Open RP - DADA Office Hours

May 31, 2009 16:56

Hermione had spent the morning closeted in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. It had accumulated quite a collection of odds and ends from the many, many people who had had this job in the past. Eventually, though, Hermione had cleared off the desk, and now she sat, making notes on a piece of parchment.

It occurred to her that she ought to hold office hours, so that she would have a better idea of what it would be useful to teach her future students.

thus having decided her course of action, she made up a few fliers announcing the fact and went around the school, tacking them up herself. She had a house elf of her own, but Hermione's house elf had decided that the best way it could be of service was to sneak in, ninja-like, and do certain small, necessary tasks.

The elf had done so now, because when Hermione returned to her office, she found a full pot of tea and a large plate of warm chocolate brownies, fresh from the oven, waiting on her desk.

She pulled over her parchment, glancing from it to the open door, waiting to see if anyone would show up.

gellert grindelwald, severus snape, sunflora, kusuriyuri, rp, igor, hermione granger, sage, vislor turlough, soichiro yagami, lezard valeth

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