Open RP-Great Hall

Mar 22, 2009 11:45

After his sorting Ginko had stayed inside Hogwarts for three days. He found himself a room and familiarized himself with ways to the Great Hall and Library, then he took his wooden case and traveled outside of Hogwarts. He quietly observed the differences and similarities in how people behave and what kind of world this future setting is compared to where he's from. He didn't stick out much in the crowds, and perhaps even less than he would back in his time. What he found most surprising was the cities where people were abundant, but there was a lack of mushi. He had worried about starving mushi having to feed off of the people in cities with its lack of flora, but other than the cultural differences nothing seemed odd. Ginko saw mushi out in the country though, so he made sure not to stay in the cities too long so that they may remain safe.

When Ginko returns to Hogwarts he notices a few mushi in the forest, but they are harmless to humans so he passes them without remark. He hasn't been at Hogwarts long enough for there to be any worries yet, but he'll warn the other residents if more start coming in. After eating in the Great Hall he sits at his table with his eyelids closed, but anyone can disturb him if they want to.

vislor turlough, sanada yukimura, rp, lezard valeth, ginko, teru mikami

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