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ancient_adam August 9 2009, 17:13:32 UTC
((Hehe, no problem!))

Methos accepted the lemonade and took a drink. He wasn't concerned about poison, the worst it could do was hurt like hell for awhile, but he'd survive it.

"I know," he finally said. "I could read that much in her expression when I first met her, and the way she carried herself walking into the Great Hall to meet me for dinner. It was like she expected the whole thing to go horribly wrong."

He picked up a bit of the cake and nibbled at it, not really tasting it. "She really doesn't see how remarkable she is, or how brightly she shines."

The affection he feels for Brienne is evident in his voice, and the warmth in his eyes. "I am being very careful, Oly, I assure you. I have given her every opportunity to tell me to back off, and when she asked me for time, I promised to give her all the time she needs. It's not my intent to push for anything she might not feel ready for, and I would never hurt her."


hopalongmcgurk August 9 2009, 17:44:23 UTC
"I'm glad to hear it," I say, meaning it sincerely. "You seem like a nice kid. I really would hate to actually need to test out some of the more interesting hexes they've come up with here."


ancient_adam August 9 2009, 17:53:15 UTC
Methos laughed, "I have a feeling I would too."
He drained his glass. "It will take time to convince Brienne that she's worth it, but one thing I have plenty of is time."

"How long have you known Brienne?"


hopalongmcgurk August 9 2009, 19:39:49 UTC
I relax a little. For a norm, he's not a bad sort.

"I haven't known her that long," I answer. "I've been here almost a year, and she's been here longer than that. I actually met her through Jaime. He's the guy she's in love with back home, only there's some bullshit thing about how she's got to kill him or something. Which is kind of impossible here at Hogwarts, and that's not exactly something that can be talked out over a bottle of wine, you know? Anyway, the long and short of that whole thing is that she didn't want to kill him, and he figured he should let her if only to appease her honor. And when no killing commenced, he went home via popcorning. And, well, someone had to break the news to Brienne. I've been kind of keeping an eye on her ever since." And if that isn't the world's most pat explanation, I'm not exactly sure what is.


ancient_adam August 9 2009, 20:22:14 UTC
His eyebrows rose at the explanation.
It was more than he expected, but it also made sense. A faint smile crossed his face. "Matters of honor and love mix about as well as gas and a lighter," he observed.

"I can respect a code of honor, as long as it's not too rigidly held to. It's killed friends and damn near cost me another in the process."

It always came down to his friendship with MacLeod. Byron, Kristin, even Cassandra. Honor and the game. One of these days, the kid would figure out that the game wasn't the place for his strident moral code.

Methos picked up a fragment of cake, "Do you think he will return?" he asked mildly.


hopalongmcgurk August 9 2009, 21:00:04 UTC
I nod. "Yeah. And Brienne's pretty stuck on honor," I say. "Or at least she is about keeping her word. If she makes you a promise, she'll keep it, come hell or high water. My impression, from the things Jaime has told me, is that that makes her pretty remarkable." At his question, I shrug. "Who can say? It's Hogwarts. He could show up tomorrow, he could never come here again. For that matter, you and I could disappear in a cloud of butter and salt tomorrow ourselves. I know that's not exactly reassuring, but I don't think you need to be discouraged either. Plenty of people hook up here all the time, and not, I'm sure, always with the people they would have been with normally if circumstances had allowed it."


ancient_adam August 9 2009, 21:18:11 UTC
Methos smiled fondly, "It reminds me of a friend from back home, he'd do the same thing. It's a rare sort of person to find. And another reason why she's special."

He let out a breath, "Well, I suppose if he does come back, we'll deal with it then. I've no wish to cause her any sort of distress and after all this time," he smirked, "I've developed pretty good coping mechanisms."


hopalongmcgurk August 9 2009, 22:01:19 UTC
I nod. "I think you have to be pretty zen about this place," I muse. "Otherwise, you spend your time worrying and waiting for the other shoe to drop, which isn't really the healthiest way to live. I mean, someone from your own past could also come back. Just deal with the situation like grown-ups and you'll be fine." I top off his lemonade with a smile. "I think you'll be good for her."


ancient_adam August 10 2009, 13:43:04 UTC
His expression.. faltered for a moment when Oly mentioned the idea of his own past showing up at Hogwarts. That was hardly a prospect he was ready to consider. Finally, he nodded. “True, but I hope the Hat will see fit to leave my past where it is. In the past.”

Methos smiled, “I think we’ll be good for each other.” He leaned forward, his eyes bright. Up to something? Of course he was. “So, you’ve known Brienne longer. Is there anything special she likes?”


hopalongmcgurk August 11 2009, 02:42:48 UTC
"Heh, you and me both," I mutter at his comment about the past staying where it is.

At his mischievous look, I shrug. "Oh, man, you really shouldn't ask me about that kind of thing. I'd get her something practical, though. It can be pretty, but she's not going to be the kind of girl who'll respond well to flowers and chocolate. But find something she can use and I don't think she'll be able to turn you down."


ancient_adam August 11 2009, 13:08:28 UTC
((love the gifts she sent! :D))

Methos nodded, “Pratical, eh? I can do pratical.” He already had a few options in mind, and Oly’s advice had pointed him in the right direction. He didn't think something as cliche as flowers was appropriate for someone like Brienne.
It was going to take a fair amount of bargaining with the house elves to get what he needed, but he was pretty certain he could pull it off.

“So do you teach here? Or are you a student?”


hopalongmcgurk August 11 2009, 14:38:54 UTC
I laugh. "God, no! Nobody wants me teaching them anything. I am the Ancient Runes TA, though, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with my magical abilities or if it's just because the old bastard finds me amusing. I was a carnie before I came here, so I don't have much practical experience in magic beyond what I've learned since I came here. What about you? Is there magic where you come from or is this new to you, too?"


ancient_adam August 11 2009, 15:26:56 UTC
At the mention of runes, the scholar in Methos perked. “Ancient runes? Germanic or Norse? The runes really carry power over here?”

“I don’t know how much Brienne told you, but I and my kind are immortal. We never age, never get sick, and we heal from virtually any injury, from the mundane to the catastrophic. It’s not magic in the same sense that’s praticed here, but it’s the closest I’ve come. The whole business with wands and spells and so on.. is still pretty new.”


hopalongmcgurk August 11 2009, 16:26:58 UTC
"Well, Mr. Wednesday specializes in Norse runes," I answer. "Though I imagine he's not unfamilliar with other runes either. He's having a class sometime this week. You really ought to go, if only for the fact that I think you'll find him an interesting person." Actually, I'm not certain how an immortal and a god will get on, but I kind of want to watch.


ancient_adam August 12 2009, 00:16:18 UTC
He nodded, "I was planning on it. I spent some time with the Vikings once Rome started to fall apart from the inside out. They used them mainly for augury, but it was a fascinating method of writing."

Methos inclined his glass of lemonade in Oly's direction, "I'm finding a lot of interesting people since I got back."


hopalongmcgurk August 12 2009, 00:33:43 UTC
I allow myself an impressed whistle. "Wow... the sacking of Rome. That must have been quite an experience." I incline my head in acknowledgement of his last statement and flash him a full-fledged grin. "Yeah, there certainly are. You never know who you'll meet wandering around."

I finish my lemonade and stand up once more, offering my hand. "It's been nice meeting you," I tell him with sincerity. "And I'll see you in class?"


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