Open RP: Mel with the worry-stick in the library

Aug 21, 2008 11:51

The fact they have saved the world really ought to be a cause for celebration. A party in the Great Hall or something. None of them got injured, since there was no big brawl between the forces of good and evil, nothing that would look especially awesome in an action movie, just an angel in hand-painted basketball boots entreating a Navajo girl to start the chain reaction of caring around humans. So her training was wasted, but her friends were kept safe, and that's what matters.

Except they've been secretive and whispery since they got back--kind of like how she was acting before she told them she had to save the world, actually, is this some sort of retribution?--and have swanned off together today, leaving Mel to look after the dog, absent kissyface, bye now darling.

Well, the dog is sleeping now in their room and there is absolutely nothing else to do. She's not hungry, she can't take anything for a walk, she's between books at the moment; she had planned to go off on a daytrip to Heaven at some point, but she's lumbered with canine and the fact that's where Brice and Lola went to. Yeah, they're entitled to home visits as well, but when there have been some they're generally not so enclosed. What's the cause of it? Mel knows the answer normally to 'My best friend and boyfriend are acting really weird and spending most of their time together; she's his ex, by the way, what's going on?' However, they're angels. Cheating doesn't happen.

So what the Hell could it be? Mel, alone in the library near the door with a look on her face like she's doing calculus, is Concerned. Worried, maybe. Sit down and talk it out with her; it might help.

mel beeby, zelgadiss graywords, nemi montoya, rp, octavian

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