Watanagashi Festival-Day [Open RP]

Jun 19, 2009 16:50

The day of the Cotton Drifting Festival has arrived. Early in the morning house elves were outside helping Rika set up. Around noon the construction comes to an end and the house elves left so that the festival may start. When participants to the festival arrive they will see a boundary line of flags posted around within sight of each other, this ( Read more... )

beowulf, mordred deschain, sunflora, coraline jones, brienne of tarth, rat, chairman kaga, teru mikami, rika furude

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iam_beowulf June 22 2009, 02:53:09 UTC
Beowulf did not grok the concept of water balloons until he saw Rika and Coraline throwing them at one another. He was not about to attack little girls with water, but he did arm himself with a balloon in each hand, and used his Hogwarts robe to improvise a fabric sling/pouch around his body in which he could load more water balloons.

In the tale that is told of Beowulf, it is not said what his battle cry might have been, only that he had one, and that he issued that cry before the lair of the dragon. Knowing what we know of Beowulf, we may fairly conjecture that it was this:


Which he bellowed, and charged about looking for someone who was not a little girl, at whom he might throw his watery missiles.


maid_brienne June 22 2009, 19:56:28 UTC
Brienne probably normally wouldn't put up with this sort of nonsense, except that she was once more trying to get out more, and this seemed like an interesting diversion.

Like Beowulf, she was not willing to throw water baloons at children. Grown adult men dressed as ridiculously as the geat was and crying out battle cries were another thing entirely.

She sprinted after the geat, water baloons in hand, and, with a battle cry of her own, rushed forward and threw, with considerable strength, one of her baloons at his head. This was... surprisingly fun, she decided.


iam_beowulf June 23 2009, 03:16:46 UTC
Brienne of Tarth was not a little girl. She was a warrior. Therefore she was fair game.

Her water balloon hit Beowulf squarely in the forehead, soaking the Gryffindor tie he habitually cinched about his brow. "AAAAGH! THAT BLOW SHALL BE REQUITED!" Tarvu did command that everyone should be nice to one another, but he never ruled out aquatic warfare, be it in water or using water.

The makeshift sling full of water balloons did hamper his movement, so no crazy backflips were possible. He was, however, capable of running with surprising swiftness for one so muscle-bound, and he made a long loop around to avoid more of Brienne's missiles, then lobbed two balloons in succession at the wench's heart.


maid_brienne June 23 2009, 03:35:15 UTC
The baloons hit their marks squarely, and Brienne was now thoroughly soaked. Sadly for her, she would still not win any wet t-shirt contests.

Since she couldn't improvise a sling at the moment, she settled for the next best idea, and levitated several of the baloons from the nearest bucket, then resumed her chase.

When she saw him, she sprinted past him, turned and began running backwards, calling, "Look out behind you!"

She didn't know if he would fall for such an obvious ploy, but if he did, she was going to lob two of her own baloons at him.


iam_beowulf June 23 2009, 04:17:41 UTC
Beowulf could hardly be called a master of subtlety. "WHAT IS BEHIND ME?"

Ouch. Two balloons hit him.


Toward the warrior-maid he charged, grabbing balloons from his sling and throwing them straight at her as he ran.


maid_brienne June 23 2009, 04:33:16 UTC
Brienne saw that he intended to charge her straight-on, and so she switched tactics and charged to meet him, head lowered, looking as fierce and defiant as anyone could have wished from a warrior maid. She was lobbing baloons back at him with the same ferocity he was using. To her own surprise, she found that she was laughing, wildly, exultantly, and quite without restraint.


iam_beowulf June 23 2009, 04:47:34 UTC
Beowulf would make an excellent ambassador for extreme sports. Or an excellent spokesperson for Mountain Dew. "BEOWULF!!!" he yelled once more -- louder than his usual bellow; perhaps boldface is technically required, here.

And barrelled into Brienne, smashing water balloons between them, and trying his level best to headbutt her.


maid_brienne June 23 2009, 04:52:47 UTC
Brienne was a big woman, but despite that, Beowulf was still larger than she was, so when he head-butted her, she was driven back. The ground around them was muddy, and so she lost her footing and fell, rather ignominiously, onto her back. Not willing to let that stop her, she kicked out with one foot, hoping to trip the warrior and send him to a similar fate.


iam_beowulf June 23 2009, 05:01:22 UTC
The warrior knew that headbutting people was not pleasant for the butter anymore than for the buttee, but he had been prepared for the impact. He was not prepared, however, for Brienne's sudden inspired move to trip him. He fell flat on his face on the muddy grass, squashing the remainder of his water balloons.

If it was a victory, it was a Pyrrhic one, not that Beowulf would have the first clue what that meant. "NO MORE," he shouted. "I SHALL NOT GRAPPLE IN UNSEEMLY FASHION WITH A WARRIOR. IF YOU WISH TO BATTLE ME, ARISE!" He was following his own advice, struggling to his hands and knees.


maid_brienne June 23 2009, 05:06:27 UTC
Brienne probably would have committed ritual injury rather than acknowledge that she was at all troubled by the pain of being head-butted by Beowulf. For a moment, she lay there, gasping, until she could finally breathe properly.

"Would you consider delaying a second round for the moment?" she asked, struggling to sit up. "Running around in this heat has made me parched. I would see if there are drinks to be had that do not come in a baloon."


iam_beowulf June 24 2009, 03:49:20 UTC
"LET US QUAFF MEAD FROM DRINKING HORNS!" Beowulf looked around for drinks. He saw only Yuuri's curry stand.


maid_brienne June 24 2009, 04:53:46 UTC
Thankfully, at least one house elf had seen the need for this sort of thing and was moving through the crowd bearing a tray containing a pitcher of freshly mixed Crystal Lite and a plate containing artfully arranged double-stuffed oreos. Hlow such American muggle snacks ended up at a British wizarding school during a Japanese celebration was a mystery for the ages,. Thankfully, Brienne had not spent much time in the muggle studies classroom and did not know this. She instead gestured the house elf over.

The creature, noting her companion was Beowulf, opted to give them the whole pitcher and the plate of cookies, bowing obsequiously and scampering off.

Brienne took the tray, finally managing to gain her feet. "I hope this will do," she said. "This is certainly not mead, but it looks refreshing."

Setting everything on a nearby table, she poured drinks for both of them, offering one to her companion. "To battles fairly won!" she said, raising her own glass in a toast.


iam_beowulf June 24 2009, 08:28:46 UTC
"IN TARVU'S NAME," added the devout Beowulf, and quaffed his Crystal Light.

Double-Stuf Oreos he viewed with curiosity. "EXPLAIN THESE," he demanded, either of Brienne or any house elves who happened to be in the vicinity. It seemed that Twitter was wrong, and cookies did indeed require justification.


maid_brienne June 24 2009, 16:53:39 UTC
"I cannot." Brienne admitted. She picked up one of the cookies, though, and took a tentative bite. "They are quite sweet," she noted. "But not unpleasantly so."

She broke the cookie apart then and proceeded to slowly run her tongue over the frosted part, licking the frosting before eating the actual cookie. Because apparently cookies could be justified by the mun being forced to write extremely not hot food porn.


iam_beowulf June 24 2009, 23:49:03 UTC
To do Beowulf some credit, he had at least as much intelligence as the average great ape. He could certainly learn from observation, and imitate what he saw. He opened an Oreo as Brienne had done, and tongued its contents dutifully.

Immediately he flung both halves away.



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