Potions class

Sep 14, 2009 18:22

Valentine waited until what he'd judged was the last straggler to make their way in and shut the door. The dungeon classroom was, for the moment, brightly lit and students were paired up in front of cauldrons. There were a number of beanbags shoved off against one wall. "Why, hello," he said, waiting for whatever chatter was in the air to die ( Read more... )

nathan explosion, shoggies, vladimir harkonnen, charles foster ofdensen, sanada yukimura, classes, toki wartooth, pickles, jasper hale, teru mikami, victor mancha, glorfindel, skwisgaar skwigelf, basher tarr, valentine wolfe, igor, primavera bobinski, a

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senorcyborg September 14 2009, 23:50:51 UTC
Victor had barely finished making the potion when crackling threads of electricity began to crawl up his arms and sparked between them, and a few items on his table began to levitate, just hovering in the air without going anywhere. He'd continued to occasionally have problems with the Hogwarts anti-technology field despite all the magic workarounds he'd found, so he wasn't very surprised when this happened, but did mutter an embarrassed string of curses in Spanish. He quickly tried to diagnose and repair the latest problem before he caused any accidents.

((OOC- Jasper'll be stepping in to take care of it.))


j_whitlock September 14 2009, 23:59:49 UTC
((Since Vic and Jasper won't be too affected by the drugs, they may as well be paired up so they can laugh at everyone else. :p))

Upon noticing Victor's not so little problem Jasper reacted on instinct, gesturing with a hand while muttering the same spell that had nullified the electricity when Victor had accidentally started to electrify the lake before. The spell worked-for the moment-and he reached out and deftly caught any of the now falling items that looked like they might spill or break.

He moved to stand next to Victor, offering a sympathetic smile as he returned the items to their rightful places. He couldn't help but empathise with his problems-if Victor lost control, he could electrocute everyone. If Jasper lost control, he could rip everyone apart and eat them. Neither were very ideal situations. "Hey Victor," he said quietly. "Still having issues?"


senorcyborg September 15 2009, 08:34:36 UTC
((OOC- Yes XD))

Victor looked up, embarrassed but grateful for Jasper's help. "Um. A little. And thanks... again. Don't know if it was the field this time, or..." He ducked his head and mumbled, "I'm starting to think sometimes it's a reaction to the people here."

He didn't elaborate on that theory as he drank his potion, frowning a little at the taste, and feeling disappointed when there wasn't a noticeable change in his thoughts--just as clear as they ever were--or perceptions. Maybe it didn't work on people who weren't entirely organic, he thought with a touch of bitterness.


j_whitlock September 15 2009, 09:20:12 UTC
"Has someone been bothering you?" Jasper wasn't one to pry too much, but he was perfectly willing to offer a sympathetic ear if Victor wanted one. He opted to use the station next to Victor's, methodically preparing his potion ingredients, triple checking everything before brewing the potion itself, and then cautiously sipping it.

He experienced the same disappointment when it failed to enhance his mind in any noticeable way-though it did influence some of his other senses in strange, almost uncomfortable ways, considering how keen they were even under normal circumstances. It was a bit like the effects of the Spice that Vladimir had shared with him. And speaking of. He briefly glanced toward where the Baron was lounging, not even having to wonder why he'd be there as an observer. He was a bit surprised by what he could sense whenever the Baron was looking at the Potions professor, though, since Valentine didn't seem like Vladimir's usual type. But Vladimir's (not so?) secret crush was safe with him.


senorcyborg September 16 2009, 00:37:38 UTC
((OOC- small edit to clarify something))"No, nothing like that," Victor said in a quiet tone. He could hold his own, even in a school full of demon rapists and mass murderers with magic killing notebooks and horrors from the beyond. He'd been made to become the perfect weapon of genocide against superheroes, hadn't he? He frowned. "It's just ( ... )


j_whitlock September 16 2009, 05:25:34 UTC
((Haha, it's good you clarified. :p Even though Glorfy couldn't really be mistaken for a woman like Yukimura canonically does, anyway. XD))

"Just?" Jasper prompted, unsure whether or not Victor really wanted him pushing. He could sense some emotions from the cyborg, but not with the same clarity or depth a human or former human or even an animal would yield. It always made Jasper feel slightly off balance around him, but it was also a great relief, to not be constantly bombarded by another's emotions.

"To be entertained by the people who mess up or freak out, probably," he answered, lifting a shoulder in a shrug. He did like Vladimir-he was one of the very few people Jasper could consider a real friend-but he also had no illusions about what sort of person Vladimir was. Victor's question made him grin, and he shook his head. "I've been giving him problems, if anything," he said, inwardly regretting just how close to the truth it was. Things had become a bit-different-between them lately, and he couldn't help thinking it would only ( ... )


senorcyborg September 16 2009, 23:23:19 UTC
Victor shook his head, not wanting to discuss it. He wasn't sure that even he understood what was going on with his powers and why they manifested and escaped his control at odd moments. He would investigate it on his own.

"Yeah, probably," he said, laughing. "I might've too, if the sign-up hadn't explicitly stated no observers would be allowed. Kinda weird a faculty member would flaunt the rules like that... D'you think the Potions teacher needs help enforcing his own rules?" He was grinning and obviously not very serious about it. He didn't honestly give a damn what other people did as long as it wasn't hurting anyone. Besides, Jasper seemed to like Harkonnen, so the guy probably couldn't be all that bad even if he did think he was above the rules. It was Hogwarts, so everyone was above the rules. Why else would werewolf pedophiles--Fenrir, that is--and murderers and rapists be allowed to freely roam the school ( ... )


j_whitlock September 18 2009, 07:58:36 UTC
Venom flooded Jasper's mouth as he held the salvia mixture under his tongue, causing a very strange chemical reaction that actually began to dissolve the surface of his tongue. Which instantly healed, just to start dissolving anew each time.

Needless to say, it was an interesting and painful 15 minutes for him.

He spat the stuff back into his glass and watched with a vaguely amused expression as it then began dissolving the glass, faintly hissing and smoking as it did.

"Shall we forcefully remove the lurkers for Professor Wolfe?" he asked Victor, perfectly straight-faced. "The Baron may like it rough," he said airily, as though he didn't already know. Then he was smiling, clearly joking as well. "You'd probably just have to say hello and tell him what you are if you want him to leave. He has a... phobia of sorts of what he calls 'thinking machines'. You may qualify." It wasn't intended as an insult, and Victor usually seemed okay about being what he was, so Jasper hoped he wouldn't take offense. If anything, he considered Victor ( ... )


senorcyborg September 29 2009, 23:49:13 UTC
The comments about lurkers and the Baron liking it rough had Victor smiling too. In a weird way, he and Jasper had very similar senses of humor, and so he didn't take offense--but with anyone else, he may have. "A robophobe, seriously? I guess he must come from one of those futures where the machines revolt or whatever." Victor couldn't blame the machines, and wouldn't have much sympathy for anyone who thought machines were inherently evil. They were simply what they were made to be. Just because he could go against his original purpose didn't mean they were all so evolved.

He watched curiously as Jasper's glass was dissolving. "That's... pretty cool," he said in a hushed voice, looking at the vampire. "You really are toxic, huh?" He grinned and kept up with the magical spoon-fight. "And you're out in the day. You're really not like any vampires I've ever known." Since the vampires he'd known of from his own world had been, well, not great people.


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