[Open RP] You know, one day he's gonna get in trouble.

Oct 26, 2009 13:03

[Takes place the day after Muggle Studies]

So George has injured himself! How did that happen?

Oh, yes, yes, George knows how it happened, he got a little careless with his gun, but anyone could do that. And it's not like he's completely stupid; he's gone to the hospital wing ( Read more... )

glorfindel, vladimir harkonnen, jasper hale, george st bartleigh, rp, maddie magellan, sock

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j_whitlock October 28 2009, 02:10:29 UTC
((Is this all right? I'm most likely going to have Glorfindel step in a bit later to stop Jasper, and he could help George back to the hospital wing if you want. Since, you know, he'll probably be bleeding pretty badly again once Jasper's done. And if Vlad wants to, he can tag in at any point.))

By the time George got back to the Muggle Studies class, it was already over, and Jasper was busy helping the house-elves clean up-only because Vladimir had excused himself to attend to something, so he couldn't tell Jasper to sit back down and leave it to the house-elves. He was supposed to be an assistant, after all, and the most he'd ever done prior to this was chat with Vladimir every so often, which was something he'd have been happy to do even without the position. He simply felt a bit useless. At the same time, he was very pleased Vladimir hadn't ever treated him like a servant; his days of being someone's attack dog were long over, and if he happened to be a bit protective of the Baron, it was merely a product of their unusual friendship.

Given that Vladimir had taken to enjoying the company of demons of dubious character, it certainly couldn't hurt to have someone watching out for him. His acquaintances and bedmates at Hogwarts were likely unaware of how little stood between them and a very messy, very permanent end if the Baron ever asked it of Jasper. Of course, the vampire was unaware of it himself, since he hadn't yet realised he might consider going to such lengths for the Baron.

Jasper's back was to George as he swept the floor, but he'd heard the man come in, and so called out, "Class is over. Professor Harkonnen is busy at the moment, but if you'd like to..." That was when the smell reached him, that overwhelming, irresistible scent of blood from earlier, and he slowly turned to face George, staring at him in a way that would have made a smarter man haul ass out of there. This was not a man looking at George, but a half-starved predator. "The Professor will return shortly. Please, have a seat," he finished in a slightly hoarse voice, gesturing toward the chairs as he set aside his broom.


tallyhopippip October 28 2009, 02:20:13 UTC
((Sounds fine.))

"Oh, splendid." George sat down and smiled at Jasper. "I did want to shoot those guns, but I had to tend to my foot. And I do want to talk to the professor, we didn't have these guns in my time, you know. A shame. They probably would have prevented the second World War from happening."

Or not, but it's George.


i_am_harkonnen October 28 2009, 02:29:11 UTC
Even overlords need to attend to mundane physical necessities now and again. And so, Vladimir had wandered away briefly- he hadn't intended to be gone very long, and wasn't, but apparently, it had been long enough for a 'student' to interrupt his time with his assistant. He almost never made Jasper to any real 'work', unless giving him backbreaking massages could be considered such- he found Jasper's company to be an incredibly helpful thing, even if there was very little in the way of obvious assistance going on. Overlords needed people to speak to, and, he felt oddly comfortable sharing his thoughts with the vampire. But nevertheless, he was pleased to see the room in near-perfect order on his return, and smiled thankfully at Jasper before turning his attention to . . .they guy who shot himself in the foot. Why was he back here, and, how did he get that uniform?

But, Vladimir had signed up as a teacher, and, he supposed that handling whatever it was George wanted was part of the job- he only hoped this wasn't going to be pressing action against the department for causing him to shoot himself in the foot or something. "So what can I do for you? And, how is your foot today?" He smiled at George as well, being in relatively good spirits and still vaguely amused by that whole incident, but, inwardly a bit dismayed that anyone in uniform could mange to injure themselves in such a fashion.


j_whitlock October 28 2009, 02:49:06 UTC
"Nor did we have them in my time," Jasper said mildly as he began walking toward the door, fully intending to leave. He simply couldn't risk staying while the man smelt so damn appetising. "The American Civil War," he clarified with a slight smile as he passed George. But he hadn't been brought forward in time, he'd simply been alive-undead-since then. He paused at the door, rocking back on his heels, that traitorous part of his mind assuring him it would be okay to stay, really, you ought to, you need to work on that self control and can't do that if you're always running... what's the worst that could happen? Vladimir's coming right back... wouldn't do to seem rude, might reflect poorly on him...

Speak of the devil. The Baron's return offered him a little relief, which was unfortunately not a very good thing at the moment. No longer feeling quite himself, Jasper slowly pushed the door shut, and moved to take the chair opposite George, watching him with keen interest. "I'm Jasper, by the way," he said with another smile, this one somehow a little less pleasant than the previous.


tallyhopippip October 28 2009, 02:59:11 UTC
"I'm George," he said, holding out a hand for both of them to shake. "The Great War. Well, you future people call it World War One," he added, looking in Vladimir's direction, thinking this was his modern time. "American Civil War, huh?" He turned to Jasper. "Seems a bit silly to fight each other, not when there are other enemies to fight."

Not that George's country was any less guilty of that. See Roundheads vs. Cavaliers.

"I came here cause I was so fascinated by those guns and if possible I did want to try shooting one."


i_am_harkonnen October 28 2009, 03:17:15 UTC
The Baron of course didn't conjecture that there might be a rather serious problem on the horizon- George had been bleeding all over the floor in class, and Jasper hadn't attacked him then. And, that seemed the more likely place. He did notice Jasper smiling at him rather strangely, and something in the look reminded him of the incident in the bathroom with Skwisgaar. But, he also wasn't about to ask Jasper if he'd be alright in the presence of the recently wounded- he wouldn't want to embarass his lovely 'assistant' by implying some form of weakness.

Vladimir shook the proferred hand, and wondered how this man could know what a gun was, yet didn't seem to know that you shouldn't point the dangerous end at one's own body? He'd presumed it was the first thing anyone knew about a gun, and, hadn't even thought to mention it in class as it was so painfully obvious. He had to admit the man had spirit though, if he was actually wanting to try the guns again so soon after the incident, and supposed he could indulge him.

"I think that could be arranged. But, you'll want to remember to aim the gun well away from yourself, or either of us. You're supposed to aim it at enemies, ideally, but, as I don't have any of those on hand just now, you'll have to use the targets." He fished the key to the warded closet where he was storing his little arsenal from his robe, and floated over to procure a couple of the weapons. In passing Jasper, he gave him a somewhat apologetic smile- he hadn't expected him to have to deal with any students while he'd been away for a few minutes, let alone one who came seeking a make-up lesson.


j_whitlock October 28 2009, 03:35:10 UTC
Jasper hesitated a long moment before reaching to take George's hand. It would feel like shaking the hand of an icy, marble statue, obviously not anything human or alive.

"Mm. You know the saying. Or perhaps you don't. War doesn't determine who's right, only who's left." Which was probably an odd thing coming from him, considering he'd lied about his age in order to enlist all those years ago. Everything had seemed so much simpler then, being Major Whitlock, the good soldier, the born leader... the human boy. He was none of those things now, as was painfully apparent as he lowered his gaze to George's bandaged, bleeding foot, his eyes glazing over slightly as he began imagining how easy it would be to just-a little taste...

He blinked and suddenly sat straighter, coming back to himself somewhat as Vladimir passed him. But the unintended promise of blood had already aroused his bloodlust, bringing with it that familiar, burning ache that would only ever be sated in one way, and one way only. Animal blood was such a poor substitute. He briefly glanced toward Vladimir, then back to George, unable to really look away from him. Things were indeed headed toward disaster.


tallyhopippip October 28 2009, 03:42:51 UTC
Not that George knew. He felt the cold hands indeed, but merely said, "Ooh! I think you need some mittens there, chap. I do apologize for that, Professor, I got a bit excited. And all our guns-what we had anyway-were hard to work cause we were in the trenches all the time."


i_am_harkonnen October 28 2009, 04:04:20 UTC
Vladimir chuckled at Jasper's statement about war as he unlocked the closet and extracted a couple of the carefully-stowed AK-47s along with ammunition. He figured that George was probably going to need another demonstration. He eyed Jasper with concern as he floated back, noticing that his attention was quite focused on George, and it definitely resembled the way he'd looked at Skwisgaar shortly before he'd been smacked with a guitar. But, bludgeoning Jasper with something was not anything he wanted to do. Even if the vampire was exceptionally resilient, there was a chance he'd be slightly unprettified. He couldn't think of a way to ask him to leave either- asking him to go without a reason might suggest to the vampire that he didn't want him there, which wasn't true. But, the only other option would be to announce exactly what the problem was, which didn't seem wise either. Vladimir had thus far told no one about Jasper's unique 'condition'.

Declaring that Jasper needed mittens didn't really up Vladimir's confidence in George's perception, but, he supposed that maybe, just maybe, trenches and the guns of the man's era didn't mix, so that he had some sort of excuse. He of course flicked on his personal shield before handing George the unloaded gun and some ammunition. "I believe it's best to start again from the beginning, as proper loading procedure's quite important. But mainly, what you want to remember, is to keep this part well away from you or anyone that you don't want to shoot." He went about demonstrating exactly how to load the rifle again, deliberately slowing down the procedure some so that George couldn't possibly be confused, while occasionally glancing over at Jasper. Had the vampire decided to get up and leave, he wouldn't have been offended, and hoped that his expression said something of the sort.


j_whitlock October 28 2009, 05:01:22 UTC
((By the way, you guys can shoot Jasper or do whatever you want. Sparklepires really are hard to even hurt, and nigh impossible to kill. I'll have Glorfy show up soon in one of Jasper's tags for some socky fighting.))

Technically Jasper was already really unprettified, what with being literally covered in scars that were simply invisible to weak human eyesight. Of course, Vladimir was already aware of this, and for whatever strange reason hadn't been put off by it.

Jasper watched Vladimir's demonstration, trying not to watch George, but it was all for naught-even Vladimir's pointed looks were failing to make any real sense to the vampire. Things became very disjointed to him then. One moment he was in the chair, nearly crushing the armrests with how tightly he was gripping them, and the next, he was on the floor, unthinkingly reaching for the bloody bandages. A low growl rumbled in his chest, a sound no human vocal cords would be capable of making, and even then he struggled against his instincts. He sort of nuzzled the bandages at first before picking them off, exposing the wound beneath, and then nuzzled that, too, smearing George's blood across his face. Automatically he began licking. Then sucking-not even having to use his teeth yet, since George's blood was already flowing quite nicely. By that point it was no longer Jasper, but merely a vampire; a junkie getting his first hit in-it had been far too long...

Dimly there was the thought of how devastated he would be later, how heartbroken his dear Alice would be, how disappointed his entirely family would be in him; perhaps even Vladimir would be disappointed as well, he'd always had so much misplaced faith in Jasper. They all had. Maybe they would only be surprised that it had taken him this long to succumb-he'd always been the weak one, the one most likely to fuck up and force them all to move again, time after time. After a moment even these thoughts were gone, replaced by his all-consuming hunger. If George attempted to pull away, he might likely end up minus a foot. The pain and paralysis caused by the vampiric venom wouldn't hit for another few minutes.


tallyhopippip October 28 2009, 05:06:49 UTC
George looked peculiarly at Jasper. "I say, what are you doing? That's a peculiar way to clean a wound, you know." Oh, George.

"And you're getting blood all over you, too. Here," George rummaged in his pocket for a handkerchief.


i_am_harkonnen October 28 2009, 07:52:26 UTC
Vladimir realized something was wrong once he finished loading the rifle. Jasper was weirdly tensed, and then, before he could quite register it, Jasper was no longer in his chair. And then, there was that sound. Human-shaped things shouldn't have growled like that, but, it was quite easily one of the sexiest sounds he'd ever heard emerge from one. He'd compared Jasper to a laza tiger previously, and now it was looking quite apt. He was quite well aware that Something Very Bad was about to happen, and of what that something was. But, Vladimir didn't hold anything against what Jasper was, and found his suddenly feral behavior simply fascinating. He couldn't help but watch with unwavering attention as the vampire started making out with George's bloody foot.

He supposed that George getting drained of his blood on the floor of his classroom might be rather problematic, but, he was far too intrigued by what would come next to actually do anything about it. He'd thought many times about what it would be like to watch Jasper kill someone, and, being the brutal overlord that he was, George seemed a perfectly good someone. It wasn't as if he actually knew him. He might have been rather 'cute' if he wasn't so daft, but, he unfortunately fell into the category of 'easily expendable' in Vladimir's mind. That was a necessary category to have in his line of work, and, a great deal of people fell into it, since most were easily replaced. And as Vladimir adored Jasper, he couldn't bring himself to deny him his pleasure, if that was what he wanted. Especially if the prey seemed to be inviting it- Jasper's behavior couldn't be considered normal by any human standard, but George wasn't even trying to get away. He was offering him a damn handkerchief.

He didn't consider shooting Jasper with the loaded weapon he was holding, despite the fact that it wouldn't be lethal. He'd grown weirdly fond of the vampire, and his affection for him was based only partly upon physical attraction- there was a distinctly paternal element to his feelings for him, just as there was with his adopted nephew Feyd. And he wouldn't have considered shooting Feyd just for butchering someone. He supposed George couldn't actually die anyway, since it was in the school, and, he'd probably just have a very unpleasant, but possibly educational experience. The only thought that caused him to do anything at all was wondering if this incident would upset Jasper, due to him perceiving it as a breach of his self-control. Vladimir supposed it technically was, but, everyone deserved an indulgence now and again. He drifted closer to the bizarre scene, remarking, "And you're getting a great deal of blood on the carpeting too. I'm not entirely sure this is what you want to do, Jasper." Another very pointed look at the vampire accompanied the words.


j_whitlock October 28 2009, 09:26:45 UTC
((Can't stop laughing at George and Vlad's nonchalance. :p Glorfy will be able to end the fight on his own, just thought I'd give you guys the chance to react first.))

They were speaking to him, but he couldn't understand a phoneme of it; it was noise. One was waving something at him, the other was looking at him in a way that, dimly, he thought should have maybe mattered to him, but it didn't. Everything was strangely meaningless, indecipherable, but for the sweet blood he couldn't get enough of. The only response from the vampire was another feral snarl, and he did bite then, right through bone, and blindly reached to get hold of George's leg, fully intending to rip it off. He wanted more blood.

Glorfindel had come by planning to apologise in person to the Baron for missing his class, but the sight that greeted him as he pushed open the door obviously called for immediate action. He quickly moved in and used the hilt of his sword to give Jasper a sharp rap upside the head, with enough force that, had Jasper been human, he would have at least been knocked aside. It had no effect on the vampire but to piss him off, and he released George's now profusely bleeding and broken foot to turn on the Elf Lord.

In a movement too quick for human sight to follow, Jasper lunged, missing by a hair's breadth as Glorfindel sidestepped, and the Elf again knocked him upside the head with his sword hilt, almost playfully. This strange dance continued for several moments, until Jasper finally got lucky. Glorfindel was suddenly pinned against a wall by a hand around his throat, which held him several feet off the ground, with no apparent effort from the vampire. A spider web of cracks in the wall radiated out from behind Glorfindel, caused by the force of impact. This was a hint of the vampire's strength.

There was only one thought in his mind now: he would kill all three of them. He glanced back over his shoulder with another inhuman growl, as though daring George and Vladimir to move. His empathic influencing abilities were no longer controlled, though he wasn't projecting any discernible emotion on the two men and Elf; they would merely find their own emotions, whether good or bad, inexplicably amplified.


tallyhopippip October 28 2009, 12:15:15 UTC
By now, even George's dim mind realized something was going wrong.

"What is happen-" He let out an anguished cry as the venom coursed through his veins and he seized up.

The handkerchief fell to the ground, forgotten.


i_am_harkonnen October 29 2009, 00:29:53 UTC
Vladimir realized that his words weren't getting through to Jasper at all in his feral state, but damn, his feral state was sexy. His arousal was only amplified by the vampire's empathic aura, and he found himself just staring at the bizarrely erotic scene before him. He felt a mild surge of jealously that it wasn't him being ravished by Jasper, but, as soon as he heard the sound of bone cracking, he realized that this was probably a good thing. By now, he'd spend enough time alone with Jasper that he'd have had ample opportunity to do the same to him if he wanted, and yet he'd chosen not to. He supposed this meant the vampire really did like his company, considering it looked like he was intending to rip George into much smaller pieces.

He was pretty damn sure that he probably should do something, but, just what was escaping him at the moment. He was definitely enjoying the sight, but, the shreds of common sense remaining despite the empathic influence kept nagging at him, and insisting that Jasper didn't really want to be scattering bits of George all over the classroom. The gun didn't seem a very useful option at all, since his choices were to shoot the vampire, which would be ineffectual, or to shoot George, who wouldn't be put out his misery due to the magic at Hogwarts. And so, when Glorfindel showed up, he was just hovering there- he'd barely noticed his arrival, but once he did, he managed to shout a warning at the Elf-Lord. However, Glorfindel had already jumped into action.

And now, the scene was even sexier. The unnaturally beautiful pair was riveting to watch, and the action showed off both Jasper's abilities and the Elf-Lord's so very well. But, he also knew this was even more of a Very Bad Situation, in his opinion. George, to the best of his knowledge, was a commoner. Glorfindel, however, was both a gorgeous Elf, and a noble. Jasper was bound to feel awful enough already about maiming George, and, surely adding a noble to that list would be even more miserable. And it was this that finally broke Vladimir from his strangely aroused trance, his usually keen mind working normally once more. All of Jasper's motions had been exceptionally fast. Which was exactly what his shield was designed to block- he knew that Jasper had seen the shield before in Muggle Studies, but, he had to trust that in his feral state, the vampire wouldn't realize that it was the slow blade that pierces the shield.

As Jasper slammed the Elf-Lord into the wall, he drifted up behind him, his suspensors allowing him to move much faster than a man of his size should be able to, and grabbed Jasper by the shoulder, with the intent to attract his attention away from his current prey. He presumed that in his crazed condition, Jasper would turn on him, allowing Glorfindel a chance to get away while he let Jasper beat against his shield. As he grabbed him, he bellowed, "What the hell are you doing, Jasper? That's Lord Glorfindel!" And then braced himself for Jasper's inevitable assault, hoping that the plan would work.


bar_en_lothglor October 29 2009, 05:24:54 UTC
As predicted, Jasper did turn on the Baron with a particularly vicious snarl, his other hand going for the Baron's throat as well-just to be stopped dead about a foot or so from the man's body by something he could just make out, in the air surrounding him. He knew this... what was it? The shield. He remembered it. What he couldn't yet recall was how to get past it, and so he continued making ineffectual grabs for Vladimir, each time getting that much closer to figuring out the trick. With the right incentive, even mindlessly bloodthirsty vampires would find a way to get to their prey.

The distraction Vladimir provided was exactly what Glorfindel needed. He pressed his hands to Jasper's temples, murmuring an Elvish phrase even as he was being suffocated, then kicked him away. The vampire abruptly released him, stumbling backwards and collapsing to the floor, unconscious for the first time in over a century and a half. The Elf Lord landed rather more gracefully, then knelt on Jasper's chest and touched his temples again, just to make sure he hadn't inadvertently killed him. Well, he wasn't alive, but he wasn't dead, either. Glorfindel glanced up at the Baron and George, quirking an eyebrow, naturally looking just as composed as he had prior to the scuffle, despite likely having a few injuries himself now.

"Well then. Perhaps you ought to keep your pet on a leash," he suggested mildly, not even sounding inconvenienced. He sheathed his sword and took Jasper by the chin, tilting his head from side to side. Glorfindel could of course see the bite mark scars, but didn't know what to make of them. He moved off of Jasper and went to kneel by George, pressing a hand to his mangled foot and doing what he could to slow the bleeding and ease the pain. There was something very peculiar about the wound, something which he'd expect from a snake bite. Whatever it was, he was already too late to help the Man. He quickly re-bandaged George's foot, looking dismayed, and said, "He has been thoroughly poisoned. I've never seen the likes of it before, and it is beyond my ability to draw out or heal." He gathered George into his arms, easily able to support the Man's full weight as he stood up.

He looked at the Baron, nodding toward Jasper. "I'll be back to check on that one, and can assist you with getting him into bed." Bow chicka wow wow "He may be out for quite a while; I'm afraid I don't know how potent Elvish magic is to one of his... kind."


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