Open RP - The Turlough-Hagrid wedding shower and chocolate plotstravaganza!

Jun 26, 2009 21:29

Very early on Friday morning, a team of house elves had begun construction of a large and gaudy pavilion, located just outside the window of the groundskeeper's hut. There was a lot of noise going on during this construction, which probably woke anyone currently sleeping in said gamekeeper hut.

Once the pavilion had been constructed, Amaranth swooped in to do some decorating. Soon, several picnic tables, all covered with plastic tablecloths, had been put into place. One table was designated for any food, and another would hold any gifts people would bring to the Turlough-Hagrid wedding reception.

The pavillion was large enough to give people room to move around--even to dance, if they should so choose. A karaoke machine had been set up in one corner, powered by magic. The food table contained a massive, three-layer wedding cake featuring likenesses of Turlough and Hagrid made out of chocolate, for those who had always hoped for an opportunity to bite off either of the grooms' heads, literally. One of the guests, Miranda binewski, had also brought scones, and there were, of course, other perennial wedding reception foods, such as homemade mints, a bowl of macadamia nuts, and both a relish and meat tray. Champagne had been provided for anyone who wished to imbibe. For the tetotalers, the house elves had made several pitchers of Crystal Lite. As with most large events at Hogwarts where food was offered, most of it was enchanted, though Amaranth had not realized this when she commissioned the food order from the house elves.

Amaranth looked around the gaily decorated pavillion and clapped her hands happily. True, Turlough and Hagrid hadn't wanted this marriage, but she was happy to help them celebrate in the best way she knew how.

((The scones were approved by Miranda mun in chat. As with all chocolate plots, the effects of the enchantments will vary according to what you want them to do, so have fun and be cracky. This RP is open to everyone, even if you don't know the characters in question, so feel free to have your character drop in without worrying about a pretext for them to do so.))

wishbone, mello, rubeus hagrid, rp, rorschach, elrond, sage, amaranth, vislor turlough, rat, valentine michael smith, teru mikami, glorfindel, basher tarr, ryuk, damien thorn, miranda barker, igor, dieter prohl, ginko, all school, zelgadiss graywords, elizabeth bennet, brienne of tarth, maddie magellan

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