It may or may not have been coincidental, but at almost the exact same time, eight figures walked through the front door of Hogwarts and into the Entrance Hall. Well, seven walked. The eighth blibbled.
The godfather, the reluctant hero, and the marshmallow )
"I, er...I reckon not, no." He reached a hand up in a futile attempt to flatten his fringe over his forehead. "Er...exactly which idiot do you mean?"
There was no dearth of idiots at Hogwarts, so Harry figured it couldn't hurt to whittle the selection down to just which one he had been mistaken for.
I was going to make a comparison of Snape and Harry to Turlough and Lezard, but then I realized I have no idea which one's Harry.
"Slythein, predictably enough. Idiot."
And then it occurred to him just who Turlough was talking about. "Oh. Him." In all of the time Harry had spent chasing down ice cream trucks and culling through chipwiches, he had managed to put the whole mess with Lezard out of his mind -- chiefly, the bizarre similarities between the two of them and the possibility that these similarities meant Harry himself was a god. "How do you know him? And how do you know he's just got a god complex and isn't actually a god?"
"Is it the Jenga blocks that keep him in check?" Lezard had implied that Homsar, too, was a god, and so Harry figured Turlough must have been referring to him. Lezard had also possibly implied that Jenga blocks wielded as much power as Philosopher's Stones!
In other words, nothing was certain any more.
"Do a lot of people have problems with this Lezard person?" Harry figured it was best to know what he was up against, in case other people started to mistake him for Lezard as well.
With apologies to Amaranth.
And given the number of insane people, creatures, beings, and otherwise at Hogwarts, Lezard probably had a large pool to choose from.
"Right. Well, if you meet anyone who seems to be confused about him and me, could you just...I dunno, set them right or something?"
"Er...Harry Potter."
Groundskeeper. That had been Hagrid's job. As yet unaware that Hagrid had returned to Hogwarts, Harry found himself missing him dearly and hoping that, wherever he was, he was happy and surrounded by his favourite sorts of lethal pets.
"Right. It's nice to meet you, Turlough. Which House were you Sorted into?" Assumingly, not Slytherin, but that left three -- no, wait, seven -- other options.
"So you're from another planet, then?" This sort of information would have surprised Harry a long time ago, but he had been around Hogwarts long enough to expect this sort of thing now. In fact, what he found strangest of all was that Homsar was supposedly from Earth (and America, to be exact!).
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