A note to Valentine Wolfe (Closed RP, Vlad/Valentine)

Oct 02, 2009 21:45

The Baron Vladimir Harkonnen had developed a somewhat unsettling crush on Valentine Wolfe. Unsettling, as he wasn't the sort to develop these normally. They didn't tend to be smart where politics were concerned. But at Hogwarts, there wasn't much of a political game, and he'd found himself fascinated with Valentine beyond the rather pretty packaging- he had an extremely sexy brain. A beautifully twisted brain that he wanted to scheme and plot with- while hopefully doing other things as well. Valentine certainly seemed as devoted to decadence as himself. And so, finding himself with a free evening, he penned a note to Valentine and sent it over via his house-elf.

To Lord Valentine Wolfe,

I've found myself with a free evening- of which there are far too many here- and, was wondering if you would like to stop by for drinks, Spice, conversation, and any other diversions we might come up with. I'd be delighted to share your company again.

-Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

In case his invitation was accepted, he put on an extremely good robe, somewhat kimono-like, in black with red trim, and selected one of the best bottles of wine from his store. While waiting, he put on a VHS he'd found of a Muggle television program called Jerry Springer, where people went to show the world just how daft and usually unattractive they were while bashing each other with chairs as the equally daft audience goaded them on. Unfortunately, no one ever died, but, humiliation was still rather entertaining.

vladimir harkonnen, owl, valentine wolfe, rp

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