((Many thanks to A-mun for coming up with the thread title. It is my area of extreme FAIL.))
Although he couldn't claim to be satisfied, the Baron had finally gotten his rooms in order. He was still irritated that rooms was really one large room, with a closet and a semi-acceptable bathroom, but didn't plan to put up with it forever. What he'd
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This was a conversation better had comfortably face to face, without him looming over Vladimir, and so he returned to the gold sofa, sitting beside the raptor rather than disturbing him yet again by moving him. Despite his growing anxiety he had no obvious nervous tics, made no fidgeting gestures. He simply laid a hand on the raptor's snout, as much to comfort himself as anything. For the moment he actually forgot to continue making even those occasional small movements, to shift positions, blink, and breathe as a human would, instead remaining entirely too still for the first time in Vladimir's presence. No longer playing at being human.
"Do you remember what I said about Hufflepuff being the House for vampires?" he asked, smiling slightly, without humour. He really should have admitted the truth then instead of letting things go on. But at least they were clearing the air now, for better or worse. "I haven't meant to intentionally deceive you. Do you even know what vampires are? If the myths from today have survived into your time, then they are probably still similarly inaccurate, aside from our... dietary requirements. But, I don't prey on humans. In fact no one in my family does. This makes us very unusual even among our own kind... We are natural predators of humans, you see," he admitted, not seeming particularly thrilled by this fact. It took considerable effort to not look away from the Baron's face as he spoke, to not stare at the floor in shame.
Jasper paused then, waiting and watching for the Baron's reaction, for any sign of his disbelief or condemnation. He knew his explanation hadn't been eloquent in the least, but it had covered the pertinent basics, everything Vladimir should know in order to make an informed decision-either he'd want Jasper to leave now, or he may want more details. It was hard to guess which way it would go, even with what he already knew about Vladimir.
It wasn't all too surprising of news that Jasper had some sort of telepathically calming influence. The pet was a pretty loud beacon, and, he'd been aware of his own inexplicable pleasure in the man's company. This influence did seem to be causing an inclination towards honesty with him, but, he wasn't actually doing anything that he didn't want to. If anything, this influence was actually very helpful, as a relaxed mood did lead to better decisions most of the time. And thus far, things were not going badly in his opinion. Jasper hadn't run off yet.
And whatever he was, it was already clear that he didn't seem to be plotting malevolently at Vladimir. So, Vladimir didn't feel angry, and rather, interested in exactly what Jasper was, and how he accomplished this useful skill. He could not miss the added hesitation marked by Jasper returning to the sofa- that he felt this was very important was evident. With Jasper's lapse of memory he was able to notice the obvious markers of his lack of humanity, or what Jasper perceived as one. The lack of breathing was fascinating.
Vladimir's culture did remember a great deal of ancient legends, but very little thought was given to most of them. So vampires weren't alien, but, things like vampires weren't of much interest or sensation to a civilization that did have the walking dead living amongst it, ghola. They weren't the same as vampires, but, this sort of thing did tend to take a great deal of the fear element from the concept of 'undeath'. Only superstitious people like Fremen were frightened of ghola for that reason. It was understandable why some people would fear some ghola, especially twisted mentat assassins. If they decided you were going to be dead, you'd be dead. Vladimir had never seen this as a reason to be afraid of Piter, however. It was just a reason to know Piter better than he knew himself. And Jasper did not appear to be twisted like Piter, and so even if he did happen to prey on humans, it wouldn't be particularly disturbing. It was just the right of a successful predator.
He listened to Jasper's confession receptively, showing no fear at all, only curiosity. When Jasper began to explain how he didn't feed off humans, probably to try and reassure him, he actually felt a sudden compassion for him. This lovely creature had apparently been convinced that there was something wrong with what he was, and felt he needed to tack on these reassurances despite the fact that he'd already had plenty of chances to attack him had he desired to.
"Unless I'm completely confused, and I do not believe I am, vampires are a myth of ancient times involving the living dead, who were said to feed on the blood of the living. And, I've seen enough here to realize you're telling the truth, although, that would be evident with or without the magic school." He was ice cold and not breathing, after all. "Did you think that this would make me angry, Jasper? I am not sure why it would. In the future, the 'living dead' are relatively commonplace, although I am not aware of any who have to drink blood." The operative phrase for Piter was 'have to'. It didn't mean he wouldn't, and probably did when he got the chance.
"I expect that this is something you would prefer that I keep to myself, and I will. As I do see how some could perceive it as a problem, and make things unpleasant for you, and, we cannot be having that." He only showed a sign of actual dismay when he recalled one of the details about the old children's stories, that might have frightened a Fremen, but not any Imperial noble. "Does this mean that you can't go out in the sunlight, then?" He did hope this would prove to be false, as, the idea of Jasper being instantly destroyed by a little ray of sunlight was upsetting.
"In the world I come from, there's a powerful organisation of other vampires like myself, tasked with enforcing the one law we're all expected to abide by. And that's to never reveal what we are to humans, upon penalty of death for all parties involved. Their reach doesn't yet extend to the wizarding world, but some caution couldn't hurt, and I do truly appreciate it."
Again he couldn't help but marvel at how well the Baron was taking this information. Jasper would certainly be capable of sensing any deception where emotions were concerned, but there was none. There seemed only to be curiosity, understanding. Even compassion, which seemed almost to reverberate as a palpable substance to his spice-enhanced senses. He would have a difficult time putting into words how something incorporeal could have such a marked taste and texture to him.
"Direct sunlight reveals us for what we are, but does no physical damage at all," he explained, reminded of his embarrassing slip up with A in his garden. He masked his discomfort easily enough. "Garlic, religious artifacts, blessed water, rice, stakes through the heart are all likewise useless against my kind. There's little in this world that can even pierce our hard skin, much less our hearts. We have no traditional weaknesses. Save one, perhaps."
It was there that he finally looked away from Vladimir, crossing his arms over his chest, seeming almost to withdraw into himself. It was a gesture more suited to someone like A, and was at odds with how Jasper usually presented himself; there were shades of insecurity. "The smell of human blood," he said, elaborating. "Most other vampires don't perceive it as a weakness, but I do. If it's too strong..." He set his jaw. "I'm not known for my self control," he muttered. "It's a large part of why I behaved-very strangely-when we met. It's difficult," he said, determinedly not looking at the Baron, "to be even this close to you. The smell of your blood... It's unusual. More appealing to me than human blood normally is." He risked a brief glance toward the Baron, wondering how he'd react to being told that he was indeed an almost irresistible temptation, just not in any way he'd probably hoped for. "I did expect you to be far more upset about all of this. Though I'd never consciously try to harm you, I've put you at considerable risk simply by being here."
Vladimir listened quietly to the lovely young dead man, which he did realize was much more dead than a ghola, which were technically 'alive' as any typical human. Due to this, and other weirdnesses of the Imperium like facedancers and Navigators, Jasper remained within the realm of normality to Vladimir, just, better, apparently. He wondered how old Jasper was, although, considering the packaging it didn't matter that much. But being older than he appeared could explain a portion of why the Baron felt so compelled towards his intellect.
He felt a growing interest and affection as Jasper explained further, and was relieved to know that he wasn't as destructible as the children's stories might have such a creature appear. That would have been terribly inconvenient. The thing that was fascinating him most was that although Jasper had claimed he wasn't human any more, he was behaving in such a remarkably human manner and apparently not noticing it.
The Baron was not offended by Jasper's admission that his blood was exceptionally appealing- in fact, it was unusually flattering in some bizarre way. Surely it was a compliment of some sort, as Jasper must get some pleasure out of being near him, or he wouldn't have come. The greater compliment was that he came despite considering this temptation a weakness, so obviously Jasper did want to interact with him. Considering it a weakness seemed silly, as it would be strengthening to develop such a discipline, but it was very human. When Jasper glanced back at Vladimir, he was apparently relaxed, and had a strangely warm and compassionate smile that someone of another time and temperament wouldn't be likely to wear when faced with a specimen of the blood-drinking undead. Vladimir found his insecurity strangely touching, and hoped he could console him somehow.
The only sense in which he wasn't relaxed was that increase of Jasper's magnetism. Vladimir knew he was dangerous, but, he wasn't worried about the physical danger. Attachment was far more worrying. Jasper's admission had gone and brought the two to a more similar level, enhancing the potential of actual friendship with another intelligent creature. Vladimir was rather strange about this himself, in light of his profession. Perhaps they weren't predators in the same sense, but, Vladimir was still a predatory being, and, knew very well that his own death toll was probably a thousand times Jasper's or more. Just, he used delegation- his most frequent deathstroke was merely a pen to paper. Empires lived on blood.
"You don't have to continue to reassure me, Jasper- I'm aware that you do not wish to harm me, your actions reveal that. But I'm pleased you've told me this, as, it is important to consider if say, we were to take an afternoon walk in the city. But I do believe that you underestimate yourself." He shifted his bulk on the sofa to bring himself closer to Jasper, as if to emphasize that he wasn't concerned about Jasper's deadly capabilities. "You say that you're not human, but, according my culture, you're exceptionally human. You've already said so, and are displaying it right now. As the human race evolved, it appears the definition of human has became more refined- a man can bear a human shape, and still be an animal. The difference is in the ability to act against instinct and to confront situations in a rational manner. According to Imperial standards, you have probably killed more animals than humans, regardless of shape, if it is a consolation. So do forgive me if I must consider you human, and, that this news doesn't make me want to toss you out of the room. I don't think that's what you want me to do anyway, or I don't think you'd be here." Vladimir's smile lingered, and he hoped that Jasper would realize that he liked him very much, regardless of blood-drinking tendencies.
"You're not afraid," he said quietly, and it wasn't quite a question, though he did sound uncertain. "I can tell. Some of us have extra... abilities," he explained as he regarded the Baron curiously, "traits which I believe in most cases already existed when we were human-alive, and becoming a vampire magnifies them. I am an empath, as you've probably already guessed." Perhaps ironically, that utter lack of fear in the Baron, of discomfort, of anything but those pleasant emotions, was close to unnerving Jasper. Bella displayed a similar lack of fear around him and his family, but, then, she also happened to be in love with one of them, so naturally she'd be biased. Foolishly so, sometimes, but that was love for you. It was seldom very logical.
The Baron had no such emotional attachment to him that should cause him to behave so illogically. His equanimity in the face of learning the truth about Jasper still largely baffled and amazed the vampire.
He did seem heartened by Vladimir insisting that he was very much human, since it sounded like Vladimir's culture possibly defined 'people' by their humanity. Something he'd struggled to reclaim and hold onto after half a century of living as little more than an animal able to follow and carry out orders. "I'm not always capable of acting against my instincts," he admitted, slowly looking away from the Baron to focus on some point on the wall across from him-making an effort not to duck his head in shame, at least, as he really wanted to. "Nor am I always able to behave rationally. But I do try. I try very hard."
He knew trying wasn't really enough, but it was all he could do. He still hoped there would come a day when it didn't have to be such a conscientious effort, that he could one day enjoy being around humans like Alice and Edward did-or at least better tolerate it, without the constant undercurrent of bloodlust that always, always plagued him. Would he never become desensitised to the smell of human blood?
"No, I don't want you to tell me to leave," he agreed, smiling despite himself. "But I would understand and wouldn't hold it against you if you did kick me out. You've been far more accepting and kind about this than I really deserve." It was clear he did appreciate it, despite struggling to come to terms with Vladimir not fearing what he was. Some of his prior somberness returned as he relaxed somewhat, uncrossing his arms and staring down at his hands in his lap. "But accidents happen." He idly traced a collection of old scars on one of his wrists with his fingers, frowning. "All it would take is you getting a small cut when near me. A pinprick, a papercut. Something seemingly insignificant. And I... know from experience I wouldn't be able to stop myself." It was incredibly gruesome to even think about, but it was also the reality of what he was. Vladimir certainly deserved fair warning, especially if he wasn't going to rescind his offer to let Jasper play personal assistant.
He leaned against the arm of the couch as he spoke to enchanting young vampire, who probably didn't need to be bothering with his empathic abilities on him- if it had been necessary, he might have felt somewhat upset by it. As it is, Jasper just helped him think better, aside from that irritating emotional pull that was far more dangerous than a vampire. At least it was becoming more explainable. Jasper appeared to expect about as much acceptance in 'normal' society as Vladimir would. Only, he still had some conscience about his far more literally predatory nature. Consciences were a liability in the Imperium.
"Now, I'll admit this little revelation is somewhat surprising, as it wasn't exactly what I'd expected. But again, that's another of those commonplace things. Surprises aren't surprising, they happen all the time, this one's just very unique. It's merely new facts to go on, Jasper, and I do appreciate that you told me. But, I do think you underestimate yourself. Although it's better than overestimation, it's always when people believe they are invincible that that knife comes flashing out of the shadows."
He continued, calmly, explaining, "Everyone's capable of being dangerous, but many are just not aware of it. You know you're dangerous, and put your mind into honing your discipline. I think that many from my time would react to you without fear, Jasper, and rather accept and respect the fact for what it is. In my day, there are quite a few humans who are equally deadly- mentat assassins, for example. Every Great House requires one, because they all have them- you know how the cycle goes, you served a military role." He eyed the scars at Jasper's wrist curiously for a moment, presuming them relics of some aspect of this. "I can't say I find you any more frightening than my mentat, but you're far more pleasant."
Considering no one could be killed at Hogwarts anyway, it seemed like it was rather unnecessary to make it a major point at all, but, Vladimir sensed that this issue went deeper than any simple concern about killing people on Jasper's part. He felt that strange emotion again, that tug of compassion. Again he smiled at Jasper, hoping he might feel somewhat more comfortable. His distress was actually rather upsetting, as, he was far too lovely to be feeling that way. "As for what you deserve, well, I do believe that in this circumstance, that's my decision, yes? You'll just have to forgive me if I think you're only worthy of my gratitude for such exceptional company, and for being honest with me. I'll just have to avoid papercuts, apparently, so that I don't cause you any undue angst."
Even in a worst case scenario, there was that magic, and Vladimir did have a very abundant amount of blood, so he figured it would work out somehow. But, given Jasper's distress and temperament, he thought any overly troublesome incidents to be unlikely anyway. He'd probably be far less dangerous than someone of his unique nature who was entirely confident with it- he had focus.
"I'm not too worried about inadvertently killing you... You wouldn't die, not here. For which I'm very grateful." By the same token, Vladimir-and any other potential victims-also wouldn't become vampires, thankfully, since dying was an integral part of the process. It was only a small consolation at the moment. "But you might wish to," he murmured solemnly, shaking his head as he looked at the Baron. "The venom is like a debilitating poison, burning you alive from the inside for days on end. It's in every vampire's bite." And vampires like Jasper didn't possess elongated fangs. Their bites were anything but elegant or neat. "It's also the only thing that can scar us."
The proof of which was evident all over his body in the form of bite marks, even on the areas not usually concealed by clothing: above his eyes, disappearing into his hairline, thick all across his throat, the backs of his hands, his wrists. They were concentrated in areas the newborn vampires he'd fought and killed had erroneously considered weak points-places with arteries. But vampires did not bleed. Not blood, anyway. These scars were normally invisible to dim human sight, but with the way Vladimir had glanced at his hands, he wondered if the spice possibly allowed him to see. If it did, the man had given no indication of being repulsed, which was fairly surprising.
This was all becoming quite morbid, and he figured it best not to dwell on the what ifs. He did think Vladimir shouldn't trust him, but he'd been adequately warned by this point. He was free to react however he chose to. If things ever got to the point where he thought Vladimir wasn't being cautious enough, Jasper could of course force him to be afraid for both their sakes (a trick he often had to employ back home, to keep people away from him), but he did hope it never reached that point. He just couldn't be sure. Vladimir seemed to genuinely like him in a way he'd obviously never anticipated-in a way perhaps neither of them had anticipated; the truth had not driven Vladimir away, but had seemed almost to draw him in...
"Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you don't fear me, and I don't mean to seem like I want you to. I'm just unaccustomed to it." To say the least. Especially with a human. "This will take some getting used to," he admitted with a wry smile, and couldn't help a slightly dour chuckle at the comment about undue angst. It certainly wouldn't be amusing if Vladimir ever experienced any of what Jasper had described to him, but with the proper precautions on both their parts and why does that sound like safe sex?, he'd ideally never have to.
It was strange, how charismatic Vladimir himself was. He made Jasper feel both reassured and confident that nothing would go amiss; Jasper was also noticeably more at ease, enough to even lightly tease: "When we first met, if you'd have leant any closer I'm afraid I might have tried to eat you. I was thinking about it. I'm sure you noticed." He was still smiling, but sobered somewhat as he asked, "What is a mentat? Besides the obvious-someone employed to kill others. Or are they not all assassins?"
Vladimir found it interesting that the body of a vampire was modified to produce toxins. He was surprised he'd never heard of Tleilaxu trying that, as it would become all the rage in the Imperium. The Imperium was a bit obsessed with its poisons, to the point where noble houses had overhead poison snoopers mounted everywhere because it was a necessity. He wondered if Jasper would produce a positive result on his portable snooper, but felt this was one of those questions best left for another day. As was the question about what exactly it does, how it does it, and what it feels like.
"It appears the old stories are very inaccurate, and the truth's more intriguing. But you'll still have to put up with me thinking of you as a very remarkable human, Jasper, as, I still can't figure out a reason why you wouldn't qualify. I don't think that being dead makes one bit of difference in this instance." He smiled at Jasper with more affection that he'd usually spare for anyone. His spice-altered vision yielded a few more glimpses of Jasper's scarring, subtle patterns appearing as if glimpsed in the right light. It wasn't ugly or repulsive- it was a token of experience, enhancing Vladimir's intellectual attraction. Jasper might bear the form of a perfect young man, but the strange scars suggested he'd seen action beyond his age. It really was a damnably perfect package, and Vladimir too realized that this could take some getting used to. Simple lust was easy. He wasn't sure what this was at all, but it wasn't a matter he was experienced with. 'Making friends' hadn't been on the political agenda.
But here, he didn't have a real agenda. It was all going to be a game to some degree, even if he did manage to teach a few useful things if fortunate enough to find a position. The only thing that there was any actual point to here was attempting to get some sort of pleasure out of the experience. Whatever this was, it was pleasurable, if bizarre and slightly uncomfortable due to strangeness. It wasn't that Jasper was the walking dead. It was that he could feel such a bizarre empathy for his situation. Although ruling a Great House required exceptional exercise in behaving like a human, it didn't much encourage living like one. They were both inexperienced in this arena. "It shall take a little getting used to for myself, as, well. I'm not used to having the opportunity to enjoy the company of somebody else simply because I do. And I do feel certain that we'll manage despite your little uniqueness."
He had to smile and even color slightly at Jasper's little jest, delivered as it was. He was pleased to see Jasper seeming to feel somewhat better, and it did sound as if vampires must get a great deal of enjoyment out of their meals, if they were so hard to resist. And apparently he was good enough to not want to 'eat' despite an above-average desire to. This seemed like a component that might assist in preventing any accidents. He'd love to have Jasper too, in his much less destructive way. But if there was a chance he wouldn't be around anymore afterward, he'd have been discouraged from the idea. Vladimir figured this worked both ways, somehow. He replied in the same light tone, "So that's what that was. No wonder you reminded me of a laza tiger. That and the eyes." He was slightly embarrassed to find himself flirting rather openly and very deliberately focused on the mentat question.
He tried to summarize mentats in a way Jasper would be likely to understand. "Mentat is a mental school, and the title of those who specialize in it. In the Imperium, we have a prohibition against thinking machines, due to a past revolt. The easiest way to describe a mentat is as a person trained to think like a thinking machine. They can perform equations and organize facts at the same or perhaps a superior rate. Only individuals of pre-inclined physiology are able to become full mentats, typically with the aid of the drug sappho. The mentat assassin is a further specialization- every Great House has a master of assassins, and, if they can afford it, this is a mentat assassin."
The tiger comment made him laugh, a genuinely amused sound with no edge of mockery to it. He didn't want to embarrass the Baron further, even though that hint of blood moving closer to the surface of his skin did smell quite appealing. "A tiger? So they still exist in the distant future you're from? I'd have thought mankind would have forced them into extinction by then. Statistically speaking, three species of plants and animals go extinct on Earth every hour as things stand now." He caught himself before he rambled on about things Vladimir would probably find tedious. He did have to wonder if vampires (still?) existed in Vladimir's time and universe, and if they simply kept very low profiles so no one was aware of their existence. Perhaps out of fear. Being exterminated and/or exploited by the human governments of the present day was a valid concern for vampires like Jasper. From the sounds of it, the exploitation possibilities would only rise in the future, assuming he and the Baron were from the same world, just at different points in time.
He had the sudden urge to ask Vladimir to look him up in the future when and if he ever returned there. Short of being killed or possibly dying of ennui like some ancient vampires seemed to, it was quite likely Jasper would survive into Vladimir's time. And what an interesting reunion that would be.
"The gold colour is from feeding on animal blood," he said by way of explanation about his eyes. "If I were to ingest human blood, they'd become more of a bright burgundy. It's usually harder to blend in then. In the world I'm from, I mean." Not that sparklepires ever truly blended in anywhere, even at Hogwarts, but still. "You also might recognise my wife and brother by their eyes, if you ever run into either here," he added with a smile. All the same shade of gold, which he'd as of yet not encountered in anyone else at Hogwarts. Jasper's eyes were generally just lighter than his wife's and brother's due to more frequent feeding. Since their eye colours apparently doubled as fuel gauges.
The Baron meeting Edward was a scary thought.
"When you say thinking machines, do you mean computers? Or more advanced things like sentient robots, androids, something possessing artificial intelligence?" He couldn't help thinking mentats did sound remarkably similar to vampires of his sort, just much more specialised. It seemed plausible any vampires in the future could be exploited for exactly that kind of service, particularly if they'd also be expected to be masterful assassins. The 'pay' could be the blood of their victims... He rubbed the back of his neck. That thought hit a little too close to home. "Mentats sound interesting. Strange coincidence that you compared me to yours-they do kind of sound like vampires, intellectually, to me. We all seem to develop an intelligence much greater than-" That of humans, he'd wanted to say, but rephrased without missing a beat: "What we possessed when we were alive. An almost innate understanding of things. It's hard to describe. We learn very easily, very fast. Those who choose to, anyway. What was your mentat like? What did he do for you? If you don't mind my asking."
He agreed- Jasper was not like 'other humanoids' here, he was special. Not because of what he was. What seemed more intriguing was who he was. What he was played in, but, he'd have still been intriguing even if he was not a legendary 'monster'. He may have had unusual talents, but it wasn't these that had Vladimir's heart pounding faster whenever that smile appeared. It was just so unusual and invigorating to have someone appearing to truly enjoy his company.
He listened to Jasper's explanation about his eyes with interest, finding his (which were a bit odd, being black, but still in the realm of human potential) drawn to Jasper's, wondering just what they'd look like in burgundy. Surely it would look quite striking, especially against that porcelain skin. So distracted was he for a moment that he almost didn't register the mention of a wife. Almost. It pleased him that Jasper did not linger on the subject. The topic was one that irritated him oddly. It wasn't jealousy. Why be jealous of a wife?
Vladimir's culture was a patriarchy. Wives were property and for politics. Concubines were for affection. The band Jasper wore, almost like a noble insignia, made him wonder if he'd married into the vampire equivalent of a noble family. That thought got him reflecting on the Imperium. Vladimir's culture only appeared to be a patriarchy. In reality, the Bene Gesserit sisterhood were a power in the Imperium, and they had their hands in each and every noble House. But Harkonnen, while Vladimir could do anything about it. He'd avoided the wives, he'd avoided the concubines, not hard with his inclinations- but the political pressure was a challenge. Still, he held up. So they used guile to get what they wanted. They'd got him once, damnit, they did their things to him, she made him do what she wanted, he didn't want to, he couldn't, not if they hadn't used whatever that thing they did was. He could only hope that they got nothing. . .
Vladimir forced himself off the topic before the rage and humiliation, due to horrible flashbacks of evil Bene Gesserit date rape, grew strong. He didn't want to upset Jasper, as he might not enjoy those feelings much. Fortunately, it was not hard to push them away, as Jasper was so distracting- he seemed so genuinely interested in speaking with him, and hearing the answers to questions. An unanticipated surge of actual gratitude welled up in him, brushing aside the unpleasant emotions. This one was so alien he couldn't get rid of it. Jasper made him feel like he was still himself, still someone, rather than the nobody that he technically was, here.
"I don't know if laza tigers are the same as Earth tigers- I'd have to see one." He couldn't resist a slightly playful smile at Jasper as he added, "The real ones, that is." He considered more seriously, thinking about the amount of familiarity there was here. "I think we've preserved a decent amount. Most of the native plants and animals here aren't that strange, some are identical to ours, others similar." He wasn't sure how this was managed, but, it probably had something to do with the overall size of the Imperium. They could afford to devastate some planets, as, there were others, and they could just move things there, and did. "I think it's an issue of scale. I expect parts of this world are used for industry? We select planets instead."
"Computers were a type of thinking machine, but I speak of artificial intelligence. We moved to the mentats because they still possess emotion. And I do believe you'd have the mental inclinations to the training- although you might find it a bit dull." He smiled at Jasper. He could think of so many better things for him to do. Like giving him more massages. "Hrm. . .how to explain Piter. As to what he was like- distasteful. And what he did for me- drove me crazy." He smirked. "I was not fond of him. With distance, I realize just how much I didn't like him. Piter was a very good mentat assassin, which means abhorrent. I'm sure you'd be a better 'assistant'." He said this lightly- it was evident he meant friend or companion.
Even as brief and mild as it was, Jasper caught that flicker of vague irritation from Vladimir at the mention of Alice and Edward, and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. This gave him a sort of focused curious look, rather than being an expression of suspicion, which was very deliberate. He'd learnt to keep his own real emotions from showing when it was necessary to-as it so often was when attending human schools, and being in a constant state of pain due to his thirst. Staring at his teachers and 'peers' as though he'd like nothing more than to leap over his desk and eat them on the spot was never received well. Except in the case of the teachers being older women, who seemed to find that unsettling vampiric nature of Jasper's flattering.
He could guess that the Baron was becoming lost in his own thoughts simply by the very subtle shifting of emotion, then the more alarming change his anger brought, but had no way of knowing what those thoughts might be. Perhaps the Baron was also married, and wasn't particularly fond of his wife the way Jasper was of his. But, then, any marriage the Baron might be involved in would presumably be of the political variety, since he was a planetary ruler from a seemingly almost medieval future. The inexplicable gratitude caused Jasper to smile as one would at a verbal or physical cue-something he didn't normally do, since it gave him away so blatantly. But he was allowing himself that much, with Vladimir, since he knew the truth about him now. Emotions were fair game and Vladimir would do well to remember that.
He nodded thoughtfully to Vladimir's comment about tigers. "I could probably transfigure something in here to be an Earth tiger-and there's actually a few varieties of them-but," he paused as he glanced around the room, "it would be better to do it elsewhere, sometime. I wouldn't want it destroying your room." And he also wouldn't want to accidentally injure it if he had to restrain it.
"More of this planet is becoming industrialised each year. Mankind's really done a number on it. It's on a steady decline... slowly dying." Which was why it hadn't surprised him to find out multiple planets had been colonised in the future the Baron was from. He was sure he'd see the pressing need for it arise in his own lifetime.
"I am flattered you don't find me similar to your mentat, then," he said seriously, deciding it may be best not to inquire further about Piter at this point. "But I am still willing to help you in whatever capacity, if you'd like me to." He chuckled quietly. It sounded a little forced. "Not killing people for you, of course. Too much blood on my hands already. But you know what I mean." And it couldn't hurt to make his meaning clear. The raptor was by then stirring, likely sensing Jasper's faint but growing restlessness. It had little to do with their conversation, and everything to do with the smell of the Baron's blood. It would be better for both of them if Jasper excused himself to get some fresh air soon. He gradually sat up from his slouch against the cushions, giving the raptor a fond pat on the snout as he also sat up, already alert despite his prior unconsciousness.
It didn't escape Vladimir that his flash of anger seemed to cause a shift in Jasper, but he was pleased when its fading reversed it, that too-lovely smile appearing again. The Baron supposed sensitivity to emotions was a frequently frustrating thing- he wouldn't want to be assaulted with feelings all the time, unless they were pleasant ones to experience. He realized he'd have to make an effort to manifest positive emotions as much as possible around Jasper. At least it would be easy. That smile was enchanting, and Vladimir found he didn't want Jasper to suffer.
He did like Jasper's idea about transfigured tigers. That would be interesting to see, and a good excuse to spend an afternoon outside with him. . .well, probably an evening, given Jasper's remarkable trait. The subject of animals caused him to wonder if Jasper might want to accompany him on an owl-buying excursion, which presumably would involve a trip to Diagon Alley.
"I'd agree it's better not to transfigure the furniture- it seems like something for out-of-doors. But, I would like to see that, and perhaps we could venture out to the grounds some evening, although probably best we don't transfigure anything in A's garden, either." A worked hard on it, and, it would be a shame to ruin his efforts. He supported the cooking at Hogwarts with his spices, and so they seemed very important to Vladimir. "The air here's remarkably good, it apparently hasn't been put through as much as some worlds. Giedi Prime, the world I am from, is not good for sightseeing. Unless you like volcanoes, as we do have some very impressive ones. According to our histories, it did have more greenery at some point, but, never in my lifetime. We deal in industrial materials there, metals, oil, fabrication. It's a good world for that. Lankiveil, another holding, is in better shape, mostly water, but very cold." So cold the whales had fur, which happened to be a luxury commodity in the Imperium.
The fact that Jasper didn't seem to want to hear more about Piter came as a relief-. Separation from Piter was one part of his anomalous exile he couldn't regret. The only part he missed was his mentat services. Jasper really did seem better for such, here. He didn't need assassinations or incredibly complex equations run (both of which he could probably do well anyway), he just needed someone to listen to his thoughts, correct the mistakes, and to help polish his ideas. Which probably wouldn't be important here, but, he intended to treat the professor idea seriously anyway.
Vladimir couldn't help but have a flush of excitement that he quickly tried to tame at Jasper's confirming he was willing to help in 'whatever capacity'. It couldn't mean what he hoped, he was sure, but he still enjoyed the possibly unintentional innuendo. Although he hadn't missed that Jasper would probably make a brilliant assassin, that wasn't what Vlad wanted from him, so it was very easy to give Jasper an affectionate smile, and to reply lightly, "Yes, of course- I fear my requests would be far more dull." He still wasn't sure why the hell it was so easy to feel affection for Jasper. "I expect I'll just need you to come by to chat with me, perhaps every couple evenings? I certainly can't go taking all of yours." Just as many as he could manage, of course, being naturally inclined to possessiveness even when he did have the best of intentions. "And I'm sure that I'll want more of those truly remarkable massages. It really has done wonders." He noticed the raptor stirring, and Jasper looking a bit restless, and realized how much time had passed, suddenly noticing his own weariness.
"I believe it's time for bed- I hope I've not kept you too long. It's been the most pleasant evening I've had thus far at Hogwarts, and, I do appreciate it." His smile lingered as he meant this, and he added half-jestingly, "Of course, if you wanted to stay, you'd be welcome, but, I think you and your pet would find it boring." He really might have felt slightly better to have a vampire and a carnivorous dinosaur nearby while he slept- it was kind of like guards.
Vladimir's excitement, even as quickly tamped down as it had been, was still enough to have Jasper grinning slightly. He couldn't help his amusement-and continued astonishment at Vladimir's apparently genuine enjoyment of his company. It was... unexpected.
"Forgive me if I seem rude," he said, his smile turning a little awkward. He clearly wasn't used to explaining this to anyone; normally he'd just leave, with or without offering excuses. "But I'm afraid I'll be behaving even more rudely if I stay very much longer." The Baron should be able to guess why, so would hopefully understand. And if he chose to take any of it as innuendo, well, he was free to.
"And I don't sleep," he replied in a similarly jesting tone, though what he said was true. More accurately, he couldn't sleep. And he did rather miss the ability to dream, but wasn't sure he'd want to experience dreaming after everything he'd done in his unlife. "But thank you for the offer all the same. And especially for inviting me over-I've enjoyed our conversation." He stood, nodding politely to Vladimir before ushering the raptor toward the door. "I'll come by every so often," he said over his shoulder, "just send a note when you feel like chatting, if you don't mind, so I can be sure I'm never interrupting anything." The combination of spice, the almost overpowering scent of blood, and Vladimir's emotions still had him feeling vaguely intoxicated, and he smiled to himself as he added, "A jealous vampire is not a pretty sight..." He was hardly serious, of course, but figured the Baron would appreciate the sentiment. Just the right touch of possessiveness could be flattering.
And then came that almost painfully charming smile of slight awkwardness. It added just the right touch to his apology, and so of course the Baron did interpret it as an exceptionally delightful bit of innuendo. Jasper really was a gem, and was swiftly securing a firm position of favorite in the Baron's mind- it was difficult to imagine anyone could be more entrancing. Needless to say, the Baron was finding himself unusually happy, the emotion unfamiliar, as the Imperium didn't give that many chances for it, but, still pleasureable. And here, it didn't seem such a risk. Without the political games of the Imperium, Vladimir was finding that the environment would allow for a much wider range of behavior. Which could possibly include some level of affection for someone? It was a good enough rationale, at least- Jasper really was far too lovely for it to require too much.
He of course didn't expect Jasper to be staying the night, and so didn't experience anything but a small twinge of disappointment, easily brushed away by Jasper's easy concession to visit him whenever. And entirely eliminated by by Jasper's little statement about interruptions and jealousy. Vladimir certainly did appreciate the sentiment, and probably appeared to literally radiate his pleasure at it, to Jasper's empathic senses. Oh, what a gem indeed.
Vladimir smiled fondly at the departing vampire, and suddenly remembered something that he thought Jasper should be aware of. He really didn't want his new favorite harassed by what he was beginning to worry was some sort of stalker. "Oh, and do be warned, Jasper, there's been this. . . well, he's a raving albino with a sword, and, he's been lurking in my hallway sometimes. I've found that if you you ignore him, he eventually stops hollering." He sounded apologetic, and was, as he was pretty sure that it was specifically him that the albino was stalking on the occasions he was in the corridor. "However, I'm sure you'd be more than a match for him. I'll send you a note very soon- thank you for a lovely evening." His affectionate smile lingered, and the sentiment carried into his words- he really did think that Jasper could deal with the albino fine. Which was saying something- the albino had managed to concern Vladimir somewhat, which wasn't easy. Respect. . . that was one of the strangest parts of this unfamiliar feeling that he seemed to be unavoidably cultivating for Jasper.
Of course, this respect didn't prevent him from only halfheartedly practicing a few spells after Jasper left, and he was unable to really focus on that particular subject for long before floating off to the bedroom, where he found himself seriously resenting Hogwarts' lack of decent slaves. He wasn't supposed to have to manage this himself, but under the circumstances, there wasn't really an alternative.
((At least Jasper was well away from his room by then. XD I figured it was time to close this one, lest we find a way to make it stretch even further. *g* It's been way too fun.))
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