Sign-Up for Muggle Studies

Oct 19, 2009 21:43

The first portion of a two-part Muggle Studies class will be held on Saturday the 24th of October. The subject will be An Introduction to Modern Muggle Weaponry, and as such, it may be somewhat dangerous. If you have problems with loud noises or strange moral issues regarding warfare, it is advised that you do not attend. This will be a practical class, and as such, will be hands-on experience. Arrive on time, and prepared to pay attention. In order to assure that I will have enough equipment prepared for everyone, sign up on this roster if you plan to attend. Sign up for Part 2 will be separate, and at a later date.

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen (Professor)

((Part 1 of the class isn't the war game- that'll be Part 2. Just a clarification as this was asked in chat, but I was afk at the time.))

beowulf, nathan explosion, glorfindel, vladimir harkonnen, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, arya stark, albus dumbledore, legolas, classes, igor, kuronue, jack harkness, keenan caine

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