as well be dead now? Or her current identity? She decided on that. "Kirney Slane. From Corellia. You haven't heard of me yet, but you will. Shuttle business will be booming when the war's over." She was babbling. That had to stop. She laughed helplessly. "Sorry, it's just... this is kind of unexpected."

1. What is your favorite cheese? Why is it your favorite?

Her favorite was a soft white Coruscanti cheese that used to be common at the Imperial Court. "Hard Corellian herb nerf cheese. Always nice to come home to."

2. Who would you kill first, Barney or Carrottop?

"...I'm not in the business of killing anyone," she said slowly. "Especially if I don't know them."

Except when they were your ex-sort-of-boyfriend's squadron, of course. Or unnamed, unimportant pilots on the wrong side of her targeting computer. Such small things.

3. What time is it where you are?

She checked her wrist chronometer. "It was 0730 back on my shuttle. I don't know if you people run on Coruscant Standard Time, so I can't say otherwise." There, a nice simple question with a nice simple answer.

4. If you were Albus Dumbledore returned from the dead, which member of the Order of the Phoenix would you sexually harass? How would you harass them? If you are Albus Dumbledore, please answer as if you were Sirius Black.

She raised one eyebrow, dyed red to match her wig. "I wouldn't. I don't appreciate it when the flyboys don't get the hint from me, so I tend to give the same courtesy the other way. Flirting is one thing. Pushing it is something else." Another nice, simple answer, with none of the melodrama that would have resulted had Lara been the one to answer it. She could feel that shade of a personality scratching in the back of her mind, going on about Trigit and Repness and others who'd wronged her or tried to without her consent, but she shoved Lara back easily.

5. If you are pushing to be in:

A. Slytherin - please state the clever, witty name of the bar in which you bartend, in the dark.

"Don't know what a 'Slytherin' is other than possible innuendo, but okay. How about... 'Donoslane.'" She smiled, just a little sadly. Okay, that was something that wasn't entirely Gara, or Lara, or even Kirney despite the name. Myn Donos was someone dear to her, whoever that was.

B. Gryffindor - Debate whether Harry should ultimately end up married to Fred or George. Use examples from a variety of world mythologies to bolster your argument.

"Wow. Mythology isn't really my thing, but let's see." She thought. Opened her mouth a few times, but closed it again. Finally, she shrugged and smiled helplessly. "Sorry. I don't think I'll be any help on that one."

C. Ravenclaw - You guys are supposed to be smart. Explain why my desk is inundated with paperwork at all times, even though I’m constantly disposing of it.

"I... don't know?" Another shrug and disarming smile. "I'd have to know more about your circumstances to even hazard an educated guess. But, the best I can offer now is that either you're important or someone is delivering it to the wrong address."

D. Hufflepuff - Prove you are not useless.

"I can fly a few different kinds of craft, mostly yachts and a couple of types of freighters." And X-wings and TIE fighters, both with a degree of skill. "I know some about economics, shipping, procurements and the like--my parents ran a small hotel chain." Her biological parents had done no such thing--Dalls Petothel and Edalia Monotheer had both been Imperial Intelligence agents until their execution for unspecified treason. "I can dance a wicked Alderaani two-step or Coruscanti waltz." As well as several dozen others learned at Imperial Court as a teenager. "And... um. I can understand some Ewokese?" She could also understand dozens of other languages, speak half of those, and speak Basic with the accent of several dozen worlds, as well as adapt her body language to fit. She even knew the intricacies of Coruscanti Charm Language--something that few even knew existed, much less understood. But Ewokese was always the charmer.

6. Offer a bribe to the members of this community so that they will not squib you. Items used in bribery do not necessarily have to belong to the person offering the bribe. Do not threaten us rather than offering a bribe. A threat indicates you either don't really want to be here, or don't have enough sense to answer the question properly. The hat will automatically squib you, regardless of other votes, if you do.

Well, she certainly wasn't giving away her blaster or datapad. She reached into the pockets of the trousers that she wore, fumbling around for anything she could part with. "I have some snacks? Mostly just protein bars and a couple of instant caf mixes if you have hot water lying around, but it keeps you going on long flights. A couple of holonovels, though I don't know how useful you'll find them if you don't have a holoprojector... oh, and my wrist chrono." She shrugged. "That's about it, I guess. So," she said, shrugging with one shoulder and smiling brightly. "What exactly am I bribing you for? Not being thrown to a gang of Squibs?"

"I have read the hogwarts_hocus faq, and understand it is a crazy, cracktastic sorting community and RPG. GP LN KS
I have read the hogwarts_hocus rules and agree to abide by each and every one of them. GP LN KS
I agree to be a good sport and not get my knickers in a bunch. GP LN KS
One day, marmalade will rule the world. GP LN KS"

((Permission has been granted by the two SW muns, one of whom is me!))

haplo, skwisgaar skwigelf, sunflora, ryuk, gara petothel, jon snow, starscream, application, kuronue, george st bartleigh

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