gifts from Simon (backdated to Xmas)

Dec 28, 2008 23:21

(( sorry, the mun has been traveling ))

Simon had already sent Billy his gift, though the other items remained to be sent. The house elves proved to be obliging couriers.

for River: a blank journal which he thinks she will like. It reminds him of Inara.

for Miles, a circular chess set, with a card that says "In case you get tired of playing Battleship. Merry Christmas - Simon">

Simon hadn't gotten to know Ian or Tesla particularly well yet thanks to Simon's mun's tendency to slack, but he considered the fellow worth a Christmas card at the least. Hopefully they'd get to know one another better. As such, there was sent to each of them a Christmas card with stylized reindeer on the front. Since it was a wizarding card, the reindeer were running across a field, in perpetual motion, as though running in place while the field moved behind them. Inside each card was a simple penned message "Happy holidays, from Simon Tam".

Also, a candy cane was scotch-taped to each card.

The kind of thing he'd have stuck in someone's mailbox at college, all told.

Simon agonized over what to send Chance, if anything. It was a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation. Finally he decided to send her a card similar to the one he'd sent Ian, complete with scotch-taped candy cane, and the message inside read "All best wishes. Simon". Nothing more.

For Brienne, there is a calendar of adorable kittens, because he suspects Brienne enjoys things that are soft and fuzzy more than she can let on.

For Kurama, a bottle stopper with a fox figurine ornament. The fox may or may not be a bad one. It may be a morally ambiguous fox. Who can say?

For A, a tie with a pattern of black cats.

For L, a gift assortment of sweets from Honeydukes.

chance silvey, ian malcolm, nikola tesla, simon tam, youko kurama, river tam, l, miles vorkosigan, brienne of tarth, a

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