[Open RP] Arcane Research

Oct 23, 2008 22:22

It's occurred to me that I should use this stay at Hogwarts to do more with my life than fuck around on the Hogwartsnet and pick on Beowulf, fun as those activities are. Which is why I'm at the library, flipping through a few books on elementary potion-making. Potions seems like a good place to start my magical learning, because it seems very scientific and less likely to involve woo-woo gifts I may not have. I am, after all, not the Chick, who would excel at this kind of thing.

I know there's a lab in Ravenclaw, because I've seen it when I go there sometimes for a drink. I could probably do a few independent experiments there.

But then I catch sight of a notation in one of the books about something called a polyjuice potion, which will enable the person taking it to assume another physical shape. While I've never been ashamed of the fact that I'm not what you call normal-looking, and in fact do like my dwarfish, misshapen body, it does have its quirks. I look about twenty years older than my 37 years, for instance, and my body feels it every time it rains, which is a lot in Scotland.

Anyway, polyjuice potion does seem like something to work up to. And some more detective work does reveal that I can probably find the book with the appropriate recipe in the Restricted Section.

The thing is, I don't even know if this place has a proper librarian, or if anyone would know if I've been in the Restricted Section. Not that I have a problem with breaking the rules if necessary, but I decide to seek guidance, and there's usually someone in the library. I decide to look for someone to ask and bide my time, flipping through the books I've already got spread out on the table in front of me.

charles foster ofdensen, provenza, rp, olympia binewski

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