Bored Meme

Mar 04, 2009 22:46

I'm waiting for a print job to finish, so here I am dinking around. Where did you get the idea for your characters' user names? Are they witty, or just the first thing you could think of?

dinosaurman comes from JP3, where Ellie's kid keeps calling Grant the Dinosaur Man. Eventually, Grant calls himself that so that the kid will recognize him over the phone.
damien_thorn I figured that not many people would be familiar with Damien.
bone_not_rock I screwed this one up. In the movie, Billy says that the fossil is technically rock, not bone. If pressed, I'll claim that it's actually a sneaky reference to human frailty.
fields_4ever Strawberry Fields Forever. Creative, I know.
3rd_retirement I'm not sure if this one is accurate, because death might have been Mathis' second retirement, not third.
blond_bondshell I actually apped James Bond just for that username. Just to make it clear which Bond it is.
ah_aha Tenel Ka says this about once or twice per conversation, and it looks better than "thisisafact"
hot_german Dieter is hot and German. What more do you need?
tako_time is a play on words of an Oregon-grown Mexican fast-food chain, Taco Time.
invisiblemadman is the only thing I could think of after finding out that any variation of "nowyoudont" was taken.


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