ninja or pirate? (closed RP, Simon Tam and Billy Brennan)

May 19, 2009 20:52

Simon was determined this should go well. He just wasn't sure how to ensure that it went well. There were all kinds of reasons why he wasn't thus equipped, having to do mainly with his own quirks of personality, but also with his upbringing and with the way things were done in the high social strata of Osiris. Thinking about these things led him nowhere of use, just a spiral of minor anxiety and low-grade nervousness.

He was more than a little tempted to call the whole thing off and suggest, instead, the usual few companionable rounds of "Where's an Egg?". He could show Billy the book he'd found in the library, and they could just be friends, like always, the stakes super-low.

In the end, though, he dressed (with more than his habitual care, choosing his very favorite vest) and showed up where they'd agreed to meet, in Hogsmeade, carrying a bookbag as though they were both still in school -- well, they were, in a way; it was Hogwarts, wasn't it; and that line of thought only brought him back to Billy's remarks in the greenhouse regarding college and habits, and he just needed not to think about that right now.

He was going to have a good time if it killed him. And he was looking forward to it.

billy brennan, simon tam

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