[[This Walter is taken from about midway through Silent Hill 4, mainly because I go with a certain fan theory that Walter and the younger verson of Walter seen around the game split into two people after the attempt on victim 20/21, and I'm going to use both as one. Plus I wouldn't want to deal with what ending to pull him from had I taken him from
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"And what's THIS!?" Evan pointed to the Hufflepuff answer. "Are you, like, a creative writer or something? Oh gawd, spare me. Every guy I meet nowadays is a writer now. They're like the new bass player. Only they don't have to have any social skills, instead of just minimal social skills. So, ok, con crit? Interesting plot, but spoons are just not scary. Have you seen No Country for Old Men? Or as I like to call it, No Co Ol Mo? Like Yoko, but awesome. Anyways, that guy had this weird... cow thing. I think you should go with that." Evan pushed the paper away, his good deed for the day? Done.
"That's not creative writing, that's a note left behind from a now dead man," before I killed him. "As for the spoon, I was in jail at the time and needed to die. Prison isn't the best place to shop for weapons, you should know." Getting a soup spoon two inches into your own neck isn't as easy as it may sound.
"Ok, yeah, I get it. You're being all viral with your marketing. You probably hope that if you post it on enough billboards, it will drum up interest? Wow, you are so Colverfield right now." Evan bet Cloverfield washed its hair, at least. And oooh, JAIL. "Wentworth Miller does it better, honey. Miller does it better."
"Believe what you wish," because I don't know what you're talking about anymore. Cloverfield?
Evan stopped as something came to mind. "Oh my gawd, GUESS what I heard on the blogs? You're going to effing die. Again, evidently."
"I will die, hm. How so?" You're going to need my umbilical cord to actually accomplish that. Otherwise I'll just keep getting back up.
"Their couple name is 'Rohan,' B the W. Very geeky, but whatev. Hey! Did anyone ever tell you that you look like if Sean Bean and Kurt Cobain had a lovechild? Who's, like, sad about it?"
Evan then snapped his fingers. Take that!
Walter doesn't have a lot of experience with culture outside of what they taught him, so he doesn't really understand what Evan's talking about.
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