Lester followed the smell through the corridors until he, very disappointing, came to the small girl. He thought he would end up with a delicious bag of hearty popcorn, but instead he got braids and a rather content look.
"You don't look nearly as disgruntled or upset as you should be."
Lester laughed at the little girl. She was a strange one, indeed. He remembered Janie when she was that young and thought for a moment that they resembled each other.
"In this case, it means not screaming and crying that you're covered in thick buttery goop. That's what disgruntled means."
"You don't look nearly as disgruntled or upset as you should be."
"In this case, it means not screaming and crying that you're covered in thick buttery goop. That's what disgruntled means."
"Mother says screaming is for special occasions."
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