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needsanewliver November 28 2009, 01:14:31 UTC
((Skwisgaar included with permission.))

Nathan and Skwisgaar had been cooped up for most of the day in Nathan's room, working on a few of the new songs, and they both agreed they were long overdue for a damn break already. They were the only members of Dethklok who did any actual work these days, anyway. Nathan headed straight for the Great Hall to order his usual-100 beers, exactly-while Skwisgaar returned to the room he shared with Toki.

Since Nathan had watched the house-elves setting up the Thanksgiving feast, he assumed it wasn't going to be poisoned and turn him into a girl or whatever, and so he helped himself to a bit of everything. Looking tellingly rumpled, Skwisgaar eventually reappeared and joined him.

"I fucking hate Thanksgiving," Nathan groused. "Native Americans saved the European settlers' asses and how'd they get repaid? With diseases and being murdered. Which... is kind of brutal," he reluctantly admitted. "But man, fuck those settlers." With his heritage, Nathan did have reason to take things a bit personally, even though he was mostly complaining just to complain. While enjoying the free food. Preoccupied as he was, he didn't even notice anything strange occurring until the table was suddenly nearly as tall as he was. But the table hadn't grown-Nathan was now about 8 years old.

Startled, he dropped his plate of food and stared down at himself. His clothes had thankfully shrunk as he'd de-aged, so at least he wasn't going to have to run around naked. Skwisgaar had been likewise affected-in place of the six and a half foot Swede guitarist was now a blond, blue-eyed boy about two feet shorter and looking just as startled as Nathan. And also looked pretty enough to be a girl, as Nathan discovered when he looked up. He shifted from foot to foot awkwardly, just staring at Skwisgaar, who seemed only vaguely familiar to him now.


best_guitarist November 28 2009, 01:20:15 UTC
((Italics = Swedish from this point on, so you won't have to worry about translating everything Skwis says. :p))

Skwisgaar's guitar was now about as big as he was, and he teetered slightly before regaining his balance, instinctively clutching the instrument to him even tighter as though it were a lifeline. He was a few pounds away from being the poster child for a starving developing country, an effect that wasn't helped much by the fact he was slightly taller than average for his age.

"Where is this?" he asked in Swedish, his eyes going wide as he took in the enormous Great Hall. "What am I here for?" Had his mother tried to ditch him again? Just like she'd repeatedly tried at the market... and the park... and the subway... He quickly tried to spot his mother, to no avail, and ended up returning the black haired boy's stare, looking miserable. What did he want?


needsanewliver November 28 2009, 01:32:25 UTC
Nathan actually blushed eeever so slightly when the Swede boy returned his stare. He couldn't help it; Skwisgaar really was pretty enough to be a girl at the moment. "Um... Hi? I don't speak gibberish. Sorry." He pointed to himself. "Nathan." Then he pointed to Skwisgaar and raised his eyebrows, looking at him expectantly.


best_guitarist November 28 2009, 01:48:00 UTC
"What?" Skwisgaar frowned, realising the other boy wasn't speaking Swedish. Maybe he was a tourist or something, here with his family? That might explain where his mother had gone off to. "Did my mom go away with your dad?"

If she had, that meant he was probably on his own for the night. Again. He furrowed his brows in concentration and bit his lip, trying to work out Nathan's English. "I don't speaks... knows de good Engelsk," he offered, pointing to himself when Nathan did, confused. Then he suddenly understood, and his expression brightened slightly. "Skwisgaar. I's Skwisgaar. You's Nathan?"


isnotabumblebee November 28 2009, 02:55:31 UTC
Toki came wandering into the Great Hall a bit late, with the Shoggies in tow. He'd had to wait for the Shoggies to extract themselves from the ball pit, the bottom of which they still hadn't found. As he entered, he grabbed a turkey leg, which seemed a properly brutal food, and was munching on it as he looked around for Nathan and Skwisgaar.

What he saw, however, were two kids that looked a hell of a lot like Nathan and Skwisgaar. He was confused as he squinted at them, wondering what was wrong with his vision, while the Shoggies simply continued past him, piping their greetings to 'Master Skwisgaar-Dad" and "Master Nathan", followed by all of them asking why they'd gotten so small. Apparently, the Shoggies were less confused than Toki was.

Especially since the table had suddenly gotten much bigger, as had all the chairs. . .and the kids that looked like Nathan and Skwisgaar were of a more proper size in comparison with him. It was then that he realized something really screwed up had happened. His brain hadn't actually reverted entirely to his childhood- he still remembered his friends, and where they were, but, he too was definitely a kid. There was a look of sheer horror on his features as he approached the other two, asking, "What's wrongs with us?"


needsanewliver November 28 2009, 03:22:27 UTC
"Yeah. I'm Nathan. Hi, Skwisgaar. That's a funny name." He was kind of at a loss for what to do or say next, not being the most social kid in the world, and resumed the awkward staring, this time at Skwisgaar's guitar. It looked really cool, and he was about the ask if Skwisgaar actually knew how to play it when the Shoggies squelched by, addressing him and the Swedish kid by name. Then there was another kid who looked about their age, acting like he knew them, but again, he seemed only vaguely familiar to Nathan.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked with a frown, Toki becoming his new staring-target. "You talk funny. Who are you? What are those?" He was pointing at the Shoggies, who were too new of an acquaintance for him to really remember them.


best_guitarist November 28 2009, 03:47:05 UTC
Skwisgaar, on the other hand, almost recognised Toki whom he'd had sex with barely a few minutes ago as an adult... yay, wrongness! He didn't know why, but he felt the weird little gap-toothed kid was missing something important... like a silly looking moustache. And possibly a stuffed toy. That same inexplicable sense of familiarity had him addressing the boy in Norwegian. "Nothing's wrong with me," he said, but started to look miserable again despite his claim. "I don't know where I am. I think my mom left me again... How do I know you?" he asked abruptly.

And a second later he proved he did indeed know Toki, when, for Nathan's benefit, he pointed at the new kid and said, "Toki." Then he did the pointing game with himself and Nathan again. "I's Skwisgaar, it ams Nathan." He didn't mean 'it' as an insult; his English was just even worse than usual. He glanced down at the Shoggies as well, hugging his guitar to himself even tighter in an uncharacteristically shy way. He wanted to pet them, but wasn't sure if he was allowed. They seemed a little familiar, like Nathan did, but not as much as Toki did.


charlesofdensen November 28 2009, 06:48:15 UTC
Honestly, Ofdensen should have seen it coming. After all, he's been turned into a dog-man, switched bodies with Wishbone, and turned into a child already.

But he was so distracted by his book that it didn't even register that something might be amiss.

He put some food item in his mouth (so absorbed he was that he doesn't even remember what he grabbed). It was only when he looked up for a second and saw a much younger Toki that he realized something was wrong.

By then it was too late. Ofdensen had already swallowed. Shut up

His last thought was 'oh fuck' before he found himself down to a child's size. And mentality. Granted, he was still pretty smart, but still immature.

And the mun apologizes for the live-action-PB, this was long before Ofdensen had any really DECENT artwork.


isnotabumblebee November 28 2009, 08:45:34 UTC
((I'll just use the italics for Toki speaking Norweigan too, for continuity.))

Toki's overall mentality hadn't altered all that much- but, this was most likely due to his perpetually childish nature. It was still really confusing, and certain things were muddled in his brain. He knew who his bandmates were- just not why he knew who they were. "I'm Toki, likes he says," he told Nathan, pointing at Skwisgaar. Who was a lot more understandable, since he apparently spoke his own language. "There's something wrong with all of us, but I can't remember what it is. Or how I know you." This bothered him a lot, because Skwisgaar was somehow important. None of the Shoggies spoke up to helpfully remind him, as, they'd been distracted by the food. Which didn't appear to affect them at all.

He saw Ofdensen approaching too, only vaguely familiar. Somehow, he thought that he was supposed to fix whatever weird thing was going on, but, he was just a kid. . .like the rest of them. It was all a bit much, especially not remembering why he knew Skwisgaar and thought he was important, or even why he was where he was, and so he just wrapped his arms around himself and looked as if he was about to cry.


needsanewliver November 28 2009, 09:17:23 UTC
((Aww, if I had a tablet or scanner here I could do a kiddie!Ofdensen icon like I did for Skwis.))

Nathan narrowed his eyes at the two Scandinavians, both of whom looked to be on the verge of tears for some reason. "Don't... don't cry," he said warily. "Or I'll hit you. And give you something real to cry about," he threatened, parroting what his father so loved saying to him, and attempting to look as menacing as a little 8 year old could. He was pretty sure he could take both of them, since Skwisgaar was so skinny and Toki was smaller than him.

The approach of the next new kid thankfully distracted Nathan from these thoughts, and he glared at Ofdensen, something about him really rubbing Nathan the wrong way. In truth, it was that Nathan was experiencing the same inexplicable feeling of familiarity that Toki and Skwisgaar had for one another, and felt an intense... like... for the pint-sized Ofdensen, which naturally confused him, and a confused Nathan is an angry Nathan.

"Who are you?" He scowled. "Did all your parents dump you here or something? Idiots." Scuffing a toe against the ground, he suggested, "We should... do something." Even kiddified, Nathan was the leader of the pack.


best_guitarist November 28 2009, 10:14:53 UTC
Skwisgaar bristled as he squared his thin shoulders, returning Nathan's scowl with one of his own. "I hits yous," he snapped back, following it up with a string of rapid Swedish no 8-year-old child should know. Despite his size, he already knew how to throw a punch, and could take care of himself perfectly well -- or so he liked to believe. If nothing else, he'd whack Nathan with his heavy guitar.

His expression softened when he looked at Toki. Maybe they'd been friends and somehow forgot? At least Toki could speak a language Skwisgaar knew almost as well as his mother tongue, and hadn't threatened to hit him yet. He cast an uneasy glance toward Nathan and Ofdensen while edging closer to Toki, and set his guitar on the bench behind them. He looked at Toki for a long moment before tentatively offering what he'd always wished his mom would do for him when he was upset -- a hug. It was awkward due to his inexperience, but he didn't let go as he glanced back at the other two boys. "Don'ts knows where mom am gone," he muttered. "Does what? Dere's food," he noted. "Coulds eats it."

In Norwegian, he added, "I think we were all friends, but probably I liked you best. I kind of remember you. You had a funny moustache and bear."


charlesofdensen November 28 2009, 17:02:20 UTC
"My parents didn't dump me here," Ofdensen said in a haughty voice, "I am here for a reason." He shrugged. "I just can't remember that reason right now."

Ofdensen came down from the bench he had been sitting on and looked at Nathan. Like Nathan, he was feeling that sense of familiarity...almost like they were good friends. That puzzled Ofdensen. Nathan looked like a bully, why would he be friends with the person everyone called a nerd?

"My name's Charles," he said, looking away.


isnotabumblebee November 29 2009, 06:55:19 UTC
((So sorry for holding up the thread- my internet was down all day. =( ))

"Nots goings to cry." Toki retored, glowering at Nathan. Despite the emphatic statement, it sounded as if he was struggling not to. Since something really wrong had happened, probably something really horrible too. Nathan's threats didn't phase him much- he didn't know where he was, he didn't know how he got there, he didn't know how he knew the other boys, and he was pretty sure that he wouldn't be allowed to be here. Which meant that whatever his parents would do about it would be far worse than getting beat up by another boy.

Skwisgaar's presence was somehow soothing, however, not that he could remember why. All he could figure out was that he liked him, and a lot. As Skwisgaar moved closer and looked at him rather awkwardly, that weird feeling of importance kept tugging at him, but he still wasn't any closer to understanding it. He wasn't expecting him to offer him a hug, but, that was just what he needed then- not that he was sure if he'd ever had one before. His parents definitely weren't the sort to. He hugged Skwisgaar back tightly, which actually did make him feel a bit better. "Dont's knows wheres my parents gones to eithers or whys I'm here. . . buts I wants them nots to be finding me here. . ." There was a definite edge of fear in his voice when he spoke about them. Speaking to Skwisgaar in Norweigan was much easier than English for him- but he wasn't sure why Skwisgaar telling him that he liked him best seemed to mean so much. The rest was a bit confusing though, although the mention of a bear summoned up a vague memory. "I think you're right, and I know I like you a lot. You're. . .important, somehow. But I don't know how you can remember me with a moustache, I'm just a kid." He looked quite forlorn again as he added, "And I want my bear." Not that he was sure how he had one. Or why he thought that the kid named Charles was supposed to solve that problem, too.


needsanewliver November 29 2009, 07:19:14 UTC
((That sucks. :/ I'm glad it's back now!))

Nathan was startled-and, curiously, completely unsurprised-by the Swede standing up to him so fiercely, and he almost took a step back, half expecting Skwisgaar to start a fight right then. When he instead went to comfort Toki, Nathan watched them without comment, feeling vaguely... jealous? He'd met Skwisgaar first, after all. And yet, this all seemed perfectly normal.

He raised his chin and returned Ofdensen's appraising look, his expression no longer quite so hostile. At this age there wasn't that much of a size difference between him and Ofdensen-Nathan wasn't due for a growth spurt for a few years, when he'd shoot up to nearly six foot four or so. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was his... gang. They were his friends. Sort of. Even though he couldn't remember them. And his gang wasn't complete, but he hadn't the slightest idea who was missing.

"...Whatever." He huffed. "I'm Nathan. That's Skwisgaar," he said, pointing to the blond one. "That's Toki." Pointing to the brunet. "Charles is a grown up's name," he said mildly, but didn't try calling him Charlie. Taking the Swede's suggestion, he climbed into the spot Ofdensen had just vacated on the bench and helped himself to more food. "Bet I got dumped here. My dad's a dick," he muttered to himself. "Wonder where all this food came from. Are we at a party?"

And what was the funnest thing to do at a party? Food fight, of course. He surreptitiously looked around for any adults, spotting very few. Balling up some mashed potatoes in both fists, he turned and threw it at the other boys, then laughed as he took cover underneath the table.


best_guitarist November 29 2009, 08:21:49 UTC
Though he wouldn't admit it, Skwisgaar found the hug comforting too. He'd spent so much of his time alone and neglected by his mother that he wanted to cling to this new-but-familiar companionship, for as long as he could, figuratively and literally. He didn't understand why Nathan was looking at them like that, but was grateful when neither he nor Charles said anything about the hug.

"It could have been a fake moustache. I curled it so you looked like a bad guy," he said, thinking back to that shared shower, and thankfully couldn't remember much else about it. Being exposed to his adult self's rampant libido would undoubtedly be traumatising to his 8-year-old mind... just like his mother's creepy behaviour around men had always deeply upset him. He didn't know what to do about Toki wanting his bear, so just kept hugging him. "Maybes we don'ts must sees ours dildo parents evers now again," he said in an accurate imitation of Babel Fish, sounding hopeful. "Maybes we stays here dis place with each others only." He also agreed with Nathan's assessment of Charles' name, and said, "Wes calls you Charli-"

He was interrupted by flying mashed potatoes hitting him square in the face. He simply stood there blinking in shock for a few moments, then let Toki go and wiped off the mess. "Hey, what's am dats for?" he grumbled and climbed onto the bench, reaching for a random food item, which he then pitched under the table, aiming for Nathan.


charlesofdensen November 29 2009, 18:05:35 UTC
Just as Skwisgaar was saying that they were calling him Charlie, Ofdensen was saying to not call him Charlie, when he also got pelted by potatoes.

Even as a child, Ofdensen played dirty.

He grabbed a bowl, some Jello, then started skulking about under tables, waiting for the right opportunity.


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