Apparitions Class

Sep 26, 2008 01:41

((So class is open to anyone, but only the people who signed up are able to find empty desks. Everyone else can either stand in back to watch the debacle or drag chairs in from another room.))

Homestar spent most of the morning trying to remember what it was he was supposed to do that day. He knew it had to be very important, but since it wasn't Marzipan's birthday or their anniversary, it couldn't have been that important, right? So he ate breakfast in the Great Hall, wandered the grounds, went jogging, went jogging again...

Finally, a house elf caught up to him and politely reminded him that he was due in class. Five minutes of confused arguing later (Homestar was pretty sure Coach Z had the day off, or something; he'd never seen him there, so how could he have class that day?), he remember that he, Professor Homestar, was supposed to be teaching. He jogged into class about ten minutes late, and probably well after most of the gawkersstudents had arrived.

"Hello, class!" Homestar exclaimed, grinning his squarish grin. "I'm Proffesor Homestar, and this is Apparitions class. Please turn to page 29 in your books, and we will begin."

No, he had not told anyone what books to bring. He probably didn't know, himself.

"Now, apparitions are" and here, he adopted what he thought of as a spooky voice "scary, scary ghost things. Wooh..." Somehow, the lights in the classroom went dark just so Homestar could turn a flashlight on and off in front of his face a few times. Then, the lights were on and everything was back to normal. Or as normal as it could be around Homestar. "So, for your homework, please pair up and turn in a five million word essay on why Santa Claus could beat up the Terminator. Any questions?" He grinned again and looked around expectantly, content with a job well done.

Yes, that was the entire class. What did you expect? It's Homestar.

strong sad, charles foster ofdensen, luna lovegood, meg murry, homsar, sunflora, homestar runner, classes, soichiro yagami, vislor turlough, miles vorkosigan, chairman kaga, teru mikami, dwight schrute

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