Daisy had been wandering the castle since her tour with Professor Snape last week. It hadn't dawned on her that she had not seen dear Gatsby or Nick in almost two weeks and suddenly wondered where they were. It was a rather large school and it was easy to not see someone often. But even Gatsby would leave her to her own devices? It was very unlike
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Nick Carraway had been rather emo lately. Talking with his friend Claire had helped a little, but ultimately, Nick didn't derive much comfort from other people, even the most well-intentioned.
Gatsby. Daisy. Daisy and Gatsby. Whatever had gone on between the two of them now that Hogwarts had effected their reunion, Gatsby hadn't breathed a word of it to Nick. Nick felt sick at the stomach to think Gatsby might one day tell him. At the same time, the observer-narrator in him wanted to know.
Whatever had happened, Gatsby had absented himself from the room they shared in Hufflepuff -- Nick's room, where Gatsby had cheerfully made himself at home when they first arrived. Somewhere, somehow Gatsby had come into some more money (bootlegging? but no, Prohibition was over, and anyway this was Scotland), and he was using it to build a new mansion somewhere on the grounds. This much he'd told Nick. Presumably he was off overseeing the construction, feverishly driving the workers on, hoping to ready the place for his beloved.
Nick should have felt liberated. Instead he subsided into a deeper funk.
Out for a walk, forcing himself to get some sunshine, he caught sight of his cousin sunning herself on the lawn. It was the first time he'd seen her since -- well, since her Sorting, hadn't it been? And it'd be churlish not to stop and say hello. She looked like she was drowsing, but this was Daisy. He wouldn't be surprised if she were watching everything through slitted eyelids. He'd come in for some justified reproach if he snubbed her.
So he stopped and sat beside her. "Enjoying the weather?"
She doesn't stir from her position on the ground and keeps her eyes half-peeped open, squinted in the afternoon falling sun.
She sits up fully, resting on the palms of her hands held flat to the ground behind her. "What's your favorite subject here? I find Charms to be marvelous."
She laughs and shakes her head, looking back down at her open book of Potions. "Everything is a tad more interesting here than it ever was at any party back in New York, now, isn't it?"
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